Workplace Pranksters Whose Jokes Deserve A Pay Raise (2024)

Candy Bar Sign Delivers a Sweet Message

In the battle of typical office monotony, humor might be the best weapon. That's exactly what these geniuses did at the office when they crafted a sign made out of candy bars. At the center of this sweet gesture was a coworker who never failed to sprinkle sugar on their work routines since he always passed out treats. Whether it's the Milky Way, or Reese's, each brand became a punny substitute for words.

The reaction here was instantaneous, and this was truly a great way to show appreciation to a coworker on his way toward retirement while pointing out the candy appreciation part.

The Office Keyboard Bandit Strikes Again

The usual office space is meant for a bit of mischief. One day, a keyboard thief decided to wreak a bit of alphabet havoc and devised a simple way to do so. With the stealth of a stealer, he darted between the office's desks, switching the 'M' and 'N' keys on everyone's keyboards. Once everyone else came in for the day, they were about to face an epidemic of misspelled emails.

We're assuming the 'N' and 'M' swap confusion rippled across the office in a series of laughs. Amongst routine work, lunch breaks, and buzzing laptops- the keyboard bandit strikes again.

A Coworker's Stick Figure Sticky Note Saga

A creative mind in this office scene found the perfect medium to express a bit of humor: sticky notes. With an array of colorful sticky notes and a marker, they crafted a charming, comedic cartoon strip to spark a bit of office motivation. It was strategically placed for the rest of the co-workers to see, narrating the tale of a stick-figured superhero trying to navigate the big old world of financial debt.

This saga is something that could even make a manager laugh, basically amusing everyone in the office. Next time you're job hunting, make sure there's someone as funny as this guy.

An Office Birthday That Went Royal Pink

During a typical day at the office, one coworker's birthday took an unexpectedly regal turn. Unknowingly to the birthday boy, his female coworker came up with a surprise that was hard to miss. He was greeted with an all-pink ensemble that was truly fit for a princess, complete with a want and a glittery birthday crown. His side of the office was basically transformed into a birthday kingdom- unexpectedly, to say the least.

His reaction in this photo, as he sits in his desk chair, is pretty priceless- and every single coworker is in for a great big laugh as they walk by.

When a Newbie Outsmarts the Veterans

In a classic initiation prank, some office veterans sent a new recruit on a mission for some mythical "elbow grease." They expected him to return empty-handed and highly confused, making it something for the rest of them to laugh about. The tables turned when the new kid came strutted back into the workplace, not only unbothered but also accomplished, holding a real-life bottle of cleaning solution that happened to be called 'Elbow Grease.'

Everyone was pretty impressed with how the new kid handled a request that didn't actually exist in the first place, from the bosses to the managers and the joking coworkers.

Workplace Spill Turned Carpet Cat Masterpiece

You probably know the classic saying: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." In this case, life gave a clumsy coworker a big wine stain on an office carpet. A potentially embarrassing incident was transformed into a moment of creativity when a quick-thinking coworker decided to see it not as a problem but as a canvas. They took a marker and, with a few strokes, turned that purple splash into an almost perfect cat.

The result showed off some serious artistic talent alongside a healthy dose of workplace humor. What's better than leaving your laptop for some impromptu carpet-based decoration- or a cover-up, in this case?

Apple Mouse Gets a Retro Makeover

When one particular coworker proudly declared her exclusive loyalty to the Apple brand, stating that she would only use an official Apple mouse, her witty coworker decided to have a little fun. They rummaged through their storage before eventually finding a dusty blast from the past: an ancient wired Apple mouse. The plan was simple- swap her state-of-the-art wireless mouse with this artifact to unleash a bit of hilarity at her desk.

Technically, this fits the category, but the fact that this one is vintage makes the whole thing funny. The expression on this woman's face certainly caused a ripple of laughter.

The Only No-Charge Charge in the Office

In the standard world of office jokes, one clever coworker found a way to make a chargeless statement. There, on this shelf, sits an unassuming container full of lifeless batteries. In their sudden comedic wisdom, someone slapped a note on it reading "Free of Charge." It's basically the definition of the kind of humor that lives and breathes in this workplace, also known as a silent revolution of dad jokes and puns.

Among the common office-related chaos of managers, bosses, and computer crashes, no corner of the office was safe from this coworker's comedy, which made the mundane a little more fun.

