The Invincible Company - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

You’re holding a guide to the world’s best business models. Use it to inspire your own portfolio of new ideas and reinventions. Design a culture of innovation and transformation to become…

The Invincible Company Written by

Alex Osterwalder Yves Pigneur Fred Etiemble Alan Smith Designed by

Chris White Trish Papadakos

Series This book integrates with Business Model Generation, Value Proposition Design, & Testing Business Ideas International Bestsellers 40+ Languages

The Invincible Company

Copyright © 2020 by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Alan Smith and Fred Etiemble. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600, or on the Web at Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. For general information on our other products and services or for technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 762-2974, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002. Wiley publishes in a variety of print and electronic formats and by print-on-demand. Some material included with standard print versions of this book may not be included in e-books or in print-on-demand. If this book refers to media such as a CD or DVD that is not included in the version you purchased, you may download this material at For more information about Wiley products, visit ISBN 978-1119523963 (Paperback) ISBN 978-1119523987 (ePDF) ISBN 978-1119523932 (ePub)

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You’re holding a guide to the world’s best business models. Use it to inspire your own portfolio of new ideas and reinventions. Design a culture of innovation and transformation to become…

The Invincible Company Written by

Alex Osterwalder Yves Pigneur Fred Etiemble Alan Smith Designed by

Chris White Trish Papadakos

The Invincible Company

An organization that constantly reinvents itself before it becomes obsolete. The Invincible Company explores the future, while excelling at exploiting the present. It cultivates an innovation and execution culture that lives in harmony under the same roof. It competes on superior business models and transcends traditional industry boundaries.

How to become an Invincible Company…

Constantly Reinvent Yourself

Compete on Superior Business Models

Transcend Industry Boundaries

To stay ahead of everybody else and beat disruption you need to constantly reinvent yourself. Business Models expire faster than ever before and you don’t want to become obsolete alongside their decline. Competition increasingly comes from unexpected places like insurgent startups in addition to traditional incumbent rivals. Invincible Companies constantly reinvent who they are and where and how they compete in order to stay relevant and ahead.

Discover how to manage and improve what you have and simultaneously explore the future with business model portfolios.

It is increasingly a rat race to compete on new products, services, price, and technologies alone. Leave competitors behind and maximize market opportunities, new customer needs, and emerging technologies by embedding them in superior business models. Design, test, and build superior business models that disrupt others and are hard to disrupt.

Discover how to design, test, and manage superior business models.

The most successful organizations aren’t confined by industry boundaries or industry forces. In fact, they often crush industry boundaries and disrupt others. Their business model or portfolio of businesses is not the result of the area they work in; it comes from an organization that constantly explores new ways to create value around market opportunities.

Discover how to create and manage an ambidextrous organization that is capable of improving your core business and exploring completely new opportunities beyond traditional industry boundaries.

Design, implement, and manage an innovation culture to constantly feed your innovation funnel and stay relevant.

Apply business model patterns to make the best out of market opportunities, new technologies, and product and service innovations.

Learn how the Chinese company Ping An evolved from a traditional banking and insurance conglomerate to a technology group that competes in five distinct arenas and became one of the world’s largest companies.


…and create more value

For Society Small and large companies that constantly reinvent themselves have an enormously positive impact on society. They provide economic growth and potentially game-changing innovations. The best of them put environmental and societal impacts at the center of their endeavors to change the world for the better. On the other hand, the decline or death of companies can be devastating for cities and entire regions that will suffer from economic decline. For Customers Companies that constantly innovate and explore new business models, constantly create new and better value propositions at more attractive prices. Some innovations may be banal and just lead to more consumption. Yet, many will create substantial value for customers in the form of convenience, entertainment, well-being, and fulfillment.

For the Team Invincible Companies thrive over centuries and provide long-term job security, while others that fail to reinvent themselves have to let go of thousands of employees. Invincible Companies provide a home for execution and innovation talent alike and they feature world-class organizational structures and processes that are fit for the challenges of the 21st century. For Owners Owners of Invincible Companies benefit from long-term growth, reduced disruption risk, and the attraction of world class execution and innovation talent. Invincible Companies thrive over the long term, because they harvest the fruits of managing the present, while already sowing the seeds for tomorrow’s business. Their ability to exploit and explore simultaneously substantially reduces the risk of disruption and obsolescence and attracts the best talent.


From Business Model Generation to Invincible Company


The Invincible Company is the fourth in the series of Strategyzer books. It complements the previous books and addresses a number of jobs-to-be-done for innovation teams, entrepreneurs, and senior leaders who manage entire organizations. The new content is based on what we’ve learned from working with leading organizations around the world and from studying the world’s few Invincible Companies.

Innovate and Design Invent and Improve

Test and De-Risk

Design Innovation Culture and Manage Portfolio


Key Question

Key Tool and Process


Map your business, idea, or innovation

How do you create sustainable profits and value for your organization?

Business Model Canvas (BMC) or Mission Model Canvas (MMC)

Business Model Generation (2009)

Map your product and service

How do you create value for your customers?

Value Proposition Canvas (VPC)

Value Proposition Design (2014)

Maximize opportunities and compete on business models

How do I maximize opportunities and improve my business with the best business model design?

Business Model Patterns (invent patterns and shift patterns)

The Invincible Company (2020), Business Model Generation (2009)

Test and de-risk your idea

How do you reduce the risk of pursuing a business idea that won’t work?

Customer Development (Steve Blank) and Agile Engineering/ Lean Startup (Eric Ries), Test Card, Learning Card

The Startup Owner’s Manual (Steve Blank, 2012), Lean Startup (Eric Ries, 2011), Value Proposition Design (2014)

Pick the right experiments to test your idea

What are the most appropriate experiments to test and de-risk your ideas?

Experiment Library

Testing Business Ideas (2019)

Measure the reduction of risk and uncertainty

Am I making progress from idea to realistic business model?

Strategyzer Innovation Metrics

The Invincible Company (2020)

Stay ahead of competition and become invincible

How do you prevent disruption and constantly reinvent yourself?

Portfolio Map, Portfolio Actions

The Invincible Company (2020)

Create an (innovation) culture

How do you design, test, and manage an innovation culture?

Culture Map (CM), Innovation Culture Assessment

The Invincible Company (2020)

Invest in the best ideas

Which ideas and teams should I invest in?

Strategyzer Growth Funnel (SGF), Innovation Project Scorecard (IPS)

The Invincible Company (2020)

Align (innovation) teams

How do you pull through execution and keep teams aligned?

Team Alignment Map (TAM)

The Team Alignment Map (2020)


How to Read This Book

Senior Leader

Innovation Leader and Teams xii


As a business leader you establish the conditions to keep your organization humming and growing. You need transparency to understand which parts of your business have further potential to grow, which parts need renovation, and which parts are at substantial risk of disruption. You need to understand which initiatives have the potential to define tomorrow’s business. You aim to make sound investments in the future, while consciously managing risk.

Use the PORTFOLIO MAP (p. 10), to design, test, and MANAGE (p. 49) your business portfolio. Create GUIDANCE to lead your teams in the right direction and transparency for everybody to manage the present and invest in the future.

Create the conditions for success to establish an INNOVATION CULTURE (p. 306). Complement your core execution culture with a world class innovation culture.

Ask the right QUESTIONS FOR LEADERS (p. 212) to help your teams explore new opportunities and compete on superior business models.

As an innovation leader and team you help your organization de-risk ideas that keep it growing and improving. You put the tools, processes, and metrics in place that help manage innovation. You understand how to enhance innovation opportunities by embedding them in sound business models in order to disrupt entire arenas or renovate your company’s declining business models.

Use the PATTERN LIBRARY (p. 130) to enhance market opportunities, new technologies, and other innovations. Apply Business Model Patterns to design superior business models.

Use the PORTFOLIO MAP (p. 42) to create the transparency your senior leaders need to make sound investment decisions. Show where the opportunities are. Learn how to MANAGE (p. 49) your business portfolio.

Help your senior leaders implement an INNOVATION CULTURE (p. 296). Understand the key enablers that foster innovation and blockers that prevent innovation.

As an entrepreneur your only goal is to de-risk your idea and turn it into a real business. You understand that the hard part of entrepreneurship is to constantly test and adapt your idea based on input from the real world. You know that superior business models—rather than technology or product innovation alone—will allow you to disrupt entire industries and build a more sustainable business.

Use the EXPLORE MAP (p. 18) to visualize which one of your ideas has the most potential and is least risky. Use TESTING and INNOVATION METRICS (p. 88) to measure your progress from idea to business.

Use the PATTERN LIBRARY (p. 130) to enhance market opportunities, new technologies, and other innovations. Apply Business Model Patterns to design superior business models.

Establish the kind of ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP & TEAM (p. 310) that will help you succeed. Understand the key characteristics of winning teams.

Photography: “Mosunmola Abudu” by Nkemonwudiwe / en.wikipedia / CC BY 3.0










Invent Pattern Library

Improve Pattern Library


The Portfolio Map p. 10

Strategic Guidance p. 50

Frontstage Disruption p. 142

Value Proposition Shifts p. 230

The Culture Map p. 296

Explore Portfolio p. 14

Explore Portfolio Management p. 70

Backstage Disruption p. 162

Frontstage Driven Shifts p. 242

Designing an Exploration Culture p. 308

Profit formula Disruption p. 188

Backstage Driven Shifts p. 254

Assessment Questions for Leaders p. 212

Profit Formula Driven Shifts p. 266

Exploit Portfolio p. 27 Explore and Exploit p. 37

Exploit Portfolio Management p. 109

Questions for Leaders p. 280

Innovation Culture Readiness Assessment p. 314





Business Model Portfolio

The collection of existing business models a company exploits and the new business models it explores in order to avoid disruption and ensure longevity.

Chasing Invincibility No company is invincible. Those that come closest are the ones that constantly reinvent themselves in the face of disruption. These companies manage a portfolio of existing business models that they exploit and continuously improve. Simultaneously, they manage a portfolio of new business models that they explore to systematically produce new growth engines.



A strategic management tool to simultaneously visualize, analyze, and manage the business models you are improving and growing and the future business models you are searching for and testing.

We believe great business model portfolios are actually composed of two distinct portfolios with a completely different logic: the Exploit portfolio and the Explore portfolio. The former includes existing businesses, value propositions, products, and services that you are managing and growing. The latter includes all your innovation projects, new business models, new value propositions, new products, and services that you are testing.

Portfolio Management Designing and maintaining a strong business model portfolio requires three main activities: visualize, analyze, manage.




The starting point for any good discussion, meeting, or workshop about your business model portfolio is a shared language to visualize it. You need a shared understanding of which business models you have and which ones you are exploring.

A shared understanding of your business model portfolio allows you to identify if you are at risk of disruption and if you are doing enough against it. This includes analyzing which of your business models are most profitable, which ones are most at risk, and which ones you are exploring to ensure your future growth.

Good portfolio management includes taking action to design and maintain a balanced portfolio that protects you from disruption. This includes continuously growing and improving existing business models by shifting outdated ones to new business models and protecting those that are established. It also includes exploring completely new business models of which many will fail, but some will produce outsized returns and ensure your future.








The Explore/ Exploit Continuum


Search and breakthrough


Invincible Companies do not prioritize exploitation over exploration. They are world class at simultaneously managing the entire continuum from exploring new businesses to exploiting existing ones. They keep a culture of “day one,” maintaining a start-up spirit, while managing thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people and multibillion-dollar businesses. Increasingly, this ability to manage exploration and exploitation is not just limited to large established companies. It is also a matter of survival for SMEs and start-ups with the shortening lifespan of business models across industries.


Venture-capital style risk-taking, expecting few outsized winners

Iterative experimentation, embracing speed, failure, learning, and rapid adaptation Explorers who excel in uncertainty, are strong at pattern recognition, and can navigate between big picture and details




Efficiency and growth


Financial Philosophy

Safe haven with steady returns and dividends

Culture & Processes

Linear execution, embracing planning, predictability, and minimal failure

People & Skills

Managers who are strong at organizing and planning and can design efficient processes to deliver on time and budget

GROW Scaling new businesses and improving or reinventing established ones



High uncertainty

Low uncertainty

SEARCH Turning business ideas into value propositions that matter to customers, embedded in scalable and profitable business models



The Portfolio Map A strategic management tool to simultaneously visualize, analyze, and manage the business models you are improving and growing and the future business models you are searching for and testing.



Explore Portfolio

Exploit Portfolio

Your portfolio of innovation projects, new business models, new value propositions, and new products and services, all mapped out in terms of Expected Return and Innovation Risk.

Your portfolio of existing businesses, value proposi­ tions, products, and services, all mapped out in terms of Return and Death and Disruption Risk.



How lucrative a business area is for the company.


Expected Return How lucrative a business idea could be for the company if it turned out to be successful.


Expected Return


Death & Disruption Risk

Death & Disruption Risk


Innovation Risk

Innovation Risk The risk that a (convincing) business idea is going to fail. Risk is high when there is little evidence beyond slides and spreadsheets to support the success chances of an idea. Risk decreases with the amount of evidence that supports the desirability, feasibility, viability, and adaptability of a business idea.

The risk that a business is going to die or get disrupted. Risk is high when a business is either emerging and still vulnerable, or when a business is under threat of disruption from technology, competition, regulatory changes, or other trends. Risk decreases with the moats protecting your business.


Portfolio Management



Explore: search

Exploit: grow

The Explore portfolio is all about the search for new ideas, value propositions, and business models to ensure the future of your company. Search involves maximizing expected returns and minimizing innovation risk. You improve the expected return by working on your business model design. You decrease the risk of working on an idea that might fail by testing and adapting it.

The Exploit portfolio is all about keeping your existing business models on a growth trajectory. This includes scaling emerging business models, renovating declining ones, and protecting successful ones. You ensure growth by improving returns and minimizing disruption risk. This is best achieved by shifting all of your business models from outdated ones to stronger ones.


Exploit Portfolio


Explore Portfolio 13

Expected Return


Death & Disruption Risk


c ar


Innovation Risk


Exploit The Innovation Journey




Five Innovation Journey Myths The journey of exploring new business ideas is not a linear one and differs radically from managing an existing business. We outline five myths regarding the innovation and entrepreneurship journey that may prevent you from turning an idea into a real business. Myth #1: The most important part of the innovation and entrepreneurship journey is to find and execute the perfect idea. Reality: The innovation and entrepreneurship journey is about turning ideas into value propositions that customers care about and business models that can scale. Ideas are easy but they are just a starting point. The hard part is to constantly test and adapt ideas that look great in theory until you have sufficient evidence that they will work in reality. The exploration journey is all about adapting ideas iteratively until you find a value proposition that customers really want and a business model that can scale profitably.

Myth #2: The evidence will show you a clear path forward when you systematically test ideas. The solution will magically emerge if you just test and adapt your idea often enough. Reality: Innovation and entrepreneurship is about making informed decisions based on incomplete and potentially contradictory evidence. And sometimes killing an idea is the healthy thing to do. Turning an idea into a real business will always remain an art, even with the most rigorous testing process. It is rare that the evidence shows you an obvious path forward. Evidence allows you to detect patterns and make informed decisions that are less risky than opinion-based bets. Also, make sure you don’t get stuck in testing or evidence analysis. Decide to persevere, pivot, or abandon an idea based on the evidence at hand. Myth #3: A small number of big bets will lead to a large return. Reality: Exploration requires making a large number of small bets that you gradually reduce over time, based on evidence. In the early stages of innovation, it's impossible to know which ideas will work and which ones won’t. Start out by investing small amounts of money and time in a large number of ideas and projects. Give ideas and projects that can provide real evidence follow-up investments. The best ideas and teams with the most promising returns will emerge if you do this systematically over several rounds.

