TRICARE Manuals - Display Chap 8 Sect 2.3 (Change 9, Jul 24, 2024) (2024)

TRICARE Policy Manual 6010.63-M, April 2021

Other Services

Chapter 8

Section 2.3

ExternalAnd Implantable Infusion Pumps

Issue Date:February 26, 1986

Authority:32 CFR 199.4(d)(1)

Copyright:CPT only © 2006 American MedicalAssociation (or such other date of publication of CPT).All Rights Reserved.



36260 - 36262, 36530 - 36535,62350 - 62368, 96530

2.0HCPCS Codes

Level II Codes A9274, E0780,E0784, Q0081, Q0084 - Q0085


3.1An ExternalInfusion Pump (EIP) is a device designed to deliver measured amountsof a drug through injection over a period of time into a patientin a controlled manner.

3.2A Transdermal Insulin DeliverySystem is considered a subset of the broader category of ExternalInsulin Infusion Pumps (EIIPs). A patch filled with insulin is placedon the skin and penetration of the skin occurs by low-frequencyultrasound, use of an electrical charge (i.e., iontophoresis), oruse of a microneedle. Some devices deliver a continuous low doseof basal insulin through the skin and/or deliver bolus insulin upondemand. Other than the device worn on the skin, there are no additionalcomponents or separate control devices that manage or monitor theinsulin dosage. Additionally, these devices may be fully disposable.

3.3An Implantable Infusion Pump(IIP) system delivers therapeutic plasma levels of active drug toa target organ or body compartment for prolonged periods of time.The bulk flow of drug is generated either by fluorocarbon propellant(nonprogrammable IIP) or direct electromechanical action poweredby a battery (programmable IIP). The pump is surgically implantedin a subcutaneous pocket and connects to a dedicated catheter thathas been placed in the appropriate compartment. Constant or variable-rateinfusions are possible over long periods of time (several weeksto years) with minimal human intervention (refilling or reprogramming) whileretaining the capability for external control of rate and volumeof primary and supplemental drug delivery. In addition to the pumpitself, dependent on the type of pump used, the components of thesystem may include any of the following: reservoir, optional accessport, connectors, various size catheters, micropore filter, hand-held programmer,and a variety of accessories.


4.1ExternalInfusion Pump (EIP)

4.1.1Claims may be reimbursed formedically necessary United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approved EIPs when used according to label specifications in deliveringcontinuous or intermittent drug therapy on an inpatient or outpatientbasis.

4.1.2Supplies for the effectiveuse of the EIP must be FDA approved. Such supplies include thosedrugs and biologicals prescribed for usage directly into the EIPin order to achieve the therapeutic benefit of the EIP, or to assurethe proper functioning of the equipment.

4.1.3EIPs andotherwise covered medical supplies required in the administrationof the drug therapy performed in the home are covered.

4.1.4Other medical conditions requiringthe use of an infusion of medicine from a FDA-approved EIP may be costshared when medical review determines the treatment to be medicallynecessary and generally accepted medical practice. Examples of coveredmedical conditions requiring the use of FDA-approved EIPs. chemotherapy agents. when used in the treatmentof intractable pain. When the patient hasone of the following indications (list is all-inclusive):

When the diagnosis is insulindependent Type 1 diabetes mellitus and there is documentation bythe physician of poor diabetic control; OR

For Cystic Fibrosis-RelatedDiabetes (CFRD) under the rare disease policy as described in Chapter 1, Section 3.1; OR

For Type 2 diabetes mellituswhen there is documentation by the physician of poor diabetic controlAND the patient has failed to achieve glycemic control after sixmonths of Multiple Daily Injection (MDI) therapy. therapy. therapy in treatmentof thromboemobolic disease.

4.1.5EIPs,to include disposable EIPs that are medical supplies, are cost-sharedas Durable Medical Equipment (DME). (See the TRICARE Reimbursem*ntManual (TRM), Chapter 2, Addendum A for cost-sharing and copaymentamounts; see TRM, Chapter 1, Section 11 for more informationon reimbursem*nt of DME.)

4.2TransdermalInsulin Delivery System

The ValeritasV-Go™ Insulin Delivery Device (V-Go) is FDA approved as a ClassII, EIIP for the continuous subcutaneous delivery of insulin inpreset basal rates with on-demand bolus dosing for adult patientsrequiring insulin. The V-Go is a fully mechanical device using acompressed spring and does not require electronics, batteries, orsoftware. It is a patient fillable, single-use, completely disposableinsulin infusion device with an integrated stainless steel subcutaneousneedle. The device is used for the subcutaneous delivery of 24 hoursof U-100 fast-acting insulin (i.e., Humalog® [insulin lispro] andNovolog® [insulin aspart]). Documentation of the following must beprovided in order for TRICARE to consider a claim for payment:

4.2.1The patienthas Type 2 diabetes mellitus; and

4.2.2The patientdoes not need more than 40 units of basal insulin daily and thepatient does not need more than 36 units of bolus insulin daily;and

4.2.3The patient does not need lessthan two unit increments of bolus dosing; and

4.2.4The patienthas been maintained on stable basal insulin for at least three months(at dosages of 20U, 30U, or 40U); and

4.2.5The patienthas been using prandial insulin for at least three months.