Coworkers React to a Mustache Debut

There's a fine line between a coworker's new style statement and an office-wide mustache frenzy. A worker chose to sport a brand-new mustache to work one day. Little did he know that his coworkers had a knack for turning facial hair into the running joke of the office. Returning to his desk the next day, he was greeted by a big collage of mustached faces- a tribute to facial hair.

This mustache bash turned the office into a humor-filled gallery of facial hair enthusiasts, something that could even make the world's toughest manager go in for a couple of laughs.

An Office Hide-And-Seek Champion

Ever found an unexpected face peeking at you from above? Well, this workplace found a surprise in the unlikeliest of places- its ceiling. An employee passionate about horror noticed a missing tile from the office ceiling and decided the huge hole needed a fill-in. In an attempt to up the office pranks, he found the perfect replacement, a terrifyingly funny picture of a clown, giving a new meaning to the office jokester.

The very startling discovery of a clown looming above would have surely sent his boss into a fit of laughter or possibly even fright, and you can probably understand why.

Where the Terminator Takes Over the Job

One creative office worker took a typical office gadget into a mini action movie poster. The otherwise boring card reader now sports the pretty cool identity of Arnold Schwarzenegger, like a scene right out of The Terminator. The red laser was even positioned to shine right out of The Terminator's eye, giving it a certain level of Hollywood that most card readers can't be associated with- because they're not cool enough.

This took the popular line "I'll be back" to literal levels that not all bustling office workplaces can reach. Swiping into work has just gotten ten times better at this office.

A Fruity Blueberry Leak in Literal Terms

There's nothing better than wordplay in a supermarket, and this 'leak" mixup in the fruit and veggie department had everyone laughing out loud. When a coworker casually mentioned a 'leak in the blueberry containment,' another employee couldn't resist the opportunity to bring the world's best pun to life. Seizing the moment, they placed a vegetable leek in the middle of the blueberry scene, making an ordinary day at work slightly punnier.

This prank was both harmless and unexpectedly hilarious, quickly lighting the general mood in the supermarket, at least for the moment. It surely made its rounds in about every department.

Nurse-Osaur Brings Jurassic Joy to Work

With a touch of prehistoric humor and traditional, contemporary care, a nurse in the COVID-19 department became the center of a good time, splashing a bit of joy in a serious environment. Enclosed in a full-on dinosaur costume, she could be seen walking through the department's hallways, navigating the scene with a dinosaur tail. This was definitely delivering a bit of much-needed fun to people who weren't feeling their greatest.

Watching a dinosaur check your vitals is certainly a rare sight, but in the COVID-19 department, the entrance of the dinosaur nurse surely became the most welcome routine for the time being.

These Snoozing Googly Eyes Deserve a Promotion

There are those who can power-nap at their desks with detection, and then there's this ingenious fellow who decided to take things to the next level. Showing off a unique blend of creativity, humor, and the universal desire for a quick snooze, he put sticky googly eyes on his glasses. With fake eyes wide open, he took a power nap, giving the illusion of being awake (at least, maybe from a distance).

When a coworker walked up to him with a question, this was the scene he encountered. Of course, that same coworker had to take out their phone and snap a photo.

Forklift Fender-Bender Earns a Bubbly Uniform

If anyone creates an award for "most collision-prone employee," then the honor would unquestionably go to this particular worker. After becoming a forklift magnet not once, but twice in a single week, his coworkers decided to take action. Arriving at work one morning, he was treated to a brand-new uniform- bubble wrap. They geared him up from head to toe in the bubbly stuff, much to the amusem*nt of everyone around.

Not only does this man's new attire give him an extra layer of defense, but it also creates an atmosphere of laughter that might be hard to reach while on a hard shift.

Four Bosses by Day, Office Avengers by Night

In the vast universe of ordinary workplaces, some bosses merely manage, while others become full-on superheroes. Take this office, for example, where a comic-loving coworker captured a candid shot of all his bosses dressed in costumes that almost looked like the real thing. Straight out of everyone's favorite Marvel film, these four managers are striking some pretty powerful poses, but mostly, they're just having a good time while on the job.

Whatever this event was, it surely heightened the connections between bosses and coworkers within this workplace, which is pretty good since an office is all about a bit of community.