Myth #4: The skills required to explore a new business and to manage an existing one are pretty similar. Business is business. Reality: Exploration and exploitation are two radically different professions that require a different skill set and different experience. Testing and adapting a business idea until it works requires a radically different skill set than managing a business. In innovation and entrepreneurship you deal with high uncertainty. You need to detect patterns in the data you gather from testing and transform that into something that can scale profitably. You get better at exploration the more experience you have, just like you get better at management over time. Myth #5: Innovation teams are renegades or pirates that are out to disrupt the old business. They need to operate in stealth mode to survive inside a company. Reality: Innovators need to be seen as partners who are essential for the future of the company. Otherwise, any meaningful innovation is unlikely to emerge on a large scale. Innovation teams that are seen as renegades have a hard time accessing company resources like access to clients, brand, prototyping, and so on. They need to be seen as partners who have the mandate to create a company’s future in order to operate successfully.

17 Tool



Expected Return

Potential Steps in the Exploration Journey

Promising Concept Large financial potential + weak-to-no evidence of success

Rising Star Large financial potential + strong evidence of success




Niche Opportunity Small financial potential + weak-to-no evidence of success

Safe Play Small financial potential + strong evidence of success

Innovation Risk


Expected Return and Innovation Risk

Expected Return The financial potential (or impact) of a business idea if it is successful. You can pick how you define expected return according to your preferences. This may be profitability, revenue potential, growth potential, margins, or any other financial metric that allows you to evaluate the financial potential of an idea. Alternatively, you may focus on the social or environmental return, rather than the financial return.

Innovation Risk There are four types of innovation risks that might kill a business idea: Desirability Risk, Viability Risk, Feasibility Risk, and Adaptability Risk.

The risk that the market a business is targeting is too small, that too few customers want the value proposition, or that the company can’t reach, acquire, and retain targeted customers.

Viability Risk We can’t earn enough money. The risk that a business can’t generate successful revenue streams, that customers are unwilling to pay (enough), or that the costs are too high to make a sustainable profit.

Feasibility Risk We can’t build and deliver.

Adaptability Risk External factors are unfavorable.

The risk that a business can’t manage, scale, or get access to key resources (technology, IP, brand, etc.), key activities, or key partners.

The risk that a business won’t be able to adapt to the competitive environment, technology, regulatory, social, or market trends, or that the macro environment is not favorable (lacking infrastructure, recession, etc.). This icon is the Business Model Canvas; see p. 78 for an introduction.

19 Tool

Desirability Risk Customers aren’t interested.

Exploit Explore Journey

Reality Check



Expected Return



c ar



Validation Change of Direction Discovery

Innovation Risk



Search and Pivot

Business Design Design is the activity of turning vague ideas, market insights, and evidence from testing into concrete value propositions and solid business models. Good design involves the use of strong business model patterns to maximize returns and compete beyond product, price, and technology.

Test Testing is the activity of reducing the risk of pursuing ideas that look good in theory, but won’t work in reality. You test ideas by defining critical hypotheses, conducting rapid experiments, and learning from the evidence. The evidence may support or refute the value propositions and business models you are exploring.

Search Trajectory Discovery Customer understanding, context, and willingness to pay

Validation Proven interest and indications of profitability

This is where you begin to reduce risk through testing. Initial evidence indicates that customers care about what you intend to address (desirability). Further evidence typically indicates customer willingness to pay (viability). Discovery prototypes at this stage do not need technical skills. Examples are storyboards, videos, and mock brochures.

At this stage you search for more solid evidence that shows interest for your products and services (desirability). First mock sales or letters of intent signal how much customers will pay (viability). First evidence of the required cost structure indicates expected profitability (viability). Technical prototypes suggest that you can manage activities and resources (feasibility).

Acceleration Proven model at limited scale At this stage you aim for a working prototype or first products and services to test your value proposition in a limited market. You search for evidence that shows that you can create and deliver customer value at a limited scale and with a profit. You search for evidence to justify larger investments to scale customer acquisition and retention, and test profitability at scale.

Pivot Trajectory Reality Check Failure of initial trajectory

Change of Direction Testing a new direction

A reality check is needed when new evidence indicates that the idea you’ve been testing is unlikely to work despite earlier promising evidence. It might lead you to question your entire business model or certain aspects of it. It requires rethinking which parts of your initial idea and business model you will keep and which ones you will abandon.

At this stage you’ve pivoted from an initial trajectory to a new one. You have made significant changes to one or more elements of your business model. This means you need to reconsider the hypotheses underlying your new direction. You need to analyze which evidence is still relevant and which evidence isn’t. A change of direction usually requires re-testing elements of your business model that you've already tested.

See p. 76 in Manage for more on the design-test loop. See p. 128 in Invent Patterns for more on designing powerful business models.

21 Tool

The journey in the Explore portfolio is one of search and pivot until you have enough evidence that a new business idea will work. The search for ideas, value propositions, and business models that will work consists of two main activities that continuously nourish each other:

Exploit Potential Actions in the Explore Portfolio




Expected Return






a se

Retire Persevere


Innovation Risk

Explore Actions There aresevenactions you perform in your Explore portfolio. All of them are related to shaping and testing new business ideas in order to improve their return and reduce their innovation risk. The exploration of new ideas may include everything from radically new business models all the way to testing incremental improvements of existing business models in the Exploit portfolio. The idea to visualize actions with a triangle emerged after a discussion with Luis Felipe Cisneros. See p. 96 in Manage for more on Explore portfolio actions.

Invest A exists, outside the portfolio ↓ A partly belongs to the portfolio The decision to invest fully or partially in an outside start-up or exploration project to bolster your portfolio of internal projects.

Persevere A belongs to the portfolio ↓ A is unchanged, inside the portfolio The decision to continue testing an idea based on evidence. This typically happens after gaining insights you feel confident about from the analysis of the evidence. You persevere by further testing the same hypothesis with a stronger experiment or by moving on to your next important hypothesis.

Pivot Ideate A still exists but outside the portfolio ↓ A belongs to the portfolio The activity of turning market opportunities, technologies, products, or services into first business model and value proposition prototypes. This typically happens in a workshop setting. At this stage, there is no real evidence that significantly reduces innovation risk, only assumptions that you plan to test. You capture results in slides and spreadsheets.

A belongs to the portfolio ↓ A is changed into B, inside the portfolio The decision to make a significant change to one or more elements of your business model. This typically happens after learning that the idea you’ve been testing won’t work in reality without major modifications. A pivot often means that some of your earlier evidence may be irrelevant to your new trajectory. It usually requires re-testing elements of your business model that you've already tested.

Retire A belongs to the portfolio ↓ A is killed The decision to kill a search project based on evidence or lack of strategic fit. The evidence might show that an idea won't work in reality or that the profit potential is insufficient.

Spinout A belongs to the portfolio ↓ A still exists but outside the portfolio The decision to spin out rather than to kill a promising idea.This can either be in the form of selling it to another company, to investors, or to the team that explored the idea. The company might invest in the spinout or buy it back at a later, less-risky stage.

Transfer A belongs to the Explore portfolio ↓ A is transferred to the Exploit portfolio The decision to move a business model idea from exploration to exploitation based on strong evidence. This typically happens once you’ve produced strong evidence of desirability, feasibility, viability, and adaptability. Transferring requires finding a good home in the exploit portfolio. This may be as part of an existing business or as a new stand-alone business.

23 Tool


Phase 1 3 months, $120K; 70% Retired 200 teams started;

Phase 2 >$300K; 75% Retired

60 teams remain

Scaling $100 millions

Risk Reduction · Feasibility none




very strong



KEY ACTIVITIES We have the right capabilities to handle the most critical activities for creating our value proposition.



KEY PARTNERS We have found the right key partners who are willing to work with us to create and deliver our value proposition.



Risk Reduction · Viability REVENUES We know how much our customers are willing to pay us and how they will pay. COSTS We know our costs for creating and delivering the value proposition.

Evidence & Confidence none




very strong





Risk Reduction · Adaptability INDUSTRY FORCES Our idea/project is well positioned to succeed against established competitors and new emerging players.

e.g. limited would be evidence from only one experiment, strong would be evidence from one experiment with very strong confidence, very strong would be evidence from several experiments.

Evidence & Confidence none




very strong



MARKET FORCES Our idea/projecttakes known and emerging market shifts into account.



KEY TRENDS Our idea/project is well positioned to benefit from key technology, regulatory, cultural, and societal trends.



MACROECONOMIC FORCES Our idea/projectis adapted to known and emerging macroeconomic and infrastructure trends.




KEY RESOURCES We have the right technologies and resources to create our value proposition.

Evidence & Confidence


From Risk Assessment to Action We introduced Explore portfolio actions on p. 96. Here we further develop the topic to highlight decision-making in the context of exploration. In fact, there are two entities that make decisions in the context of exploration:



Teams: Teams need to constantly evaluate and reevaluate their business model and value propositions based on evidence from the testing process. Every week the team should decide about staying the course (persevere), substantially changing aspects of the idea (pivot), or killing the idea altogether. Committee: A decision or investment committee should meet every couple of months to decide which teams and ideas to invest in and which ideas to kill. The Innovation Project Scorecard and evidence from testing should be the main drivers for decision-making. The committee should trust the process and not interfere with teams between committee meetings.


Innovation Team/Entrepreneur



Teams don’t just ideate at the beginning of a project. During the whole journey there should be mini-ideations to create a more powerful business model and better value proposition. Ideally, ideation is based on evidence from testing.

The committee’s role during the initial ideation phase is to set the exploration guidelines. It should help teams understand how to evaluate strategic fit in terms of size and direction. The committee should support the exploration of several ideas in parallel.


Based on evidence from testing, a team might suggest investing in a startup* or acquiring a technology rather than building in-house.

The committee should always ask if it’s more appropriate to invest externally or explore internally. Also, internal testing leads to better investments.


At every stage of the journey the team should evaluate evidence to justify staying the course. The stronger the evidence, the more confidently a team can persevere.


The team should consider slightly or radically changing course when the evidence doesn’t support your initial direction. Make sure your evidence is strong enough before you pivot.


Sometimes pivoting doesn’t make sense and the best option is to kill an idea. Remember you are saving money, time, and energy by killing an idea that won’t work.


Teams may suggest a spinout if it believes a project could be successful, but not fit the company’s portfolio guidance.

A team should recommend to scale and execute an idea when it is sufficiently confident that the idea will work based on strong evidence from many experiments.


The committee should only make persevere, pivot, kill, or spinout recommendations on predefined dates. The committee’s role is to support teams to make evidence-based decisions on their own, between committee meeting dates. All recommendations by the committee should be evidence-based, rather than opinion-based, and grounded in strategic fit. Recommendations should be made in the context of all teams exploring. Teams exploring strategic ideas, but incapable of producing sufficient evidence, should only rarely be encouraged to persevere.

The committee should move an idea from exploration to execution, if one of the teams shows strong evidence that the idea will succeed.

Exploit Potential Actions in the Explore Portfolio


Expected Return






c ar


Retire Persevere


Innovation Risk



Invest Like a Venture Capitalist

This requires the following four principles: 1. Invest in a portfolio of projects rather than individual projects to spread your bets and manage risk (see “You Can’t Pick the Winner,” p. 54).

For exploration, adopt a more venture capital-style investment approach, as opposed to the relatively rigid annual budgeting cycles practiced in Exploit projects.

2. Start with small bets (i.e., investments/funding), while risk and uncertainty of project success are high.

Project View Funding



The Enemy of Innovation: The Business Plan

2 Un

Companies that still require business plans from project teams maximize the risk of failure. The business plan is a document that describes an idea and its execution in detail. This maximizes the risk of executing an unproven idea that looks good on paper and in spreadsheets. Innovation is about admitting risk and uncertainty. It is about iterating and adapting ideas based on evidence from experiments until they are likely to work. This minimizes the risk of executing a flawed idea.









4. Manage return on portfolio, not return on individual projects.


3. Increase your bets incrementally and provide follow-up funding when evidence and traction from experiments suggest risk reduction and real-world project potential.

Portfolio View

Death & Disruption Risk

Expected Return

Portfolio Return



Innovation Risk

Because of the high uncertainty of innovation projects, you need to settle with the fact that you can’t pick the winners. Instead of focusing on the return of individual projects, you need to focus on the return of your portfolio. You diversify portfolio risks by spreading your bets and by investing in different types of innovation. Spreading your bets allows the best teams and ideas to emerge, based on evidence and performance. Investing across all three types of innovation, namely, efficiency, sustaining, and transformative innovation, spreads bets across different levels of risk and return.




Growth and Innovation Investment Committee



An important aspect of funding like a venture capitalist is the constitution of an investment committee dedicated to growth and innovation. It’s crucial to create a dedicated committee, because the investment logic and investment style substantially differ from investments in execution projects. The committee is composed of a small number of leaders who have decisionmaking authority when it comes to budget. Ideally, it includes members who are fully dedicated to exploration, as well as members who are more preoccupied with exploitation. Investment decisions usually take place every 3 to 6 months, depending on the type of organization. Investments are mainly in internal teams, but may also include start-ups.

Project guidance and investment guidelines Communicate portfolio guidance. Clarify which types of projects are in and which ones are out. Highlight financial expectations. Outline how teams can get initial discovery funding and what type of evidence is required to qualify for follow-up validation and acceleration investments.

Project team support and protection Help project teams get to the next level by asking them how they might improve their business models. Help them qualify for follow-up funding by suggesting how they might further test their ideas to generate the required evidence. Protect projects from company forces that make exploration and testing difficult.

Portfolio management Maintain a balanced portfolio with the right number of projects in discovery, validation, and acceleration. Make sure your pipeline is full of projects to improve existing businesses before they are at severe risk of disruption or decline. Make sure you invest in a sufficiently large number of exploration projects of which some will be the foundation of the future of your organization.

Encourage innovation behavior, not just outcomes Make sure all teams that test their ideas feel valued, not just those that get followup investment. Encourage innovators and teams that show strong testing skills to come back with new ideas and projects after every failure.

Evidence-based Investments Invest in projects that deliver evidence from testing, rather than ideas that look irresistible in PowerPoint presentations and spreadsheets. Make sure you give teams a chance to explore ideas, because you can’t know which ones will excel. Let the best teams and ideas emerge through the process, rather than trying to pick them upfront.

Metered Funding To fund Explore projects you should apply the metered funding practiced by venture capitalists, as opposed to the annual entitlement budgeting practiced in Exploit projects. Incrementally increase your investments in projects that produce evidence from testing and shelve those that don’t. In the discovery phase you invest small amounts of money in a large number of tiny

teams to explore ideas. In validation you increase your investment in those 30% to 50% of the teams that produced evidence during discovery. In acceleration you continue to trim your portfolio and again invest in only 30% to 50% of the teams.


Combining portfolio management and metered funding increases your chances to find outliers that will create exceptionally large returns and substantially reduces the risk you’d incur by making 1 to 2 large bets in bold ideas.