4.3Implantable Infusion Pump (IIP)

Claims may be reimbursed forservices and supplies related to the use of medically necessary,FDA approved IIPs when used according to pump label specifications.This may include but is not limited to implantation, refilling, servicing,maintenance, and removal of the pump and/or accessories. Uses mayinclude but are not limited to the following (please note “EXCLUSIONS”and “EFFECTIVE DATES” listed below):

4.3.1Treatmentof primary liver cancer or metastatic colorectal liver cancer wherethe metastases are limited to the liver with continuous hepaticartery infusions of chemotherapeutic agents (e.g., floxuridine,doxorubicin hydrochloride, cisplatin, methotrexate, with bacteriostaticwater or physiologic saline and/or heparin);

4.3.2Treatment of osteomyelitiswith administration of antibiotics (e.g., clindamycin);

4.3.3Treatment of chronic intractablepain of malignant or nonmalignant origin by administration of opioid drugs(e.g., morphine) intrathecally or epidurally in patients who havea life expectancy of at least three months and who have not respondedto less invasive medical therapy. Documentation of the followingmust be provided in order for TRICARE to consider a claim for payment: response to noninvasivemethods of pain management such as systemic opioids, including attemptsto eliminate physical and behavioral abnormalities which may causean exaggerated reaction to pain, and preliminary trial of intraspinalopioid with a temporary intrathecal/epidural catheter to evaluate painrelief, side effects, and patient acceptance.

4.3.4Treatment of chronic intractablespasticity with administration of anti-spasmodic drugs (e.g., baclofen) inpatients who have proven unresponsive to less invasive medical therapy.The following must be provided in order to consider a claim forpayment: of inadequatecontrol of spasticity or intolerable side effects resulting fromat least a six week trial of noninvasive methods of spasm controlwith drugs such as oral antispasmodics alone or combined with anticonvulsants(depending on the disease progression and the patient’s symptoms),and of a favorableresponse to a trial intrathecal dose of the antispasmodic drug priorto pump implantation;

4.3.5Secondlevel review is required for all other IIP uses. Reimbursem*nt maybe considered for other uses of IIPs (not specifically excludedin paragraph 6.0)with documentation of the following: medical necessity of thedrug; medical necessity and appropriatenessof an IIP to deliver the drug; and IIP use adheres to theFDA approved labeling for the pump and the drug.

4.4Off-Label Uses For EIPs AndIIPs

Effective July 27, 2012, whenprovided in accordance with Section 5.1,EIPs and IIPs, including related services and supplies, providedfor off-label uses may be cost-shared unless such use is specificallyexcluded by TRICARE statute, regulation, or policy.


5.1FDA-approved IIPs are labeledfor specific drugs and routes of administration, e.g., intravenous fluorouracil(5-FU), intra-arterial floxuridine, epidural morphine sulfate, intrathecalmorphine sulfate, and intrathecal baclofen. Payments of claims maybe considered for IIPs used according to label specifications.

5.2Reimbursem*nt will follow theappropriate methodology for the place where the services are delivered, i.e.,services provided in a hospital will be reimbursed according tothe appropriate inpatient reimbursem*nt methodology; reimbursem*ntfor physician’s office services will follow appropriate outpatientreimbursem*nt procedures. When the implantation is performed onan inpatient basis, charges for the pump and the related equipment,supplies, and drugs will be included in the hospital charges. Ifservices performed in the physician’s office are primarily for maintenanceand refilling of the infusion system, reimbursem*nt is limited tothe charges for the maintenance and refilling services; no allowancemay be made for an office visit.

5.3In additionto IIPs, implanted access ports and pulsatile pumps forming a self-sealingpatent access portal for the administration of intravenous medications(e.g., Port-a cath, Medi-port and Infusiport systems) may be cost-shared.These systems are distinguished from IIPs by the method of controllingthe drug delivery rate. Access ports deliver drugs by passive diffusion.Pulsatile pumps deliver drugs when the patient manually compressesthe device. Drug delivery rates in IIPs are controlled by vaporpressure or by direct electromechanical action.


6.1TRICARE currently classifiesthe use of implantable infusion pumps in the treatment of thromboembolic diseaseand diabetes as unproven. TRICARE may not, therefore, reimbursecharges for the use of IIPs for these indications.

6.2IIP labels include specificcontraindications. Claims for IIPs and related services and suppliesfor pumps not used in accordance with FDA approved label specificationsmay not be reimbursed.


7.1Chemotherapyfor malignancies: March 14, 1988.

7.2Antibioticsfor osteomyelitis: February 2, 1989.

7.3Opioidsfor chronic intractable pain of malignant origin: July 25, 1991.

7.4Opioids for chronic intractablepain of nonmalignant origin: October 28, 1991.

7.5Antispasmodics for chronicintractable spasticity: August 12, 1992.