An Acceptable Kind of Workplace Brownies

Everyone has heard of those special kinds of brownies, but an ingenious coworker took the phrase to a new level that had human resources approving the gesture. One day, the rest of the office was treated with the innocent brownies that just happened to be shoved into small plant pots. Did this cost a lot more than basic cupcake trays? Was it worth spending a bit more cash for a great joke? Of course.

This coworker couldn't miss the chance to share his funny joke with the human resources department, proving that a good sense of humor is necessary- especially for a joke like this.

An Office's Stealthy but Talented Origami Master

From sitting on the computer, reclining at the desk or chair, to job hunting on the clock- most office days are pretty ordinary. Just like here, the routine was far from irregular until an influx of origami figures appeared on everyone's desks. Surprisingly, every piece was expertly done, and the details were pretty astonishing. It's almost like Picasso infiltrated a coworker's brain for a minute, leaving almost everyone entertained for the day.

Work became much more tolerable on this specific day, and we're assuming that even the toughest office manager will be waiting for the highly talented origami master to strike again.

Coworker Got Too Creative With Their Creamer

The office refrigerator- a battlefield where unmarked food and drink items meet their untimely demise, often taken by stealthy coworkers. But one warrior and devoted coffee enthusiast simply had enough. Deploying an utterly ingenious strategy, he started storing his treasured coffee creamer in breast milk storage bags. His hope? That any milk thieves would take one look at the label and decide that wasn't the kind of milk they were looking for.

And just like that, the refrigerator became a no-theft zone for his creamer, which was basically the goal. Suddenly, every coworker's sticky fingers were recoiling faster than they ever had before.

Cardboard Boss Keeps the Office in Check

Employees take advantage of the moment when the boss is away... but not in this office. The workers here have found a solution to their boss's frequent absences- a cardboard cutout, seated in their boss's desk chair, as if it's using his laptop. The cardboard boss is even dressed in the manager's uniform with a stern face as if he's hard at work to replace big boss energy for when he's gone.

It's always good to have a little bit of authority around in the office, even if that authority just happened to be swapped with a life-sized cardboard cut out for a week.

Downsizing The Typical Office Sugar Rush

When it comes to office pranks, scale matters. The proof? An office prankster who flipped the scales, replacing standard-sized donuts typically gracing the break room with cheerio-sized ones. At first glance, the box of micro-donuts might seem like your regular morning dose of sugar. But, upon closer inspection, every single coworker started to realize they had to reevaluate their usual two-donut limit since the new ones are basically no bigger than a crumb.

From rainbow sprinkles to powdered sugar, these tiny little treats even came with their very own flavors. It looks like whoever made this was feeling pretty creative before their shift.

A Veterinarian's Way to Measure Chunk

As a tribute to the internet, a coworker at a veterinary office introduced a "chonk chart" to welcome overweight cats. The scale is a hilarious tool for determining the heftiness of their furry patients who might be overeating. The common task of weighing pets has suddenly become a rather anticipated activity after this sign was put up, and we can understand why because measurements just got a lot more adorable.

Not only does this ingenious chark spark a few laughs, but it also eases the tense atmosphere that comes with vet visits. Even the chonkiest of cats will be walking with pride.

A Spooky Spin to a Casual Friday Attire

This office took a turn for the best when someone decided to become the embodiment of the Halloween spirit, coming to work dressed as none other than the boogeyman from Tim Burton's 'The Nightmare Before Christmas.' It's almost like the actual character came into work that day and decided to take over what was once a coworker's desk and chair before getting to work at his laptop and making a few calls.

Needless to say, this costume is certainly casual and pretty spooky, but whoever's behind the costume likely became the talk of the office and should probably even be hired as manager.

A Coworker's Brand-New De Niro Desk Buddy

Office attire took a turn when a coworker, who wanted a handsome man to look at while working, found herself sharing desk space with Hollywood legend Danny DeVito. But no, she hadn't stitched her career to movie acting or swayed the Emmy winner with her work ethic. Her coworker just happened to install a life-size cardboard cutout of the actor for her friend to look at, almost making her wish come true.

From now until forever, every time she glances over her should, she'll see the iconic actor striking his latest and greatest pose. deVito would definitely approve of this placement.