Accelerate 105

Funding Team Size Time per Team Member Number of Projects



Less than $50,000

$50,000 – $500,000


1– 3

2 –  5


20 –  40%

40 –  80%





Customer understanding,

Proven interest and

Proven model

context, and willingness to pay

indications of profitability

at limited scale

• • • •

• Value proposition evidence • Financial evidence • Feasibility evidence

• Product/market fit • Acquisition and retention evidence • Business model fit

Market size Customer evidence Problem/solution fit Opportunity size

Desirability Feasibility Viability Adaptability

Experiment Themes

50 – 80%

0–10% 10 –30% 0–10%

30 – 50% 10 – 40% 20 – 50% 0–10% 10 – 30%


10x Rule of Thumb Success is unpredictable and depends on organization and context. However, from experience, we recommend the 10x rule of thumb: invest 1 million into your portfolio to create 10 million in new revenue or costs savings. For example, invest $20,000 in 10 small teams. Make a $50,000 follow-up investment in the 5 teams that produce the best evidence. Finally, invest around $500 thousand, in the team with the best evidence. For a billion dollar success, invest $100 million into a much larger portfolio of projects.

40 – 50%

20 – 50%

Portfolio Example 2014­ 


Sony Startup Acceleration Program In 2014, Sony establishes the Sony Startup Accelerator Program (SSAP) to ideate, commercialize, and scale business ideas that live outside of Sony’s traditional business units. It reports directly to the CEO.



Sony, founded in 1943 by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, is a Japanese multinational conglomerate with business divisions in electronics, gaming, motion pictures, music, and financial services. In 2012 Kazuo Hirai took over as CEO and under his guidance, Sony experienced a resurgence in the 2010s. Under Hirai’s One Sony policy, poorer performing divisions like mobile were downsized while the company advocated a deeper focus on products. This allowed Sony to streamline and focus on its core competencies. As a part of this strategy, Sony created the Startup Accelerator Program (SSAP), which reports directly to the CEO. Hirai took ownership of SSAP as he envisioned a sustained innovation engine as paramount to the future of Sony. Having the CEO (and Photography: Kazuo Hirai, Sony President by cellanr / CC BY-SA 2.0

Kazuo Hirai President and CEO of Sony Corporation 2012–2018

not a business division) take responsibility of SSAP ensured a long-term objective for Sony’s innovation funnel and made it less prone to short-term business volatilities. In 2019, Sony brought in ¥8.66 trillion in revenue, reporting its best year ever in terms of profit in its 73-year history.18 Sony Startup Accelerator Program Established in 2014 and led by Shinji Odashima, SSAP is an internal program for Sony employees to ideate, commercialize, and scale business ideas that live outside of Sony’s traditional business units. Since then, SSAP has ideated over 750 business ideas and incubated 34. Out of those, 14 businesses have been successfully created. Of the 14 businesses launched: six have continued their scaling phase under SSAP,

five have moved into existing business units, two are now subsidiaries under Sony Group, and one has become wholly independent and its own company. Allowing for a variety of exit strategies means SSAP is not limited to the scope of ideas possible and is willing to accept most that can prove profitability. Open Innovation After five years, in 2019, the program transformed from an internal incubator to being open externally, helping anyone incubate their idea. This is because SSAP sees innovation as a numbers game. Based on their previous experience they knew the chance of success for any idea was very small (1.85%). Consequently, the more ideas running through the accelerator program, the higher the number of successes. SSAP is also a vehicle for Sony to collaborate and partner with outside entities without disrupting its core businesses. In 2014, Sony partnered with VC firm WiL to create Qrio, a smart lock that can be easily installed in any existing door.

FES Watch Move into existing business units FES Watch U is an e-paper fashion watch that allows its wearer to change its design at any given moment. The project was initially going to be retired, since the material did not match Sony’s high quality product, but the CEO protected the project, seeing it as a way for Sony to tap into a new consumer segment: young fashionistas.

14 Businesses Transferred 6 continued to scale 5 merged into existing business units 2 new subsidiaries under Sony Group 1 spinout independent company

Transfer Perservere 34 business incubated


Ideate 750 ideas created

A10 Lab Independent and its own company A10 Lab helps companies improve their customer lifetime value by building consumer loyalty through gamification. A10 Lab became an independent entity as A10 Lab Co., Ltd. in February 2017.

MESH Move into existing business units MESH is a next-generation Internet of Things (IoT) block. Each block is a sensor with built-in functions to make it easy to prototype and build projects for the IoT. It is now a part of Sony Business Solutions Corporation. SRE Holdings Become a subsidiary of an existing business units SRE Holdings offers comprehensive real estate services such as real estate brokerage, loan management, and renovations. SRE Holdings became a separate entity and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December 2019.


Crowdfunding campaigns have become a core part of SSAP testing strategy. The best way to ensure product market fit is by getting your customers to preemptively pay for it.






Performance Assessment MANAGE


The disruption risk assessment helps identify how healthy or at risk a business model in your portfolio actually is and how much attention it needs to be improved and de-risked. The assessment includes two dimensions: 1. Business model performance strengths and weaknesses  reveals positioning on Exploit portfolio x-axis 2. Business model trend opportunities and threats  indicates likely future positioning on x-axis

Business Model Performance Strength and Weakness Assessment This assessment reveals how healthy or at risk a business model is based on recent performance. It assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the frontstage, backstage, and profit formula of a model. The resulting score ranges from -5 (highly at risk) to +5 (low risk), and allows you to place each business model on the x-axis of the Exploit portfolio.

Score and Positioning The score from the business model performance assessment indicates the health of a business model based on its performance. The assessment looks at the frontstage, backstage, and profit formula of a business model. The score allows you to position each business model on the x-axis of the Exploit portfolio in terms of their death and disruption risk. Poorly performing business models at risk go on the left half of the Exploit portfolio. Healthy business models go on the right half of the Exploit portfolio.

Frontstage VP

Our products and services perform worse than those of our competition.







Our products and services are highly differentiated and loved by our customers.


We lost over 20% of our customer base in the last six months.







We increased our customer base by at least 50% over the last six months.















We are 100% dependent on intermediaries to get products and services to customers and they are making market access difficult. All our customers could theoretically leave us immediately, without incurring direct or indirect switching costs if they left.

We have direct market access and fully own the relationship with the customers of our products and services. All our customers are locked in for several years and they would incur significant direct and indirect switching costs if they left.



The performance of our key activities is significantly inferior to that of our competitors and has deteriorated over the last six months. New entrants compete with new, better, or cheaper activities.








Our key resources can’t easily be copied or emulated for the next couple of years and they give us a competitive advantage (e.g., intellectual property, brand, etc.). Our key activities can’t easily be copied or emulated for the next couple of years and they give us a competitive advantage (e.g., cost effectiveness, scale etc.).







Over the last six months we lost access to key partners.







We lost over 20% of our revenues in the last six months.







We doubled our revenues over the last six months and are growing significantly faster than our competitors.

Our key partners are locked in for years to come.

Profit Formula RS


Our cost structure grew faster than revenues and is significantly less effective than that of our competitors.







Our cost structure shrunk compared to revenue growth and is significantly more effective than that of our competitors.


Our margins shrunk by over 50% in the last six months and/or are significantly lower than those of our competition (e.g., over 50% lower).







Our margins increased by at least 50% in the last six months and/or are significantly higher than those of our competition (e.g., over 50% higher).



Our key resources are significantly inferior to those of our competitors and they have deteriorated over the last six months. New entrants compete with new, better, or cheaper resources.


Trend Assessment MANAGE


Business Model Trend Opportunities and Threats Assessment This assessment uncovers how a business model is trending in terms of risks coming from your external environment. It assesses how external forces represent opportunities or threats for the frontstage, backstage, and profit formula of a business model. The resulting score ranges from -5 (trending left on the risk axis) to +5 (trending right on the risk axis) and indicates how a business model is likely to perform in the future.

Score and Direction The score from the business model trend assessment indicates in which direction a business model is likely to move based on external factors and what future performance might look like. The assessment looks at how external forces may impact and disrupt the frontstage, backstage, and profit formula of a business model. The score shows if a business model is likely to move to the left (higher death and disruption risk) or to the right (lower death and disruption risk) in the Exploit portfolio in the future. Adding Impact Weighting Increase the accuracy of how external forces may impact your business model by weighting each force in terms of likelihood to occur and severity of impact. For example, ask how likely new regulations are and how severely they would impact a business model. Or ask how likely new entrants are to gain traction and how severely that would impact a business model.

Trends Impact on Frontstage VP

New entrants are gaining traction with cheaper, better, or substitute products and services that may make our business model obsolete.







Competition for our products and services is shrinking and our products and services are likely to gain traction and benefit from that.


The markets in which we are active are projected to shrink significantly over the coming years.







The markets in which we are active are projected to grow significantly over the coming years.


Various trends (tech, cultural, demographics) are reducing the friction for our customers to leave us and never come back.







Various trends are making it harder for our customers to desert us and the friction for them to leave is increasing.


Social and cultural trends that are projected to grow are driving customers away from us (e.g., sustainability, fashion, etc.).







Various trends are making it harder for our customers to desert us and the friction for them to leave is increasing.

Trends Impact on Backstage Technology trends that substantially undermine our business model or make it obsolete are gaining traction.







Technology trends that substantially strengthen our business model are gaining traction.


New regulations make our business model significantly more expensive or impossible to operate and give our competitors an advantage.







New regulations make our business model significantly cheaper or easier to operate and give us a competitive advantage over our competitors.


Suppliers and value chain actors are changing in a way that puts our business model at risk.







Suppliers and value chain actors are changing in a way that radically strengthens our business model.


Our business model is resilient and would even benefit if an economic downturn happened in the next six months (e.g., due to weak competitors). Our business model does not depend on key resources or other factors that are affected by geopolitical or other external forces (e.g., commodity prices, trade wars, etc.).

Trends Impact on Profit Formula ECONOMIC

An economic downturn in the next six months would be lethal to our business model (e.g., due to high cost structure, debt obligations, etc.).







Our business model depends on key resources or other factors that may be affected by geopolitical or other external forces (e.g., commodity prices, trade wars, etc.).








There are a significant amount of venture capital funding start-ups in our arena and this has grown over the last six months.







There are little to no venture capital funding start-ups in our arena.




From Risk Assessment to Action MANAGE


We introduced Exploit Portfolio Actions on p. 109. Much has been written about the topic in other books already. The main contribution here consists of unifying the vocabulary and creating a shared language for all actions in the context of managing a portfolio of existing businesses.

Acquire Acquiring outside companies or business units helps boost an existing portfolio by either plugging a hole or by strengthening an existing internal business. You may either organizationally integrate an acquired business with an existing business (merge) or offer it organizational independence.

Improve When one of your businesses is suffering decline you may decide to renovate it by substantially changing its business model. This requires testing the new business model, while operating the existing one (see p. 124). There are two types of renovation. The first consists of renovating the business to maintain it as a pillar of your portfolio. The second consists of renovating the business to divest at an attractive price.

Divest You divest when a business does not fit your portfolio guidelines anymore in terms of fit or performance. Divestiture can be immediate by closing a business down (dismantle), or by selling it to another company, investors, or the current management (management buyout). You may also divest over time after revamping the business first to make it more attractive to potential buyers.

Invest Sometimes you are not prepared to or simply can’t fully acquire an outside business. In that case, you may build up an investment stake to take advantage of its success. A joint venture is a particular type of investment where two or more companies set up a separate business and own it together.

Partner Some types of partnerships are so important that they merit mentioning at the portfolio level rather than just within a particular business model. These are partnerships that are strategic and impact several of the businesses in your portfolio in significant ways.






Death & Disruption Risk








Portfolio Example 2014­ 


Microsoft Satya Nadella becomes CEO of Microsoft in 2014 and radically repositions the company away from the Windows operating system to focus on enterprise users and the cloud. Nadella understands the next phase of Microsoft’s growth will require an open mindset and collaboration with partners.



Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. The company’s meteoric growth came from its operating system, Windows, which came preinstalled on the majority of PCs sold. Microsoft also expanded into software and hardware that was centered around its proprietary operating system. In 2014, Satya Nadella became Microsoft’s CEO and took over from Steve Ballmer, who had led and grown the company for over a decade. Nadella profoundly changed the company’s strategy to reposition it for the future. He de-emphasized the role of proprietary Windows, which was traditionally the heart and foundation of Microsoft. Nadella focused Microsoft on enterprise users and the cloud. To accomplish that shift he established an open and collaborative mindset, a radical change from the Photography: Used with permission from Microsoft

Demote Company’s Historic Growth Engine By 2010, the invention of the smartphone and tablet were contributing to the irreversible decline of the PC market. At that point, Windows made up 54% of Microsoft’s operating income. The company needed to transform, and to do it quickly.

Strategic Direction The Productivity and Platform Company A Accelerate its efforts to unchain products and services to be platform agnostic for wider adoption. B Be an industry leader in cloud platform technology to facilitate open source collaboration across platforms. C Help enterprise users do more and achieve more.

Organizational Culture Collaborative and Customer Focused Growth Mindset

Nadella shifts Microsoft’s culture from a fixed to growth mindset, where leadership must be “boundary-less and globally minded in seeking solutions.” This comes with the understanding that if you really want to give your customers the best products you can, then you can’t do it alone.

Satya Nadella Microsoft CEO

company’s traditionally closed and proprietary attitude. Nadella wanted Microsoft’s technology to be running on all platforms, rather than waiting for it to “catch up” to its competitors. Technology should work with Windows, not have to be on Windows.

Brand Image Open Innovation D Microsoft is building partnerships with “competitors” like Amazon and Sony to provide consumers with greater products and connectivity, making their software available on more platforms. Microsoft also joins networks like Linux Foundation (2016) and Open Innovation Network (2018) to cement their commitment to open source collaboration. Developers in these networks are now able to use Microsoft’s 60,000 issued patents royalty free and on any platform.19

LinkedIn (2016, $26.2 billion) Talent Solutions, Marketing, and Premium Subscriptions.24

B Cloud companies (2013–2018) Microsoft acquires 23 cloudrelated companies to build out their intelligent cloud division.25

A Windows / Office By 2013, Windows revenue falls into third place behind office and service.27 Consumers are choosing simpler devices like smartphones and tablets over traditional PCs. Recognizing this, one of Nadella’s first tasks as CEO is to bring Office to Android and iOS, even offering free apps, including Word and Excel.28

2019 End of Year Results

Acquire More personal computing Project Oxford (2015) Helps developers create smarter facial apps by integrating microsoft’s advanced machine learning technology. Beta available for free to developers with an Azure account, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform.22

$45.7 billion – 8% Productivity and Business Processes

$41.0 billion – 15%


D Cortana Microsoft’s Cortana digital assistant (2014) lags behind Alexa and Google Assistant, largely due to the lack of hardware integration (limited to Windows 10 PCs). To leapfrog this, Microsoft partners with Amazon to integrate their digital assistants (2018).30

Intelligent Cloud

$39 billion – 21%

B Azure Cognitive Services (2019) Project Oxford officially releases as Azure Cognitive Services in 2019. An integral part of Azure AI services to help enterprise users solve business problems.