7.6Insulinfor Type 2 diabetes mellitus: August 1, 2010.

- END -

TRICARE Manuals - Display Chap 8 Sect 2.3 (Change 9, Jul 24, 2024) (2024)


How do I update my TRICARE information? ›

Update your information in DEERS: Online via milConnect; By phone: 1-800-538-9552 (TTY/TDD: 1-866-363-2883);

How do I change my TRICARE PCM online? ›

How to Change Your PCM
  1. Go to the milConnect website.
  2. Click on the blue "Sign In" button at the top of the page.
  3. Go to the Family Members list and select whose PCM you want to change.
  4. On the Medical Enrollments tab, select the "Change PCM" button. ...
  5. On the “Change PCM” page, select the reason you want to change your PCM.
Nov 29, 2023

How do I update my TRICARE region? ›

How to Change Your Tricare Region Online
  1. Log in. Log in to the MilConnect website. ...
  2. Go to BWE. Under the benefits tab, go to Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE). ...
  3. Chose desired dependent. ...
  4. Change the residential address. ...
  5. Transfer region. ...
  6. Make the change. ...
  7. And now you're done!

How do I update my MTF TRICARE? ›

Can I change my family member's military hospital or clinic? Yes, if granted privileges, you can also update your family member's military hospital or clinic in TOL. On the Update MTF page of your profile, select the check box next to the name of the person and the new MTF from the drop down list.

What is the new TRICARE website? ›

MHS GENESIS Patient Portal

MHS GENESIS is the secure patient portal to access your Military Health System health record and virtually interact with your health care team.

Where can I find my TRICARE information? ›

Get Proof of TRICARE Coverage
  • Log in to milConnect.
  • Click on the “Obtain proof of health coverage” button.
  • Or click on Correspondence/Documentation and choose "Proof of Coverage."
  • Your coverage letter will be generated and available for download.
Aug 5, 2021

What replaced TRICARE Standard? ›

In 2018, TRICARE Select replaced TRICARE Standard and Extra. TRICARE Select is a self-managed, preferred provider, and fee-for-service health care plan available in the United States to: Active duty family members. Retired Service members and their families.

What's the difference between TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select? ›

If you're on active duty, you have to enroll in TRICARE Prime. All others can choose to enroll in TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select. TRICARE Prime offers fewer out-of-pocket costs than TRICARE Select, but less freedom of choice for providers. If you have other health insurance.

What did TRICARE Online switch to? ›

If you have a current TRICARE Online account, it will migrate to MHS GENESIS. No action is necessary from you. If you don't already have a TRICARE Online account, you can log onto using your DS Logon Premium Account.

What are the two TRICARE regions? ›

Instead of three geographical regions that existed before (TRICARE West, TRICARE North, and TRICARE South), TRICARE is now divided into two regions across the United States, with each region having its own TRICARE contractor: TRICARE East and TRICARE West.

What is the TRICARE North region? ›

The TRICARE North Region includes Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky (excluding the Fort Campbell area), Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, ...

When can I change my TRICARE? ›

You can only switch plans during the TRICARE Open Season or with a Qualifying Life Event (QLE).

How can I change my PCM with TRICARE? ›

To change your primary care manager (PCM): Call your regional or overseas contractor; Use the Beneficiary Web Enrollment via milConnect; or. Send a completed TRICARE Prime Enrollment, Disenrollment, and PCM Change Form to your regional contractor with your new PCM's information.

What does MTF mean for TRICARE? ›

Military hospitals and clinics are found at military bases and posts around the world. They are also referred to as "military treatment facilities" or "MTFs." Use the fields below to find a military hospital or clinic near you.

Is there TRICARE for veterans? ›

Not all veterans are eligible for TRICARE. Your Service decides if you and your family members are eligible. They report the information in DEERS. To learn more, visit the TRICARE Eligibility page.

How do I change my TRICARE contact information? ›

You can update your home address, email address or phone number(s) by: Logging in to milConnect. Calling 1-800-538-9552 (TTY/TDD: 1-866-363-2883) You can also fax or mail your changes. >>

How do I update my Sgli information? ›

Steps for Updating SGLI
  1. Access the SGLI Update System. First, access the online SGLI Update System through the official website. ...
  2. Review Your Current Information. ...
  3. Update Your Personal Information. ...
  4. Add or Change Your SGLI Beneficiaries. ...
  5. Confirm All Changes.
May 15, 2024

How do I update my contact info in DEERS? ›

Family members can update contact information after they're registered in DEERS.
  1. Log into milConnect.
  2. Call 1-800-538-9552 (TTY/TDD: 1-866-363-2883)
  3. Fax updates to 1-800-336-4416 (Primary) or 1-502-335-9980 (Alternate)
  4. Mail updates to: Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office. Attn: COA. 400 Gigling Road.

When can I change my TRICARE coverage? ›

TRICARE Open Season is the annual period when you can enroll in or change your health care coverage for the next year. Enrollment changes made during TRICARE Open Season will go into effect on the following January 1.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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