Christopher Walken Chills on This Office Fridge

Imagine being promised a walk-in fridge at work, only to discover it's not a room full of chilled goods but an ordinary fridge enrobed in the gaze of Christopher Walken. That happened to a new coworker, who found themselves laughing in the break room at the site of the actor's glare staring back at them from every inch of the fridge- a true masterpiece of vinyl wrapping that transformed a simple appliance.

It's doubtful that coworkers are expressing their longing for a more substantial lunch storage solution, and they can search for one on a computer- but it can't get better than this.

This Workplace Bathroom Unleashes Laughter

We all know that bathrooms can be an awkward place. But one prankster has found a way to make bathroom trips more amusing with a labeled door lock. In the office, there's a sign that gives coworkers a laugh every time they see it. Instead of the "vacant" or "occupied" labels, this door lock has two options- 'poop with friends' for the unlocked side and 'poop alone' for when it's locked.

This might be the only thing that makes a bathroom visit a giggle-worthy event, but we're assuming that even the bosses have been seen laughing at this unexpected touch of humor.

A Restaurant's Cinco De Mayo Flavor Fiesta

It was Cinco de Mayo, and in a bustling restaurant, one employee decided to turn the kitchen into a little slice of Mexico for the holiday. With a passion for his culture and a sombrero on his head, this guy transformed into a character fit for the popular holiday. Proudly dresses in costume and spirit, the team went ahead and served up traditional Mexican food to all of the hungry customers who were looking for exactly that.

Cinco de Mayo is always something to celebrate, but there's nothing better than picking up your tacos from a chef who is dressed head to toe in a poncho and sombrero.

A Desktop Prank That Gallops Into Laughter

Here, we see an everyday laptop screen at a desk, which is usually home to a bunch of work applications and maybe even a serene landscape wallpaper. Instead of the tranquil mountains or calming ocean waves, there happens to be an unusual surprise on this desktop that a coworker found after his lunch break. What was once there is now replaced with a photoshopped image of Nicholas Cage- but it's not just any photo.

Nicholas Cage isn't in anything close to his normal human form, but instead, he's been morphed into a creature that's half Cage and half horse- complete with a chat bubble.

Tiny Sharpie Line Marks a Welding Rebellion

Right on top of every coworker's workstation is a subtle hint of a fellow welder's genius, a tiny, Sharpie-drawn line on a magnet. It looks like a mundane, innocent knob, the kind that wouldn't even earn a second glance amongst the rest of the workload on a normal day. Yet this tiny joke, invisible to anyone who isn't looking, really is a silent rebellion against the daily work that welders have to deal with- and sometimes, making things easier is necessary.

The greatest thing about this thing is the simplicity, and it's easy to imagine the silent laughs going through the culprit's mind as he watches everyone work as if nothing has changed.

Office Prank Turns Stapler Into Orange Jello

This might be the epitome of culinary art and office trickery, all combined into one jiggly, yellow blob: a coworker's stapler suspended within a matrix of orange. The coworker on the receiving end of this prank was scratching their head in amused confusion, unprepared for such a dessert-themed problem during the usual routine of job searching and busy work. The amount of time every boss and manager spends staring at the mess is countless.

Not often do you see a stapler served as an office dessert, complete with a glossy jiggle that is somehow super satisfying. Thankfully, it won't be hard to get the stapler out.

An Office Mourns the Miniature Departed

Here's a sight you'd not normally witness while job hunting and meeting deadlines- a small, sad assembly around a tiny coffin on top of the lunch table in the common room. Yes, this insect funeral was initiated by a coworker who loves bugs. The dearly departed? A random, mummified co*ckroach. Coworkers gathered to pay their respects amid scattered pens, laptops, desks, and chairs, laying old flowers and even a tiny memorial card.

Surely, a prank as tiny and elaborate as this breaks up the monotony of a workday. Leave it to office pranksters to turn a roach's demise into a memorable work event.

Office Mystery Box Turns Meme Sensation

There's nothing unusual about keyboards clacking and phones ringing as employees sit in front of their laptops, but a mystery box sitting in a corner for months is mysterious. A whole aura of mystery surrounded this unclaimed box that randomly appeared in this office. Someone was curious about what was inside, so they slapped on the infamous "what's in the box" meme, turning a simple cardboard curiosity into a pop-culture icon.

The hilarity surely lies in the suspense, becoming the perfect distraction from endless work or a demanding boss. The meme-enhanced box now holds a place of honor- before anyone claims it.