Hololens (2016) Microsoft’s “mixed reality” headset is still in development phase. Sales reach 50,000 units sold by May 2018.20

C Hololens Edition 2 (2019) Microsoft refines Hololens’ customer segment and tailors the second edition to help enterprise users of all types better do their jobs. Microsoft establishes partnerships with large companies (Saab, Airbus, Honeywell, Toyota) to optimize their production processes.21

B Azure Many analysts compare Microsoft’s Azure unfavorably to AWS. Microsoft manages to renovate it and turn it into their fastest growing business with 53% revenue growth year on year. Azure is now the world’s second most used cloud infrastructure service.29

Dismantle Nokia (2015, $8 billion write off) Moving out of mobile devices.26


D GitHub (2018, $7.5 billion) GitHub is the cross-platform framework that developers can use to build for any platform and deploy to devices, the cloud, or IoT scenarios. Microsoft soon becomes one of the largest contributors to the platform.23

Portfolio Example 2010­ 


Unilever Paul Polman joins Unilever as CEO in 2010 and repositions Unilever to become a purpose-driven company. He believes most consumers are willing to switch their purchase to a brand that supports sustainable living—and he thinks that, as a company, you can do well by doing good.



Unilever, founded in 1929, is a British-Dutch transnational company producing products in food and beverage, home care, and personal care. Unilever now owns over 400 brands, with a turnover in 2018 of €51 billion. It has grown to be one of the most recognizable brands in the world. By the 2000s, Unilever was struggling to overcome rising commodity prices and the financial crisis (of 2008). In 2010, Unilever picked an outsider as CEO in an effort to increase communication and transparency with the marketplace. Paul Polman believed in focusing on the long term and set ambitious sustainability goals for Unilever, all the while doubling its business. He believed that a company’s growth can decouple from its environmental impact; products with a purpose can create higher consumer demand and better constructed supply chains will be more sustainable, long term.

Incorporate Sustainability Unilever is struggling in the 2000s to overcome rising commodity prices and then the financial crisis of 2008. When Paul Polman takes over as CEO, he creates the Sustainable Living Plan, “defining a new era of responsible capitalism.”

Strategic Direction Make Sustainable Living Commonplace Unilever will make all 400+ of its brands purpose led by reducing their environmental footprint, while increasing positive social impact. Sustainability and Profits Unilever wants to double its revenue by moving from low- to high-margin goods while halving the environmental impact of its products. These ambitious targets prove you can both do good and do well. Long-Term Planning Banning quarter reporting and scaling back hedge fund shareholdings reduces share price fluctuations. This, in turn, creates a more stable environment to plan for long-term growth over short-term returns.

Sustainable Living Organizational Culture Purposeful and Principled At Unilever, success is defined as having "the highest standards of corporate behavior towards everyone we work with, the communities we touch, and the environment on which we have an impact." Everyone is expected to conduct operations with integrity and with respect for the many people, organizations, and environments the business touches. Paul Polman Unilver CEO

In 2019, Paul Polman stepped down as CEO and was replaced by Alan Jope. Jope pledged to push Unilever’s sustainability objectives even further by making every one of their brands purpose led.

Brand Image Purpose Driven not Profit Driven “Over 90% of millennials say they would switch brands for one which champions a cause.” Unilever wants to be perceived as a company driven by the desire to act responsibly—and, to prove that sustainability is good for business.

Comfort One Rinse A newly released version of the fabric conditioner uses 20% less water then previous editions, saving 10 million Olympic-sized pools’ worth of water a year.

In 2018, Unilever’s purpose-led, sustainable living brands grew 69% faster than the rest of the business and delivered 75% of the company’s growth.31

Lifebuoy Creates the Handwashing Programme to prevent 600,000 child deaths every year from respiratory infections and diarrheal disease.

2019 End of Year Results Schmidt’s Natural (2017, Sustainability) Natural, chemical-free deodorants Beauty & Personal Care

Living Proof (2016, Premium) Premium hair care products

Acquire33 Mae Terra (2016, Sustainbility) Natural and organic food business

Foods & Refreshment



Seventh Generation (2016, Sustainability) Eco-friendly cleaning products The Laundress (2019, Premium) High-end, eco-friendly laundry and household cleaning products


€19.3 billion +1.5%


€10.8 billion +6.1% Acquire


TG Tips In 2018 introduces fully biodegradable tea bags made with plant-based material, significantly improving their environmental impact. Domestos In 2017 launches Flush Less spray to market in South Africa, in response to the water shortages affecting the area.


Explore Unilever has indicated it will drop brands that do not “contribute meaningfully to the world,” even if it affects their bottom line. These include much loved brands like Marmite, Magnum, and Pot Noodle.34



In 2014, sells SlimFast to Kaios Group. SlimFast makes shakes, snacks, and other dietary supplement foods that promote diets and weight-loss plans.32

Unilever sells off many of their food brands to make the shift to a higher-margin portfolio mix. In 2013 sells Wish-Bone salad dressing to for $580 million and Skippy peanut butter for $700million. In 2014, sells pasta sauce brand, Ragu for £1.26 billion.


GRAZE (2019, Sustainbility) Healthy subscription-based snacking


€21.9 billion +2.6%

Dove Dove creates the Self-Esteem Project, to ensure the next generation grow up feeling confident about the way they look—to help them reach their full potential. Since 2005, The educational tool has been improving self-esteem in more than 35 million young people.

Portfolio Example 2013 


Logitech In 2013 Bracken Darrell takes the helm of Logitech. He unlocks growth by moving the company away from the declining PC market. Logitech builds a portfolio of design-focused consumer and enterprise accessories that benefit from the growth of the cloud.

Revive Entrepreneurship In 2012 the PC market started an irreversible decline and moved toward mobile, tablets, and the cloud. Logitech, which traditionally relied on the growth in the PC industry, had to dramatically change.

Strategic Direction The Leading Cloud Peripheral Player A Be a big fish in many small ponds and avoid giants like Apple, Google, and Amazon. B Reinvest profits in growth, assure growth across major categories, and improve margins to high end of range. Become a “design company.”

Design Centered

Organizational Culture Entrepreneural and Design Driven Revive entrepreneurial culture where people are willing to try new things and maintain entrepreneurial independence ofacquisitions. Expand core capabilities, in particular, in-house design and customer obsession. Design for cost early on in the process to increase operational efficiency.




Multicategory Multibrand




Logitech was founded in 1981 in Switzerland. It rapidly grew, based on its innovative computer peripherals, like advanced versions of the PC mouse. Logitech came under pressure with the decline of the PC market and a $100 million failure with Google TV in 2012.35 Bracken Darrell re-focused the company’s portfolio on consumer and enterprise accessories that would benefit from the growth of the cloud and connected devices. Logitech acquired several brands to expand its portfolio, particularly in music and gaming. Logitech, traditionally an engineeringfocused company, put design at the center of the company and its portfolio. In 2013 it hired Allistair Curtis, former head of design for Nokia, to help build a design-led organization.

Operations From Logitech’s presentation

Brand Image High End Design A Multibrand company that brings people together through music, gaming, video, and computing. Known for innovating for the customer, to deliver exactly what they want with high-end design.

Logitech’s Fiscal Year 2019 vs. 201336 2013 2019 Net Retail Sales Growth +10%

Strategic Growth as % of Sales 60%





Creativity & Productivity


$1.3 billion +10%

Total sales

Acquire Gaming

$648 million +32%

Beyond Entertainment (2018) Online platform that offers the latest news from the console industry


$508 million –10%

121 A


ASTRO Gaming (2017) Leading console gaming accessory brand for professional gamers and enthusiasts



2019 End of Year Results

Saitek Pro Flight (2016)37 Advanced manufacturer of flight simulation controllers


Non-GAAP Operating Income $352M

B Jaybird (2016) Leader in wireless audio wearables for sports and active lifestyles Blue Microphones (2018) Microphones for audio professionals, musicians, and consumers

Video Collaboration

$260 million +42% Acquire Smart & other Cloud-based peripherals

$49 million –44% Bracken Darrell


Divest In 2016 Lifesize, an HD video conferencing solution, split from Logitech as a fully independent company.39

Logitech CEO In 2015 exits the OEM Business for the PC mouse, which for a long time accounted for a large portion of Logitech’s revenue.38

Portfolio Example 2001­ 


FUJIFILM Holdings In 2003 Shigetaka Komori is appointed CEO of Fujifilm. He understands for the company to survive the digital disruption of analog film, it has to completely restructure and reinvent itself as a technology player.



Fujifilm, founded in 1934, was Japan’s first producer of photofilm. By the mid-80s it dominated the industry together with Kodak. However, in the early 2000s, the digitization of film made the industry virtually irrelevant. In 2004, CEO Shigetaka Komori came up with a 5-year medium-term management plan to “save Fujifilm from disaster and ensuring its viability as a leading company.” Komori decided to downsize the photofiIm business and cut almost 5,000 jobs worldwide all the while building a $400 million research facility to venture into new markets.40 Before then, Fujifilm spent 1.5 years taking stock of their technical inventory to find a renewed appreciation of Fujifilm’s capabiIities nurtured in photofiIm. The new business unit Healthcare and Material Solutions now makes up 43% of total revenue and photofiIms accounts for Iess than 1% of its revenue.41

Strategic Direction The three strategic directions outlined in Komori’s 5-year plan are: • Implementing structural reforms for cost reduction

Fight Disruption

• Building new growth strategies through a diversified portfolio

By the mid 2000s, the digitization of photography had made photo film imaging virtually irrelevant. Komori understood he needed a plan to dramatically change the direction of the company, in order to ensure its survival.

• Enhancing consolidated management for faster decision making

Organizational Culture To ensure Fujifilm could make the rapid transformation in time, Komori understood the organization needed to create the right structure: • Stronger individuals with greater autonomy and role flexibility that could take initiative and be more entrepreneurial

Become Tech Player

• Lean and decisive corporate leadership with rapid decision-making process42

Brand Image Fujifilm is known to the world over for their state-ofthe-art technology, delivering top-quality products. They want the brand image and trust they built with film to carry over to an array of care products as they make a leap to other industries.

“Fujifilm had, until then, been one of the leading companies in the photographic products industry and had continually produced big profits. I wanted to make sure it stayed that way into and through the next century. Figuring out how to do it was my job as CEO.” SHIGETAKA KOMORI FUJIFILM Holdings Chairman and CEO

Building a Diversified Portfolio 2004–2019

2001 %

The Acquisition of Toyama Chemical (currently Fujifilm Toyama Chemical) in 2008 signals Fujifilm’s full scale entry into the pharmaceutical business.



2019 43

Document Solutions


¥1006 billion +41% In 2001, Fujifilm purchases an additional 25% share of Fuji Xerox, a joint venture with Xerox. Making it a consolidated subsidiary. The Document Solutions division now makes up 41% of annual revenue.

HEALTH CARE & MATERIAL SOLUTIONS Health care & Material, Highly Functional Materials, Recording Media, Graphic Systems/Inkjet Display Materials


Imaging Solutions

¥387 billion +16% Improve


Fujifilm makes a bold decision to invest in LCD films, predicting the boom of LCD screens. Fujifilm invests over ¥150 billion in new facilities to manufacture FUJITAC, a high-performance film essential for making LCD panels for TV, computers, and smartphones.

Fujifilm’s understanding of how photos fade and oxidizes over time helped them make the leap into the functional cosmetic realm, as the human skin ages in a similar manner. In 2007, the skincare line Astalift was founded.

DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS Office Products & Printers, Production Services, Solutions & Services IMAGING SOLUTIONS Photo Imaging, Electronic Imaging, Optical Devices


¥1039 billion +43%




Healthcare & Material



Fujifilm acquires two companies (Diosynth RTP LLC and MSD Biologics (UK) Limited) and renames them to Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies. This is to enter into the biopharmaceutical contract development and manufacturing organization business to expand their Healthcare & Material Solutions.

By 2006, the digital transformation of photography was well on its way and Fujifilm knew it had to dramatically restructure its film ecosystem, by downsizing its photographic film business. This frees up much-needed resources to fulfil their diversification plan. In 2019, photo film accounts for less than 1% of its annual revenue.


Business Model Shifts 124

A company needs to apply the processes and metrics of the Explore portfolio when it decides to renovate one of its expiring business models in order to shift to a new one. More precisely, it needs to continue to operate the expiring business model, while simultaneously exploring and testing the shift to a new one. This is a challenging endeavor, but you will only succeed if you apply an exploration rather than an execution mindset to the testing of a potential new business model. This will reduce the risk that you shift to a new business model that won’t work.

Testing Your Shift Shifting to a new business model is very risky, because uncertainty whether it will work is high. However, if you apply the testing process and principles from the Explore portfolio you can substantially reduce the risk of shifting toward something that won’t work. The main difference is that you build on top of an existing business. That has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that you are likely to know customers, market, and technologies well. The disadvantage is that you might prioritize running the business as is at the expense of testing the hypotheses underlying the business model shift.

Value Proposition Shifts Product to Recurring Service, Low-Tech to High-Tech, Sales to Platform Frontstage Driven Shifts

Backstage Driven Shifts

Niche Market to Mass Market, B2B to B2(B2)C, Low Touch to High Touch

Dedicated Resources to Multi-Usage Resources, Asset Heavy to Asset Light, Open to Closed (Innovation)

Business Model Pattern Library 125

We designed a library of 12 business model shift patterns to help you explore how to shift from an old to a new business model. Like invent patterns, the shift patterns serve as a reference library or inspiration to help you build a new business model on top of an existing one.

Profit Formula Driven Shifts High Cost to Low Cost, Conventional to Contrarian, Transactional to Recurring Revenue



Business Model Patterns

A repeatable configuration of different business model building blocks to strengthen an organization’s overall business model. Help new ventures develop a competitive advantage beyond technology, product, service, or price.

Help established companies shift from an outdated to more competitive business model.

A single business model can incorporate several patterns.

Pattern Library In the following pages we outline a pattern library that is split into two categories of patterns: invent patterns to enhance new ventures and shift patterns to substantially improve an established but deteriorating business model to make it more competitive.

Invent Patterns Codify aspects of a superior business model. Each pattern helps you think through how to compete on a superior business model, beyond the traditional means of competition based on technology, product, service, or price. The best business models incorporate several patterns to outcompete others.


Shift Patterns Explore

Codify the shift from one type of business model to another. Each pattern helps you think through how you could substantially improve your current business model by shifting it from a less competitive one to a more competitive one.

Applying Patterns Understand business model patterns to better perform the following business model activities:

Design and Assess

Disrupt and Transform

Question and Improve

Use patterns to design better business models around market opportunities, technology innovations, or new products and services. Use them to assess the competitiveness of an existing business model. (p. 229)

Use patterns as an inspiration to transform your market. In the following pages, we provide a library of companies that disrupted entire industries. They were the first to introduce new business model patterns in their arena.

Use patterns to ask better business model questions, beyond the traditional product, service, pricing, and market-related questions. Regardless of whether you are a senior leader, innovation lead, entrepreneur, investor, or faculty, you can help develop superior business models based on better questions.

the biggest threat to incuMbents

is the upstarts



Epicenters Business model patterns can originate in the frontstage (customer-driven), backstage (resource-driven), or profit formula (finance-driven) of a business model.

Backstage Disruption Radical change of how value is created.

Profit Formula Disruption A radical change of who is targeted and how value is delivered.

Invent Pattern Library

Frontstage Disruption Radical change of how value is created.

Frontstage Disruption

Backstage Disruption

Profit Formula Disruption

p. 144 Market Explorers

p. 164 Resource Castles

p. 190 Revenue Differentiators

p. 165 p. 165 p. 165 p. 165

p. 191 p. 191 p. 191 p. 191

p. 145 p. 145 p. 145

Visionaries​ Repurposers Democratizers

p. 150 Channel Kings p. 151 p. 151

Disintermediators​ Opportunity Builders

p. 156 Gravity Creators p. 157 p. 157

Stickiness Scalers Superglue Makers

User Base Castles Platform Castles IP Castles Brand Castles

Recurring Revenue Bait & Hook Freemium Providers Subsidizers

p. 172 Activity Differentiators

p. 198 Cost Differentiators

p. 173 p. 173 p. 173 p. 173

p. 199 p. 199 p. 199

Efficiency Disruptors Speed Masters Sustainability Masters Build-to-Order

p. 178 Scalers p. 179 p. 179 p. 179

Delegators Licensors Franchisors

Resource Dodgers Technologists Low Cost

p. 204 Margin Masters p. 205 p. 205

Contrarians High Ender


G re e n




Case 140

Invent Patterns




Greenfield The companies we portray in this section all started from a blank sheet. They built business models from scratch around a technology, market opportunity, or trend. They all disrupted an industry by applying powerful business model patterns unheard of in that industry.

Pattern We highlight nine different invent patterns with 27 flavors that new ventures and established companies can apply to build better, more competitive business models. We describe each pattern so that you can make use of it as a reference library.

Case Illustration Each case serves to highlight a pattern in action. We don’t outline the company’s entire business model — just show how it applied a particular pattern to build a more competitive business model. In reality, an entire business model might combine several patterns.

Flavor Each pattern has two or more different flavors. These are variations of a particular pattern to help you understand different ways to apply the pattern in question.

Legend –– Greenfield 141 –– Business Model Pattern –– Case Illustration –– Pattern Building Blocks –– Optional Pattern Building Blocks –– Original Business Model Blocks –– Other Business Model Blocks


Frontstage Disruption

Market Explorers p.146 Visionaries Tesla Motors p.148 Repurposers M-Pesa p.149 Democratizers Sears, Roebuck and Co.

Channel Kings p.152 p.154

Disintermediators Dollar Shave Club Opportunity Builders Tupperware

Gravity Creators p.158 p.159

Stickiness Scaler Superglue Makers

Microsoft Windows Microsoft Xbox 143

A radical change of who is targeted and how value is delivered.

Market Explorers Unlock Markets 144

Develop innovative value propositions that create, unleash, or unlock completely new, untapped, or underserved markets with large potential. Be a pioneer and unearth new revenue potential through market exploration.




Trigger Question How could we tap into new, untapped, or underserved markets with large potential?

Assessment Question How large and attractive is the untapped market potential we are going after?



There is little untapped potential and the market is shrinking.




The market potential is large, not yet occupied, and growing.




Visionaries­ –­ ­­­Use imagination to see a large market potential where others don’t. Unleash growth by exploring unproven needs that you satisfy with a new value proposition. EXAMPLES Tesla, iPhone, Nintendo Wii

Trigger Question Which unproven needs of a large market might be worth exploring?


NEW VALUE PROPOSITION for proven demand




Trigger Question How could we repurpose an existing technology or infrastructure to unlock proven, but so far inaccessible, customer needs?



Repurposers – Find innovative ways to tap into proven market demand by repurposing existing technology and infrastructure that previously served other ends.


Democratizers – Find innovative ways to democratize access to products, services, and technologies that were previously only accessible to a small number of high-end customers. EXAMPLES Sears, Azuri, M-Pesa, AWS


Trigger Question How could we unlock products, services, and technologies that are limited to a niche market and make them more widely available for a mass market?


Visionary 2012­ 


Tesla Motors In 2012 Tesla envisions a large untapped market (high-end electric vehicles) where nobody else sees one. With the Model S they create the right value proposition to unlock the opportunity.



Tesla was founded in 2003 with the goal of commercializing electric vehicles, starting with luxury sports cars and then moving on to affordable, mass market vehicles. In 2008, Tesla began selling its Roadster. Its first breakthrough was in 2012 when it launched the Model S. Tesla’s first “affordable” car, the Model 3, was announced in 2015 and produced in 2017. Prior to Tesla, the market for electric vehicles was relatively insignificant and was served by utilitarian and unremarkable models. Tesla was the first car manufacturer to view the market for electric vehicles differently: Tesla saw a significant opportunity by focusing on performance and the high end of the market.

Technology parters


Software development


Car design & manufacturing

High performance electric vehicle

High-end brand Manufacturing facilities

Free supercharging stations 3

Supercharger infra Marketing & branding

Super charger network

Car sales

Design, development, and manufacturing

Tesla identifies a potential market of environmentally conscious, wealthy consumers who are interested in electric vehicles, but not at the expense of comfort, performance, and design.

Direct sales

Free charging

Supercharger production & maintenance

1 Envision a Large, Untapped Market, Where Nobody Sees One

Lovemark brand

Wealthy consumers

2 Create Customer Gains in New Ways With the Model S, Tesla taps into the aspirations of its initial customer segment. In 2013, it is called the “best car ever tested,” and becomes the best selling car in eight of America’s 25 wealthiest zip codes.¹

Lovemark Brand Tesla built up a lovemark brand in record time. It inspired significant brand loyalty because of its dedication to saving the planet, high-quality vehicles, and personal customer service. In 2014, the Tesla Model S was voted the “most loved car in America.”

3 Relieve Customer Pains in New Ways Tesla recognizes its customers’ fears over battery range. It substantially improves the speed of charging and creates its own network of free superchargers in high traffic areas.

Direct Distribution From the start Tesla sold its cars directly (through the Internet, gallery-like stores in urban malls, and its owner loyalty program) to educate customers on the cars’ features.

From Hardware to Software and Data Tesla is not just a car manufacturer, it is truly a software company. Its cars run on sophisticated software that updates wirelessly. Self-driving software that constantly learns from the data of its community of drivers is introduced in 2014. Software drives the entire user experience of owning a Tesla. Building the Backstage for Disruption



were deployed globally at 1,261 stations, as of September 2019.³

Tesla Strategy Canvas²



Model 3 preorders in its first two days, worth more than $10 billion for Tesla as of April 2, 2016.⁴

Global Electric Vehicle Sales in 2019⁵

Comparing electric cars

300 000

TESLA 100 000


Stylish design

Gasoline usage



Free charging


Driving range

Brand perspective


Acceleration for performance

Charging time


Top speed


Affordable price




To enable its vision of unleashing the electric vehicle market, Tesla bolsters its portfolio of key resources and key activities with technology partners like Toyota, Mercedes, and Panasonic. It also manages to overcome substantial manufacturing challenges for Tesla’s first affordable car, the Model 3.

Repurposer 2007­ 


M-Pesa In 2007, Safaricom repurposes its telecom network to create M-Pesa, a reliable money transfer solution for the masses.



Safaricom is the biggest telecom operator in Kenya. In 2007, it decided to use its telecom infrastructure to build M-Pesa, a simple mobile money transfer system. It tapped into the proven demand for mobile payments from millions of Kenyans with a mobile phone. Existing financial services were expensive and inappropriate for small transactions. In 2009, there were only 352 ATMs and 491 bank branches in the entire country (with a population of 39 million). Most money transfers were in cash, which was expensive, unreliable, and sometimes dangerous. M-Pesa changed that. Within two years of its introduction, M-Pesa saw 10,000 new registrant applications daily.⁶ In 2010, it processed over 90% of all mobile money transactions in Kenya, and had a 70% market share of all mobile money subscribers.⁷ M-Pesa also had an impact on a national scale in Kenya with studies crediting M-Pesa for lifting an estimated 2% of Kenyan households out of extreme poverty.⁸



Money transfer via mobile

Mobile phone users


Existing telecom infrastructure

Network of agents

Mobile user base 4

Transaction fees

1. Identify a Proven Demand You May Unlock Based on Your Resources Safaricom has evidence for market demand: some of their mobile customers hack their own digital payment solution by using SMS messages to share mobile airtime as a means of e-currency.

2 Repurpose Your Key Resources to Enable the New Value Proposition In 2007, Safaricom imagines how it could repurpose its telecom network to create a reliable money transfer solution with M-Pesa. As the dominant telecom operator in Kenya, it already has a relationship with millions of Kenyans.

4 Enjoy the New Revenue Stream M-Pesa generates a new revenue stream for Safaricom reaching Sh62.9 billion ($625 million equivalent), that is, 28% of Safaricom total revenues in 2018.⁹ Revenues come from small transaction fees on money transfers and other financial services.

3 Differentiate from Competition In the mid-2000s, financial services are expensive and do not cater to irregular and small transactions. Only a minority of Kenyans are using the banking system. With M-Pesa’s affordable money transfers, Safaricom opens up the financial system to the previously unbanked.

Network of Agents Through 2018, M-Pesa builds a distribution network of 110,000 agents across Kenya, allowing Kenyans to exchange cash for virtual currency and vice versa.¹⁰ This includes small shops, gas stations, post offices, and even traditional bank branches and is 40 times the number of bank ATMs in Kenya.




Sears, Roebuck and Co.

million Kenyans used the system by 2013 which is equivalent to

In the late 1800s, Sears, Roebuck and Co. (“Sears”) democratizes access to mass market retail with the Sears mail order catalog. By leveraging the growth in U.S. mail and delivery services, Sears was able to distribute its products to all rural areas throughout the United States.


of the adult population.¹¹

Historical Case

Access to thousands of products

In millions as of 2019

500+ page catalog




Retail sales



Mass market rural consumers

of Kenya’s GDP was transferred per month over the system in 2013, up from 10% in 2009.¹³

The Sears mail order catalog gave isolated settlers in the west access to a variety of low-price everyday goods that were previously inaccessible to them. By 1895 the catalog was more than 500 pages long, bringing in $750 thousand in annual sales ($23 million equivalent today). The first Sears retail store opened in 1925 in Chicago, and Sears remained the U.S.’s top retailer until 1991. The catalog was discontinued in 1993, after over a century of use.

$23 million

Amount of sales (in today's dollars) brought in by the catalog in 1895.¹⁴


M-Pesa Active Customers¹²



Channel Kings



Access Customers 150

Radically change how to reach and acquire a large number of customers. Pioneer innovative new channels that haven’t been used in your industry before.


Trigger Question How could we increase market access and build strong and direct channels to our end customers?

Assessment Question Do we have large-scale and, ideally, direct access to our end customer?




We have limited market access and depend on intermediaries to get our products and services to customers and interact with them.



We have large-scale market access and own the channel(s) and relationships with end users of our products and services.







Disintermediators – Establish direct channels to customers where intermediaries previously dominated market access. Replace the reach of intermediaries with your own (often creative) marketing, customer acquisition activities, and strong brand. Develop a better market understanding, build stronger customer relationships, and capture the full revenue, which you previously shared with intermediaries. EXAMPLES Dollar Shave Club (DSC), Nespresso, Gore-Tex


CAPTURE FULL REVENUE Trigger Question How could we cut out the middleman and create a direct access to our end-customers?








Opportunity Builders – Create business opportunities for others to sell the company’s products and services. Help others make money and/or gain status, which is a powerful incentive to help you increase your market reach. EXAMPLES Tupperware, Grameen Phone, J. Hilburn

Trigger Question How could we make it attractive for a large number of people or third-party businesses to sell our products and services?

Disintermediator 2012­ 


Dollar Shave Club In 2012, Dollar Shave Club (DSC) launches with a viral marketing campaign and disrupts the market for men’s shaving products by selling directly to consumers.



Dollar Shave Club spotted consumer inconveniences, where most saw an over-served market. In the shaving market, men had to choose between (supposedly) high-tech razors or low-cost, low-functionality tools. DSC aimed to change this by providing an end-to-end customer experience with affordable shaving products. In 2012, DSC launched its online store and quickly disrupted the overpriced men’s razor blade market. It purchased its products from wholesalers, removed the traditional physical retail channel, and sold razors and blades online at a lower price. DSC focused heavily on online marketing to replace the reach of the eliminated middleman. Its launch video with founder Michael Dubin showcased the brand’s sense of humor and went viral. Editorial content accompanies each delivery, often with a humorous twist. The company was acquired by Unilever in 2016 for approximately $1 billion.¹⁵


Viral videos

Direct relationship


Affordable men’s shaving products

Mass men’s market 2

E-commerce store


Online store 4


Viral videos (YouTube)

Viral videos & marketing costs

Customized subscriptions

1 Eliminate (or Go Around) the Middleman DSC cuts out retail stores to sell directly. On the upside, this means saving margins traditionally paid to retailers. On the downside, it means losing the broad market reach of retailers.

3 Differentiate Your Value Proposition DSC competes on an end-to-end customer buying experience with affordable products. Its flexible subscription plans allow members to buy their first product for just $1 and then choose the products and shipping frequency.

2 Build an Optimized Direct Channel The company launches its online store in 2012, which gives it full control over the customer experience, relationships, and data. DSC uses this channel to continuously test its product line and optimize its value proposition.

4 Replace the Reach of the “Historic” Middleman with Innovative Marketing Because DSC can’t rely on the reach of a retailer, it creates visibility and brand recognition with its viral videos. DSC keeps consumers coming back with educational videos and editorial content delivered with its unique brand voice.

Disruptive Direct to Consumer Brands

Published on Mar 6, 2012

As of November 2019 Dollar Shave Club's first video has

26,525,768 views¹⁶





retention rate Portion of customers that come back and transact in the first month after making an initial purchase.¹⁷



Product and Global Market Size (USD)

D2C Brand


Sneakers $62.5 billion



Oral care $28 billion



Eyewear $123.58 billion

Warby Parker

153 FRONTSTAGE DISRUPTION - Our Blades Are F***ing Great

Brands with a singular product focus and an elevated customer experience have led the recent growth in direct-toconsumer (DTC) brands. DTC companies have used disintermediation to become successful by controlling: (1) their relationship with the customer, (2) the presentation of their products whether online or instore, (3) the collection of customer data, and (4) the speed to market of new products. Increasingly, DTCs are also moving out of an online-only presence into physical stores (Warby Parker, Bonobos, and Glossier, for instance). These physical stores further cement the brand relationship (customers can actually try before they buy) and allow the brands to tailor a physical experience.

Opportunity Builders 1948 


Historical Case

Home storage products

Tupperware In 1948, Tupperware takes off when it starts selling through Tupperware Home Parties, empowering women to sell to other women, using their social networks.


3 2

Network of housewives sales force

Business & social opportunity

Housewives sales force (parties) Word of mouth



Although Earl Tupper invented his nowubiquitous Wonderlier Bowl in 1946, it wasn’t until he partnered with Brownie Wise to create Tupperware Home Parties in 1948 that the innovative, bell-shaped plastic containers took off. Brownie Wise pioneered the Hostess Group Demonstrations (aka Tupperware Parties) in order to tap into the power of women’s social networks for personalized, in-home demonstrations. Tupperware turned the initial challenge of selling plastics into an opportunity for women to make money independently from their husbands. The independent dealers were so successful that Tupperware abandoned in-store sales completely in 1951. Tupperware was a women-focused business, empowering women to sell to other women, using their social networks as a means of expanding their reach and building trust.

% sales commissions housewife sales force

1 Identify Who You Can Create an Opportunity for to Help You Sell After their contribution to the WW2 war effort, women are often told to go back to the kitchen. Brownie Wise sees how Tupperware can offer housewives an opportunity to become independent Tupperware dealers.