There's a Grumpy Cat Hanging in This Office

This curtain was gifted to a grumpy office worker who wasn't too happy about a newly installed window, and yes, the grumpy cat meme was definitely intentional. This is the handiwork of funny coworkers who turned her complaints into a meme-inspired prank. They clearly took their time when choosing the print for these window curtains, ensuring that it'll be both funny and practical at the same time- it's an inside joke that will be circling around the office.

The chosen curtain cat print is far from the standard dull office drapery, bringing a splash of color and a dash of humor to a complaint that just keeps coming.

A Coworker's Goodbye Baked With Pessimisim

This picture managed to capture a unique office farewell ceremony where the vibe was playful but also passive-aggressive. What sets this scene apart from the usual farewells is the centerpiece- a cake with a message that says "Goodbye Traitor." The coworkers that made this managed to blend sweet with sassy, lightheartedly jabbing at the person who managed to succeed at job hunting and is moving on. Normally, farewells are emotional, but there was nothing sad about this one.

There's a certain kind of humor that's clearly part of the office culture here, and there's truly nothing better than stepping away from your desk for some deliciously twisted goodbyes.

They Took Car Complaints to New Lanes

This work photo tells the tale of a creative prank targeting a self-proclaimed car hater. His desk, normally safely tucked away inside a cubicle, facing a makeshift bike lane laid down by a bunch of fellow coworkers, Chairs, computers, and the boss's desk all seem to be detouring traffic on the brand new, eco-friendly route that's been freshly paved onto the carpet. The car-hater is officially about to be rethinking his commute to work from now on.

There's something about a prank done on the job that can't compare to a normal joke. This anti-car coworker might want to start job searching to avoid being taken literally.

Tim's Job Searching Is Finally Over

Although Tim was officially able to stop job hunting in 2021, it seems like it took quite some time for the hard worker to get recognized by the rest of the company. In fact, there's no denying that Tim was pridefully posing for this photo, waiting for the day his coworkers, bosses, and managers would finally nominate him as an employee of the month. Thankfully, that time officially rolled around since he got the recognition he deserved.

Tim might not be sitting at a desk in front of a laptop or computer, but he's taken on a much harder role- dancing outside in front of customers, regardless of the weather.

An Office Cubicle Wrapped in Holiday Spirit

Imagine walking into work, your morning coffee in hand, ready to start the day's task, only to find that your desk has undergone a complete holiday makeover. Your trusted computer, essential desk chair, even your favorite family photo in the corner- all covered in festive wrapping paper. At first, you might think it's time to start job searching, but such a festive transformation feels like Santa took over your part-time job.

The perpetrator? A coworker with a passion for wrapping gifts and turning everyday work life into a holiday surprise party- a lot better than spreadsheets and deadlines from bosses or managers.

Cardboard Colleague Enjoys an Aviation Conference

In this picture is a full-size cardboard cutout of a coworker stealing the spotlight at an aviation conference. The 2D version of this coworker seems super happy to be at his unchosen location- or so we think. Although this is just an image of the man at his happiest, his whole expression happens to be matching the general vibe. You might want to stop job hunting and just work here.

In the middle of cutting-edge aircrafts and complicated discussions about aerodynamics, there just happens to be a cutout of a coworker having just as much fun as his human companion.

Prankster Suspends a Phone in Office Airspace

A randomly wrapped package hangs between the typical office landscape- desks, computers, chairs, bosses, and managers alike. It's swaddled in a layer of protective packaging and plastered in an excess of yellow caution tape. The package also happens to be hanging from the ceiling- and it didn't get there on its own. Within the cocoon of office supplies, a coworker's phone can be found struggling to buzz inside the package.

Finding your phone has never been more of a vertical challenge until now, especially since the phone thief put a ton of effort into making the missing device more unobtainable.

Coworkers Filled in an Open Desk and Position

It's not the lack of clutter that makes this unattended desk stand out; in fact, it's the excess of bone, also known as the occupant- a full-sized skeleton wearing the company's work uniform, comfortably seated in the desk and chair. The ghostly white figure is a big contrast to the worker who used to sit there and had to move to the new office across the street for a little bit.

It seems like this skeleton was finally able to give up the job hunting when he was assigned to this new position, unfortunately, he won't be working there for long.

Workplace Pranksters Whose Jokes Deserve A Pay Raise (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.