3 Develop the Channel By 1954 there are 20,000 people in the network of dealers and none of them are employees of Tupperware: they are private contractors who collectively act as the channel between the company and the consumer.¹⁸


Housewives sales force


Home party sales

2 Design the Opportunity Wise pioneers Tupperware Parties, where a hostess opens up her social network and the Tupperware dealer demonstrates the products. Hostesses receive products as a reward for hosting, and dealers get a cut of the sales.

4 Earn from Helping Others Women are convinced of the utility of the product by seeing it in person and by receiving persuasive recommendations from friends. This channel is so successful that Tupperware decides to abandon in-store sales completely in 1951.

In the 1950s, 70% of U.S. homes included a working husband and a stay-athome wife.¹⁹


Natura The modern-day version of Tupperware is Natura, one of the largest cosmetics companies in Latin America. It has been using a direct selling model called Selling through Relationships since 1974.

Sales Force Growth²⁰ Tupperware dealer growth during 1954

1.7 Million


number of sales consultants in the Natura network²³


$233 million

Tupperware sales of home storage products soar and hit $25 million in 1954 (more than $233 million in 2019’s money), driven entirely by the sales efforts of Tupperware dealers.²¹


By the 1990s, the percentage of U.S. homes that owned at least one item of Tupperware was²²


Hundreds of thousands of female entrepreneurs act as brand ambassadors and beauty advisors and sell Natura products. In 2005, Natura expanded to retail stores with its first boutique in Paris, France. In 2012, it added a digital platform to support sales consultants globally, with online courses and support features. In May 2019, Natura agreed to purchase Avon, its largest direct selling competitor, in a share swap.



Lock in switching costs

Gravity Creators


Lock In Customers 156

Make it difficult for customers to leave or switch to competitors. Create switching costs where previously there were none and turn transactional industries into ones with longterm relationships.



Trigger Question How could we make it difficult for customers to leave and increase switching costs in a positive way?

Assessment Question How easy or difficult is it for our customers to leave or switch to another company?




All our customers could theoretically leave us immediately without incurring direct or indirect switching costs.



Our customers are locked in for several years and they would incur significant direct and indirect switching costs if they left.





Stickiness Scalers – Increase stickiness by making it inconvenient for customers to leave. Inconvenience may be related to the difficulty of transferring data, steep learning curves, onerous departure procedures, or other customer pains if they decide to leave. EXAMPLE Microsoft Windows

Trigger Question How can we increase customer stickiness?





Superglue Makers – Make it difficult for customers to leave by locking them in. Lock-in may occur based on multiyear contracts, upfront sunk costs, cancellation fees, elimination of alternatives, and other techniques. EXAMPLES Microsoft Xbox, Nespresso

Trigger Question How can we lock in customers?

Stickiness Scaler 1990 


Microsoft Windows In 1990 Microsoft got 30 PC manufacturers to preinstall Windows 3.0 on their machines. That move effectively locked in millions of users into the Microsoft ecosystem and generated recurring revenues for over two decades.


Historical Case

Windows PCs Windows compatible programs

PC manufacturers Software developers

Operating system

Operating system

Operating system lock-in PC users Licensing lock-in



PC manufacturers Windows PCs 3

Licensing agreements

Windows user base

Sales force

Software developers

Recurring licensing sales 4



Microsoft originally launched Windows in 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS, the original operating system of the PC. However, in 1990, when Microsoft launched Windows 3.0, it leveraged its relationships with PC manufacturers to preinstall the operating system (rather than shipping it separately). More than 30 manufacturers agreed to include the program for free and preinstalled it with every machine. As a result Windows rapidly gained in popularity — shipping over one million copies just two months after launch.²⁴ Once consumers had learned how to use Windows and compatible programs, most of them were reluctant to invest the time, cost, and effort to learn a new operating system and new programs. PC users effectively got themselves locked into the Microsoft ecosystem once they purchased their first Windows-equipped PC.

Recurring retail sales of Windows products 1 Spot a Market with Low Switching Costs for Customers The early computer market is rather fragmented, and each computer manufacturer operates their own unique operating system. At this time it is relatively easy for customers to switch from one system to another.

2 Create a Value Proposition That Locks Customers In

3 Focus on Scaling FirstTime Customer Acquisition

Windows 3.0 increases switching costs in three ways: (1) PC manufacturers preinstall Windows, increasing the effort needed to switch, (2) the graphical interface and new features steepen the learning curve, (3) Microsoft builds an ecosystem of Windowscompatible software to lock customers in via interoperability.

Microsoft scales first-time customer acquisition of Windows 3.0 users in 1990 by getting 30 of the main PC manufacturers to preinstall Windows 3.0 and sign longterm licensing agreements. That puts Windows in the hands of millions of users and effectively locks them in.

4 Enjoy the Benefits of Lock-in Due to the learning curve and software compatibility advantages, customers continuously come back to buy Windows PCs. This lock-in guarantees recurring licensing royalties from PC manufacturers and Windows sales to retail customers for over two decades.

Boost Windows Compatible Software A key component of Microsoft’s lock-in strategy is to boost acquisition of developers to quickly increase the number of software applications available for the Windows ecosystem: Windows-compatible software rises from 700 before the launch of 3.0 to 1,200 one year later, and 5,000 by 1992.²⁵

Superglue Maker 2001 


Microsoft Xbox license fee for each PC

In-house development

80–90% of the world’s total PCs ran on Microsoft software.²⁸

Proprietary Xbox console Number of available games

Microsoft Revenues²⁸ In millions


Console lock-in


Video games Thirdparty game developers

Access to gamers

Royalties from third-party games Subsidized console sales

Own game sales





Microsoft developed the Xbox in 2001 as a closed-system gaming console. They attracted and locked in a large number of gamers by subsidizing console sales. Microsoft monetized the Xbox by selling exclusive in-house games like Halo and from royalties paid by third-party game developers for every game sold. Gamers have been unlikely to switch due to their upfront investment in the console and the library of games they purchased for the platform. Microsoft successfully adopted this business model from the competing Sony PlayStation 2.


billion The Halo franchise has made in games and hardware sales as of 2015.²⁹



In 2001, Microsoft makes its first foray into the living room and releases the original Xbox game console. The subsidized console locks gamers in and increases their lifetime value from game sales and royalty payments from third-party game developers.

Manufacturers made an estimated payment of $50 for each copy of Windows on a $1,000 PC.²⁶

Frontstage Disruption



Questions for Leaders

Trigger Question How could we tap into new, untapped, or underserved markets with large potential?

Channel Kings Trigger Question How could we increase market access and build strong and direct channels to our end customers?

Gravity Creators Trigger Question How could we make it difficult for customers to leave and increase switching costs in a positive way?

Assessment Question How large and attractive is the untapped market potential we are going after? −3




There is little untapped potential and the market is shrinking.



The market potential is large, not yet occupied, and growing.

Assessment Question Do we have large-scale and, ideally, direct access to our end customers? −3




We have limited market access and depend on intermediaries to get our products and services to customers and interact with them.



We have large-scale market access and own the channel(s) and relationships with end-users of our products and services.

Assessment Question How easy or difficult is it for our customers to leave or switch to another company? −3



All our customers could theoretically leave us immediately without incurring direct or indirect switching costs.



Our customers are locked in for several years and they would incur significant direct and indirect switching costs if they left.


Market Explorers



Backstage Disruption

Resource Castles p.166 p.168 p.170 p.171

User Base Castles Waze Platform Castles DiDi IP Castles Dyson Brand Castles Wedgwood

Activity Differentiators p.174 p.175 p.176 p.177

Efficiency Disruptors Ford Model T Speed Masters Zara Sustainability Masters Patagonia Build-to-Order Dell Computers

Scalers p.180 Delegators IKEA p.182 Licensors ARM p.184 Franchisors Harper

A radical change in how value is created.




Build Moats 164

Build a competitive advantage with key resources that are difficult or impossible for competitors to copy.


Trigger Question How could we make difficult-to-copy resources a key pillar of our business model?

Assessment Question Do we own key resources that are difficult or impossible to copy and which give us a significant competitive advantage? −3


Our key resources are significantly inferior to those of our competitors.




Our key resources can’t easily be copied or emulated for the next couple of years and they give us a significant competitive advantage (e.g., intellectual property, brand, etc.).










USER ACQUISITION COST User Base Castles – Create a business model with network effects in which a large number of users equals the relative value for other users. Acquire a large user base to establish a competitive advantage that makes it hard for anybody else to catch up.



GENERAL USER ACQUISITION COST Trigger Question How could we establish a competitive advantage rooted in a large user base and network effects in our value proposition?

Platform Castles – Create a business model with network effects in which a large number of users represents value to one or more other distinct sets of users, and vice versa. That makes it hard for anybody else with fewer users to compete or to catch up.

Trigger Question How could we create a multisided platform that depends on the existence of two or more large user bases? 165





IP Castles – Use protected intellectual property (IP) to outcompete others. Offer distinct value propositions that are hard or impossible to copy if you don’t own the IP.






Trigger Question How could we use protected intellectual property as a competitive advantage (in arenas where it hasn’t mattered before)?


Brand Castle – Use a strong brand to outcompete others. Focus on value propositions in which a strong brand is an essential component.


Trigger Question How could we make brand a relevant competitive advantage (in an area where it hasn’t been so far)?


User Base Castle 2008 


User acquisition


App development

In 2008, Waze develops a traffic navigation system that gets better with every additional user. Real-time information from users helps shorten commutes and reduce traffic congestion.



Ehud Shabtai, Amir Shinar, and Uri Levine founded Waze in 2008. The business idea originated from a crowdsourced project developed by Ehud Shabtai in 2006. The project aimed to create a free digital map of Israel with free updates and distribution. Waze then evolved into a traffic navigation app that combines the reach of a social network with GPS data to shorten the commutes of its users and reduce traffic congestion globally. It’s a great example of network effects, where the service becomes more valuable as more people use it. Waze had more than 50 million users globally when Google purchased it in 2013 for $966 million, to improve its mapping service.³⁰

1 2


Drivers/ editors

Real-time traffic navigation

Driver community Traffic 5 data & algorithms

App development cost

Acquisition cost

1 Identify User Base for Competitive Advantage


2 Solve Pains and Create Gains for Those Users

Waze identifies its users as a critical resource to improve its digital maps. They instrumentalize users by collecting the data they generate and by asking them to actively help improve maps.

Waze is not just a voice navigation system. Its traffic algorithm optimizes routes to help users avoid congestion and solves the pain of long delays in commutes for millions of drivers globally.

4 Use Users in Your Value Proposition Users contribute in three ways: (1) Waze collects driving times and GPS data from all users, (2) active users post traffic updates, and (3) a volunteer army of editors update maps and translate them into other languages.

3 Acquire Users Aggressively To build its user base quickly, Waze makes the strategic choice to offer the app for free. Users are drawn to the free tool and then stay for the steadily improving value proposition (i.e., the effectiveness of the algorithm).

5 Reap Competitive Advantage With every new user, Waze algorithms become smarter, creating an even more attractive value proposition to existing and new users. Waze’s large and active global user base is difficult to replicate by a competitor.

Network Effects A network effect occurs when a product or service becomes more valuable to its users as more people use it. A direct network effect occurs when the increase in the user base of a product or service creates more value based on the increased number of direct connections between these users. Examples include the telephone, WhatsApp, Skype, or Facebook.

2 Active Users = 1 Connection

Example of a live Waze map of Toronto, generated from information reported by their user base.

Waze User Base³¹ In millions










Volunteer editors Waze counted in 2016:

monthly active users in 2019. Waze's user base has grown from 7 million in 2011.³²




5 Active Users = 10 Connections

12 Active Users = 66 Connections

thousand³³ Adapted from Andreessen Horowitz

backstage DISRUPTION


Platform Castle 2012­ 



User acquisition






In 2012, DiDi launches a ride-hailing service and rapidly acquires the largest pool of drivers and passengers in the industry, making it hard for anyone else to compete in this space.

DiDi — the Chinese equivalent to America’s Uber — was born out of the desire to fix the enormous traffic congestion and transportation problem in Beijing. Prior to the introduction of ride-hailing services in China, passenger brawls over taxis and exorbitant fares charged by illegal taxis were commonplace in crowded, urban centers. China had a unique problem: a massive population that was already connected through mobile combined with highly congested cities in need of traffic relief. The word DiDi itself means “honk honk” in Chinese, a nod to the perpetual traffic congestion. While it was founded as a taxi-hailing service, it rapidly transformed to a ride-hailing platform. DiDi’s dominance is the result of an aggressive strategy of acquisitions. DiDi purchased its two main rivals (Uber China and Kuaidi Dache) and now matches the largest base of connected passengers with the biggest pool of drivers.

On-demand ride hailing




Platform Rider user base 4

On-demand driving job opportunity


Driver user base

Platform maintenance

User acquisition cost

Driver payments

1 Identify How You Can Connect Two Groups via a Platform DiDi identified the opportunity of improving personal mobility by matching riders and drivers. Originally, DiDi started as a taxi-hailing service, but rapidly expanded to occasional drivers to expand its available cars.

3 Aggressively Acquire Both Groups DiDi pursued a very aggressive strategy to grow its passenger and driver pools, in particular, by purchasing its two main rivals (Uber China and Kuaidi Dache). As of January 2019, DiDi had more than 31 million drivers servicing 550 million registered passengers.

Free access Pay per ride 2 Create the Value Proposition for Each Group DiDi attracts passengers with its large pool of drivers, consistent pricing, reduced wait times, and WeChat and Alipay integrations. It attracts drivers with a large pool of passengers, reduced idle time, and discounts (e.g., gas, insurance, etc.).

4 Reap Competitive Advantage The sheer size of the two interdependent customer groups has created a competitive advantage for DiDi, which makes it hard for anyone else to compete in the transportation sector in China.


Network Effects Two-sided network effects occur when increases in usage by one set of users increases the value of a complementary product to another distinct set of users. Examples include DiDi, Uber, Open Table, Airbnb, eBay, and Craigslist.

million registered users³⁵

23 million

million rides per day (17,000 rides are called every minute in China on DiDi)³⁵

3 million



million registered drivers³⁶

3 million Taxis

340 thousand

= 13.75 million users

Chauffeured rides


billion rides In 2018 DiDi handled an estimated 11 billion rides — up from 7.4 billion in 2017.³⁴


billion km

DiDi users traveled in 2018, of which...


million km

...800 million kilometers on pooled trips, saving 43 million liters of fuel and 97,000 tons of CO₂ emissions.³⁶

169 backstage DISRUPTION


Private cars

IP Castle 1993­ 



Dyson Starting with a vacuum in 1993, Dyson tackles a wide range of product engineering challenges with an ingenious approach. It invests heavily in R&D to launch innovative, bestin-class products that it sells at a premium and protects with patents.



In the 1980s, James Dyson developed revolutionary, bagless, cyclonic vacuum technology. He attempted to license it to vacuum manufacturers, but the companies rejected his ideas. The technology was indeed better but this product would remove the recurring revenues from bag and filter sales. Dyson didn’t give up and manufactured his own vacuum in 1993, fighting off several patent infringement lawsuits along the way. Subsequently, Dyson’s business portfolio grew by continuing to manufacture superior products from patented IP. The company expanded into hand dryers, fans, air purifiers, hair dryers, robot vacuums, and even electric cars. Each product is the result of a leap in technology (with patented IP).

Research & development


Design & manufacturing

Premium consumer appliances

High-end mass market

Brand Intellectual property 2 & patents Engineers


Research & development cost

1 Invest Heavily in R&D Dyson’s ambition is to produce the best in class or nothing in each product range it enters. The company reinvests approximately 20% of its earnings into research and development.

Premium price

2 Patent Aggressively Dyson protects its product innovations with many patents. For the development of the Supersonic Hair Dryer, Dyson spent $71 million and filed 100 patent applications. The company reportedly spends over $6.5 million per year on patent litigation.³⁷

4 Sell at a Premium Dyson sells its home appliances at a premium price point. With a $700 price tag for its upright vacuum, Dyson is the most expensive vacuum on the market, with the cheapest alternative selling for $40.

3 Differentiate with the Best Products and Services Dyson uses its IP to create the best product within each category it competes. Its vacuums, for instance, include technologies that have never been incorporated into its competitors’ products.

Brand Dyson developed a strong brand by transforming the sleepy home appliance market into one filled with cutting edge technology and sleek industrial design. Dyson has often been dubbed the “Apple of home appliances,” as the company strives for perfection before releasing a product.

Brand Castle





more investment in R&D than competitors, on average.³⁸

In 1765, Josiah Wedgwood wins a royal pottery competition and is declared Her Majesty’s Potter. He uses that recognition to build a strong and defensible brand, markets his pieces as Queensware, and generates a fortune of $3.4 billion in today’s market value. Historical Case Dyson's R&D Investment


million machines were manufactured by Dyson as of 2017, produced at a rate of 80 thousand per day.³⁹

Innovative marketing of Queensware

Her Majesty's Potter

Marketing and branding costs

Queen of England royal patrons

Royal pottery

Queensware fine ceramic pottery

Aspirational households

High-end retail sales

Wedgwood used his royal recognition to target aspirational consumers who wanted to drink tea like the upper class, but could not necessarily afford expensive porcelain. He created a brand in an area where there was none previously. Wedgwood also convinced consumers to buy pottery for display rather than use and used the strength of his brand to protect his business from competition for decades.

245 years

Wedgwood’s Jasper vases have stayed in continuous production since 1774.⁴⁰

171 backstage DISRUPTION

Average Competitor Investment


Activity Differentiators Better Configure Activities 172

Radically change which activities they perform and how they combine them to create and deliver value to customers. Create innovative value propositions based on activity differentiation.


Trigger Question Could we create (significantly more) value for customers by performing new activities or configuring activities in innovative ways?

Assessment Question Do we create significant value for customers because we perform and configure activities in disruptively innovative ways? −3



We operate conventional activities that perform similarly or worse than comparable organizations.



Our key activities can’t easily be copied or emulated for the next couple of years and they give us a significant competitive advantage (e.g., cost effectiveness, scale, etc.).


Speed-Driven Activity configuration

EFFICIENCYDriven Activity configuration

Time-Critical Value Proposition

Disruptive Low-Cost Structure

Speed-based Cost Structure

Efficiency Disruptors – Substantially change which activities you perform and how you configure them in order to become radically more efficient. Use this to create a disruptively low cost structure. You may or may not pass the cost savings onto customers.

Trigger Question How can we radically change the configuration of our activities to compete with a disruptive cost structure?

Speed Masters – Build radically new activity configurations focused on speed. Create new, time-critical value propositions and accelerate time to market.

Trigger Question How might we put speed at the center of our activity configuration to develop new, time-critical value propositions? 173

Sustainability Driven Activity configuration

Build-to-order Activity configuration

Value-based Relationship

Sustainable Value Proposition

Customer Segment

Impact based Cost Structure

Sustainability Masters – Adjust activities such that they are environmentally friendly and positively impact society, even if it may lead to higher costs. Cut out activities that hurt the planet and society while engaging in those that add benefits.

Customized Value Proposition

Earn-beforeyou-build cost structure

Trigger Question How might we reconfigure our activities to have a positive environmental and social impact?

Customer Segment

Pay-first-get-later Revenue stream

Build-to-Order – Configure products or services to match the exact specifications of customers. Adjust activities such that they only go into motion when an order is received.

Trigger Question How might we reconfigure our activities to build to order and only start building after order confirmation and payment?

Efficiency Disruptor 1913­ 


Historical Case

Ford Model T




Assembly line production 4

In 1913, Henry Ford introduces the assembly line to automobile production, slashes the cost of production by a factor of three, and disrupts the industry in the process.

In the early 1900s, automobiles were considered toys for the rich, and they were often overly complicated, requiring a trained chauffeur. Henry Ford was determined to build a safe, affordable automobile for the masses, and he sought any production efficiency to deliver it. Ford looked outside of his own industry, which led him to invent the assembly line. The introduction of the assembly line reduced the time to assemble each car from over 12 hours to about 90 minutes. Training employees on just one task in the assembly line also allowed Ford to hire lower-skilled workers and further slash costs. Model T production went from 100 cars a day to up to 1,000 — which is similar to a modern factory — and enabled a price drop from $850 to $300.⁴¹ After just 10 years of using the assembly line, Ford’s 10 millionth Model T rolled off the line.⁴²



Automobile for the masses

Mass market

Standardized machinery


Reduced production cost

1 Scout Other Industries for Innovative Efficiency-Driven Activity Configurations Ford is inspired by the continuous-flow production methods used by flour mills, breweries, canneries, and meat packers of the time. He believes he can adapt these activity configurations to the automobile industry.

3 Reap the Benefits Rapidly, car production costs go down with this new way of working, while productivity goes up. Standardized machines lead to higher quality and more reliable production cost. Workers can now assemble a car in about 90 minutes compared to over 12 hours previously.⁴³


Reduced price

2 Adapt Outside Ideas to Your Industry Ford introduces the assembly line to the automobile industry. The car assembly process is standardized and broken into 84 steps.⁴⁴ Workers remain at one station and focus on one task while the car moves down a mechanized line — as opposed to working in a team to assemble each car.

4 Disrupt Your Industry In 1914 Ford’s 13,000 workers build around 300,000 cars — more than his nearly 300 competitors manage to build with 66,350 employees.⁴⁵ As he lowers production costs, he lowers the price of an automobile from $850 to less than $300 and disrupts the car industry.

Trend spotting

Speed Master 1980­ 

Just-in-time distribution & logistics




Just-in-time design & production

In the 1980s Zara disrupts the fashion industry by radically reconfiguring the supply chain and creating the fast-fashion category. It is able to almost instantly react to fashion trends by vertically integrating its supply chain.


Mass market fashionistas

Affordable fast fashion

Integrated supply chain Communication systems & customer data 3

Reduced inventory & unsold stock

Less discounts 175

1 Radically Reconfigure Activities for Speed Zara decides to produce more than half its fashion items locally and in its own facilities to achieve speed. At the time, most large fashion players rely on outsourcing production to Asia for cost reasons. This activity differentiation allows Zara to effectively react with lightning speed to fashion trends. 2 Develop Time-Critical Value Proposition Zara’s value proposition focuses on keeping up with fast-changing fashion trends. Its activity configuration allows it to spot trends and launch new pieces in less than three weeks. Competitors show two collections per year and take over nine months to get items to stores. Zara ships only a few items in each style to its stores, so inventory is always scarce. This leads to constantly changing collections and customers tend to “buy it when they see it,” because the clothes won’t be around for long.

3 Embrace a New Cost Structure Higher labor cost was the price to pay for flexibility, full control, and the required speed in its design and production processes. Zara reserves 85% of its factory capacity for in-season adjustments and over 50% of its clothes are designed and manufactured mid-season.⁴⁷ Trends, Data, and Communication Zara trains its retail employees to relay customers’ preferences and real-time sales data to designers through effective communication systems. The latest designs and production forecasts are adjusted accordingly. Because Zara manufactures only a limited supply of items, it doesn’t have to deal with excess inventory or constant markdowns. Pricing Power Each store has a limited inventory of items in each style that are replenished based on demand. New styles based on latest trends arrive constantly. As a consequence Zara rarely discounts clothes, contrary to most fashion houses.

backstage DISRUPTION

Zara is a global fashion retailer whose success stems from its ability to reduce lead times and react to trends almost instantaneously. Zara is owned by Inditex, the world’s biggest fashion group. The company was not afraid to go against conventional wisdom, vertically integrate its supply chain, and move its production to Europe (near-shoring), while many players in the fashion industry chose to outsource production to lower-cost factories in Asia. Zara disrupted the fashion industry by shortening the time to market to less than three weeks from inspiration to retail. Zara created a new category of affordable fast fashion. This model allowed the company to become a heavyweight in the highly competitive fashion industry: as of 2018, Zara was active online and in 96 countries, managed 2,238 physical stores and €18.9 billion annual revenue.⁴⁶

Just-in-time supply chain costs

Sustainability Master 1973­ 


Patagonia In 1973, Yvon Chouinard creates an outdoor apparel company whose activities are configured through the lens of environmental protection.



Patagonia was founded by Yvon Chouinard in 1973 to make clothing and equipment for rock climbers. Chouinard was an avid climber who believed in clean climbing with little impact on the outdoors. From the start Patagonia had a clear focus on environmental protection that reflected the personal ethics of its founder. It was the first California company to use renewable energy sources to power its buildings and one of the first to print its catalogs on recycled paper. Patagonia switched to 100% organically grown cotton in 1994 and removed chlorine from its wool products. Patagonia’s commercial success enabled it to become a visibly activist company. In 2018 it changed its mission statement to “We’re in business to save our home planet.” It also provides tools and funding to grassroots organizations. Growth is not the ultimate goal for Patagonia, yet their differentiation and environmental focus has helped them grow sustainably.

Design for durability


Sustainable outdoor equipment

Sustainable manufacturing Repair & recycle



Value based


Secondhand clothing

Platforms for environmental action 3

Higher-activity costs

Retail stores and website

Outdoor enthusiasts on a mission

Outdoor enthusiasts on a budget

Worn wear platform Affordable price 4 Premium price

1 Align Activities to Environmental Objectives Patagonia makes durability a strong constraint in the design and manufacturing of its outdoor clothing equipment, in order to align with its environmental objectives. The goal is to reduce consumption and waste. In addition, the company limits its environmental impact by maximizing the use of organic and recycled materials, by repairing damaged clothes, and by complying with strong environmental protection standards for its entire supply chain.

3 Accept Higher Activity Costs Patagonia’s high sustainability standards lead to higher costs. It uses more costly organic cotton, develops the infrastructure to recycle materials, and educates the public (Footprint Chronicles). It also bears the cost of making its supply chain more environmentally friendly by educating suppliers on sustainable practices.

2 Develop Sustainable Value Propositions Patagonia makes customers feel they are contributing to protecting the environment by extending its value proposition beyond the functional value proposition of high quality outdoor clothing and equipment. By buying Patagonia products, customers feel they are contributing to the highest environmental standards. Patagonia even launches a second-hand clothing value proposition to limit its environmental footprint and make its products accessible to a larger market.

4 Apply Premium Pricing Patagonia can charge a premium, because customers accept that environmental friendly production comes at a cost. The company’s customers are more environment-conscious than price-conscious.

Build-to-Order  2007

Dell Computers In 1984, Dell disrupts the personal computer market with high quality, low-cost machines that are built-toorder and sold directly to customers.

In 1984, Michael Dell launched his company out of his college dorm room. He recognized that sophisticated computer buyers wanted customized, high quality, technical machines at an affordable cost. This is not something they could get from IBM, which dominated the market at the time. Dell targeted users by offering customized machines that were built-to-order. Customers would simply dial a toll-free number, place a customized order, and wait for their computer to be delivered by mail. Dell turned the traditional PC sales model on its head with build-to-order and direct sales. He disrupted the PC industry with customized, high quality, affordable PCs by avoiding retail locations, high-touch sales, and minimizing inventory and inventory depreciation costs. Dell grew from PCs assembled in a dorm room in 1984 to a $300 million business just five years later.⁴⁸

Historical Case


Just-in-time production and distribution Tech-savvy consumers

Customized low-cost PCs 3

Direct to consumer


Built-to-order production costs


Built-to-order sales

177 1 Take Customized Orders and Get Paid In 1984 Dell begins to take customized PC orders over the phone. Buyers determine their exact specifications and pick from a variety of PC components. In 1996, the company brings its direct model to the Web and automates build-to-order.

3 Manage Your Just-in-Time Supply Chain Contrary to a traditional PC manufacturer, Dell stays away from heavy costs of inventory management, retail, and logistics. Products are built-to-order. This requires Dell to develop excellence around a new set of activities: justin-time supply chain and production.

2 Build the Product Dell purchases components from PC equipment wholesalers and builds the customized machine himself (just-in-time production) based on the customer’s order. He is able to keep the cost of his machines under $1,000.

4 Pass on Cost Savings to Customers and Disrupt the Market Dell’s build-to-order model avoids unsold PCs and value depreciation. In addition, Dell’s direct model and wholesale component purchases further reduce production and distribution costs. This allows him to pass on cost savings in the form of disruptive prices for high quality PCs.

backstage DISRUPTION


Scalers Grow Faster


Find radically new ways to scale where others stay stuck in conventional nonscalable business models.

Third-Party PERFORMED activities Partners and Third-Parties Third-Party owned resources

Trigger Question What could we do differently to make our business model more scalable (e.g., eliminate resource and activity bottlenecks)?

Assessment Question How rapidly and how easily can we grow our business model without substantial additional resources and activities (e.g. building infrastructure, finding talent)? −3



Growing our business and customers is resource intensive (e.g. more people) and requires a lot of effort (e.g., nonscalable activities).




Our revenues and customer base can easily grow and scale without a lot of additional resources and activities.

Third-party performed activities

Delegators – Increase scalability by getting others to do some of the key activities (for free) that you have previously performed internally yourself.

Others do the work

EXAMPLES IKEA, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Red Hat, Zinga

Trigger Question In which areas could we leverage customers or third parties to help us create value for free? Free activities by partner(s)

IP that creates value for consumer

R&D Licensee who brings IP to market


IP that strengthens licensee's licensees Licensee value Intellectual proposition property Sales force (IP)

Licensors – Increase scalability by getting licensees to perform the bulk of value-creating activities like product manufacturing and commercialization. EXAMPLES ARM, Disney 179 Trigger Question How could we use licensing to make our business model more scalable and/or monetize intellectual property (e.g., brand, patents, etc.)?

Licensing Fee Build & Market Acquire, Brand train & Value manage proposition franchisees to customer

Franchisee who brings VP to market

Brand Network of franchisees


EXAMPLES Harper, Ritz Carlton, McDonald’s


Business opportunity

Franchisee Sales force

Franchisee Network Operations

Marketing & branding cost

Franchisors – Create scalability by licensing your business concept, trademarks, products, and services to franchisees who run franchise locations.


Trigger Question How could we use franchising to make our business model more scalable and increase our market reach?

Delegators 1956­ 




DIY customer transport & assembly 1

In 1956, IKEA introduces “flatpacking” and turns customers into a free workforce that takes over part of the traditional furniture manufacturing value chain. Customers buy furniture in pieces in stores and assemble it in a DIY fashion at home.



IKEA was founded in 1943 on a vision of offering “a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low, that as many people as possible will be able to afford them.” In 1956, the stores introduced furniture through the “flatpacking” method: furniture was sold in pieces and customers assembled it at home. By reducing transportation, assembly, and inventory costs, IKEA was able to scale aggressively, locating wherever it had willing customers. IKEA’s ability to leverage the work done by its customers enabled it to grow to 433 stores in 49 global markets, serving more than 957 million customers for a retail revenue of €41.3 billion in 2019.⁴⁹, ⁵⁰

Flatpacking/ modular manufacturing

Affordable modern furniture Mass market

IKEA stores & inventory

IKEA stores


Reduced operating costs

IKEA store network & storage cost

1 Identify How Others Can Create Value for You for Free

2 Develop a Value Proposition

In 1956 IKEA adopts flatpack, ready-to-assemble furniture that is easier and cheaper to transport from factory to retail centers. The company sees an opportunity in getting the customer to take over that part of the value chain.

Because of flatpacking, IKEA can keep more furniture in stock and offer more affordable prices than competitors. Customers find the modular pieces they want to purchase in IKEA’s open storerooms, then transport and assemble them at home.

Modular Design and Manufacturing Flatpacking, price differentiation, and customer assembly encourage IKEA to embrace a very modular, simple, clean, and minimalist design for which the company is known globally, which also simplifies manufacturing.

3 Reap the Operational Savings from Getting Others to Do the Work IKEA reaps substantial operational cost savings from getting customers to perform part of the work. Since storerooms also act as warehouses, customers select furniture, pick up the flatpacks, then transport and assemble them all at their own cost.

Overall Savings from Flatpacking Flatpacking doesn’t just enable cost savings from enlisting customers to do part of the work: it leads to overall cost savings in the manufacturing, storage, and mass transportation of furniture from factories to retail centers.

The cost of shipping a sofa in the U.S. depending upon the size and distance traveled.

$20 The cost of shipping a truckload of IKEA couches can be as low as $20 for each sofa.⁵¹

In 2010 IKEA changed the design of its Ektorp sofa, reducing the size of the flatpack by

50% and charging a 14% lower retail price.⁵²


of surveyed U.S. homeowners have purchased more than


of their furniture from IKEA in the last 10 years.⁵³

Red Hat Red Hat launched in 1993 as a software company. Its main value proposition builds on the freely available Linux open-source operating system. The particularity of open-source software like Linux is that it is created by a community of developers and made available to anybody for free. Red Hat found a way to create a business model on top of Linux, as the operating system became more complicated. It recognized that there were significant barriers to its adoption by enterprise customers. It made Linux more accessible to the enterprise by offering them a subscription for the testing, certification, and support of Linux. Red Hat found a way to effectively monetize the work done by the Linux developer community in a way that was mutually beneficial to Red Hat and the developer community. In 2019, IBM completed its acquisition of Red Hat for $34 billion.⁵⁴

181 backstage DISRUPTION


Licensors 1990­ 




ARM In 1990, ARM launched as a spinoff of a computer manufacturer to focus entirely on designing and licensing intellectual property for silicon chips. Today, almost all of the world’s smartphones and tablets contain ARM designs.



ARM Holdings develops intellectual property (IP) used in silicon chips. It was founded in 1990 as a spinoff of British computer manufacturer Acorn Computers. The first time ARM designs were used in a cell phone was in 1994 for the Nokia 6110. Semiconductor manufacturers combine ARM IP with their own IP to create complete chip designs. Chips containing ARM IP power most of today’s mobile devices, due to their low power consumption. In 2014, 60% of the world’s population used a device with an ARM chip on a daily basis.⁵⁵ In 2012, 95% of the chips found in smartphones and tablets were ARM designs.⁵⁶ ARM licenses IP to over 1,000 global partners (including Samsung, Apple, Microsoft). The company doesn’t manufacture or sell chips, unlike semiconductor manufacturers such as Intel or AMD. SoftBank purchased ARM in 2016 for £24.3 billion.⁵⁷

Improved device performance

Semiconductor manufacturers

End customer


Research team 4

IP for chip designs

IP & patents

R&D costs

1 Detect and Solve Difficult Problems ARM recognizes that tablets, laptops, and smartphones are the next wave of technology. To create attractive chips and intellectual property for portable devices, ARM focuses on faster processing speeds, lower power consumption, and lower costs.

3 License Intelligently ARM earns fixed upfront license fees when they deliver IP to partners and variable royalties from partners for each chip they ship that contains ARM IP. The licensing fees vary between an estimated $1 million to 10 million. The royalty is usually 1 to 2% of the selling price of the chip.


Semiconductor manufacturers

Sales force

Upfront licensing fee


Royalties/chips sold

2 Invest Heavily in R&D In 2018, ARM invests $773 million in R&D (42% of 2018 revenues).⁵⁸ ARM is able to incur R&D costs many years before revenue starts (eight years on average). In 2008, ARM’s R&D expenditure was £87 million or 29% of revenues. Expenditures continue to grow over time.⁵⁹

4 Scale without Manufacturing Licensing enables ARM to scale the business efficiently. Designs can be sold multiple times and reused across multiple applications (e.g., mobile, consumer devices, networking equipment, etc.). ARM has no manufacturing costs.

Growing Base Yield Royalties Over a Long Period

Growth of the Smartphone Industry ARM-based chip architectures are particularly suited for mobile devices, because of their low power consumption. That allows ARM to surf the exponential growth of the mobile industry.

Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1928, and quickly licensed the iconic character in 1930 for the cover of a writing tablet. In 1929, Disney created Walt Disney Enterprises for the purpose of separating merchandising from studio productions.

95% of smartphones and tablets contained ARM designs in 2012.

6 out of 10 The Walt Disney Company had 6 of the top 10 entertainment merchandising franchises in the world in 2017.⁶¹

60% of the world’s population is estimated to have touched a device carrying an ARM chip in 2014.

60% Sales-dependent royalties

ARM Revenue 2018⁶⁰

30% Fixed upfront licensing fees 10% Software or support


of revenues come from royalties and licensing

42% of revenue reinvested in R&D

Disney began by licensing toys, dolls, and watches. Then in 1934, Mickey Mouse became the first licensed character on a cereal box. Walt Disney Enterprises effectively became the precursor to Disney Consumer Products. Disney Consumer Products continues to grow, especially through its Princess franchises (established in 1999). Licensing today is not limited to traditional kids, toys and books. Disney sells food, apparel, home goods, targeting “children of all ages.”

183 backstage DISRUPTION

Licensing and royalty fees earn revenues over multiple years. In particular, the sales-dependent royalties constitute a sort of recurring revenue. License and royalty from new IP build on top of existing ones, creating a powerful long-term revenue engine.


Franchisor 1888 


Franchise acquisition, training, certification, & operations

Harper In 1891, Martha Matilda Harper creates the modern franchising system, empowering female entrepreneurs to run their own beauty salons under the Harper brand.



Martha Matilda Harper opened her first beauty salon in 1888, and her focus on customer service and pampering led to the initial success of her business. Harper created the modern franchising system by creating a network of salons in order to scale her business while empowering female entrepreneurs. Harper’s clients were both suffragettes and socialites, and word of mouth helped to build her market reach. Soon women were asking her to open satellite salons across the country. Harper was determined to create a network of franchises owned and operated by working-class women like herself. By 1891, the first two franchise salons had opened. In the 1930s, Harper scaled to 500 active salons across the globe, along with a chain of training schools.⁶²

Beauty salon services

Historical Case



Network of salons & beauty schools

Franchisee salon network acquisition & operations

1 Create a Successful Reference Business and Value Proposition Harper starts with a single salon where she offers haircare services and products. The initial salon is a success and demand develops rapidly for other salons.

Build & market brand

Upper- & middle-class women

Harper haircare products & services 1

Brand, famous clients, & hair-care method 3

Marketing, branding, & operating own salons

Original salon 2

Small business ownership

Harper uses this demand to grow a network of salons operated by working-class women like herself. She supports these franchise owners with start-up loans, marketing support, and training in the Harper Method of beauty.

With the franchising model Harper is able to scale rapidly. To generate revenues she sells her hair-care products and salon equipment to 500 salons across the globe at the height of her business in the 1930s.

Women entrepreneurs (franchisees)

Word of mouth

Salon equipment

2 Create a Franchising Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

4 Scale through Franchisees

Franchise salons

Product sales

3 Invest in Your Brand The Harper brand becomes famous thanks to the publicity around the faithful clientele of high caliber politicians, Hollywood stars, and the British royal family. To assure brand consistency, Harper asks franchises to go through salon inspections and continual refresher courses.

Innovative in Hair Care Harper disrupts existing habits and social norms around hair care. She introduces the scientific approach to hair care. Her invention of the reclining salon chair and her focus on customer service also remove some stigma around getting one’s hair done outside of the home and triggers the expansion of the beauty salon market.⁶³


Franchising Franchising has remained a popular tool for scaling across industry sectors and geographies. In 2018, in the U.S. alone, there are close to 740 thousand franchises employing 7.6 million people and putting over $800 billion into the economy.⁶⁶ Franchises are a substantial source of economic growth and stability. During the first five years 50% of new businesses fail, whereas franchises are much more likely to be operating after five years.

Life savings to open first store in 1888.⁶⁴ Harper grew up as a poor servant girl and her clients include significant women in the suffragist movement. She decides that her first 100 salons should be opened and operated by women like herself to empower them. She provides them with start-up loans and training on her hair-care method and customer service.⁶⁵

Profile of Harper’s Franchisees Jobs: –– Obtain a skilled job outside the home or factory

Number of Franchises in U.S. since 1900




–– Lack of skills and education –– Lack of job opportunities



–– Empowerment –– Financial independence

Harper used her famously long tresses as a marketing tool to demonstrate the health of her hair and the efficacy of her products.




Salons Worldwide Harper grew her network of salons to 500 across the globe at the height of her success in the 1930s.

750 Thousand Establishments

7.6 Million Jobs

$800 Billion Output

backstage DISRUPTION

–– Achieve financial independence

Backstage Disruption



Questions for Leaders

Trigger Question How could we make difficult-to-copy resources a key pillar of our business model?

Activity Differentiators Trigger Question Could we create (significantly more) value for customers by performing new activities or configuring activities in innovative ways?

Scalers Trigger Question What could we do differently to make our business model more scalable (e.g., eliminate resource and activity bottlenecks)?

Assessment Question Do we own key resources that are difficult or impossible to copy and which give us a significant competitive advantage? −3



Our key resources are significantly inferior to those of our competitors.




Our key resources can’t easily be copied or emulated for the next couple of years and they give us a significant competitive advantage (e.g., intellectual property, brand, etc.).

Assessment Question Do we create significant value for customers because we perform and configure activities in disruptively innovative ways? −3



We operate conventional activities that perform similarly or worse than comparable organizations.




Our key activities can’t easily be copied or emulated for the next couple of years and they give us a significant competitive advantage (e.g., cost effectiveness, scale etc.).

Assessment Question How rapidly and how easily can we grow our business model without substantial additional resources and activities (e.g., building infrastructure, finding talent)? −3



Growing our business and customers is resource intensive (e.g., more people) and requires a lot of effort (e.g., nonscalable activities).


+2 Our revenues and customer base can easily grow and scale without a lot of additional resources and activities.

187 backstage DISRUPTION

Resource Castles



Profit Formula Disruption

Revenue Differentiators p. 192 p. 194 p. 196 p. 197

Recurring Revenue Xerox Bait & Hook Kodak Freemium Providers Spotify Subsidizers Fortnite

Cost Differentiators p. 200 Resource Dodgers Airbnb p. 202 Technologists WhatsApp p. 203 Low Cost easyJet

Margin Masters p. 206 Contrarians CitizenM p. 208 High Enders iPhone 189

A radical change in how profits are made in terms of revenues and costs.

Revenue Differentiators


Customer segment

Boost Revenues 190

Find innovative ways to capture value, unlock previously unprofitable markets, and/or substantially increase revenues.

New Way to monetize

Trigger Question Which new revenue streams or pricing mechanisms could we introduce to capture more value from our customers or unlock unprofitable markets?

Assessment Question Do we use strong revenue streams and pricing mechanisms to monetize value creation for customers? −3



We mainly have unpredictable and transactional revenues that require constant cost of sales.



We have predictable and recurring revenues where one sales leads to several years of revenue.


Churn management First-time customer ACQUISITION

Longer term relationship

Recurring value proposition

Large User Base

Trigger Question How could we generate long-term recurring revenues rather than transactional ones?

Customer segment

Large Group of free users

Premium Value Proposition

Cost of premium Value Proposition

Paying Premium Users

Freemium Providers – Offer basic products and services free of charge and premium services and advanced product features for a fee. The best freemium models acquire a large customer base and excel in converting a substantial percentage to paid users.

Conversion to Alternative Value Proposition Large Customer Base

$0 Trigger Question How could we split our value proposition into a free and a premium offer?

Cost of subsidized value proposition

Trigger Question How could we create recurring revenues with a base product or service and a consumable?


Subsidized Value Proposition

Alternative Value Proposition

Cost of Alternative Value Proposition

Premium price subscription

Cost of free Value Proposition

Transactional sales to lock in customer

Bait & Hook – Lock customers in with a base product (the bait) in order to generate recurring revenues from a consumable (the hook) that customers need recurrently to benefit from the base product.

Customer acquisition

Free Value Proposition

Conversion to premium Users


Consumable (hook)

Upfront customer acquisition cost

Recurring revenue

Recurring Revenue – Generate recurring revenues from one-time sales. Advantages include compound revenue growth (new revenues stack up on top of existing revenues), lower cost of sales (sell once and earn recurrently), and predictability.

User acquisition

Recurring job-to-bedone

Base Product (Bait)

Recurring revenue

Upfront customer ACQUISITION cost

Churn management

Get customer to acquire base product (bait)


Subsidizing revenue stream

Subsidizers – Offer the full value proposition for free or cheaply by subsidizing it through a strong alternative revenue stream. This differs from freemium, which only gives free access to a basic version of products and services.

Low, free, or pay to attract customer

Trigger Question How could we give away our main value proposition for free by generating sufficient alternative revenue streams?

Recurring Revenue 1959 


Historical Case




Leasing relationship


Leasing machines

In 1959, Xerox launches the first plain paper photocopier, the Xerox 914. Rather than just selling the machine, they generate long-term, recurring revenues from each photocopy made.

In 1959, Xerox revolutionized access to information by inventing and commercializing the first plain paper photocopy machine, the Xerox 914. The 914 took over a decade and a significant R&D budget to develop. The machine was revolutionary: averaging 2,000 copies a day or 100 times more than the average business copier at the time.⁶⁷ Because the 914 was expensive, it adopted a leasing model to make it more affordable. Customers were able to cancel the lease with only 15 days’ notice, demonstrating Xerox’s confidence in its value proposition. Xerox added a pay-per-copy plan in order to monetize what they believed would become a copy addiction, but included the the first 2,000 copies for free. It’s thanks to this innovative business model that earnings from the technology far exceeded earnings had they just sold the machine. By 1962, the commercial copying business was worth $400 million, up from $40 million a decade before. By then the Xerox name had become synonymous with photocopying.⁶⁸

Machine servicing




Convenient copying 2

Public demonstrations

Xerox 914


Machine R&D and manufacturing

Capital to finance leased machines

1 Identify Recurring Job-to-Be-Done Chester Carlson, a patent office employee, struggles with the cumbersome job of copying documents. At the time, the average business copier produces 15 to 20 copies per day.

Leasing fee $95/month

2 Create Asset to Monetize Continuously To address the challenge, Carlson invents and patents a new technique called xerography. Together with what later becomes Xerox, he develops the first plain paper photocopying machine, the Xerox 914, which averages 2,000 copies per day.

4 Acquire Customers Xerox recognizes that its copier is too expensive and new for mass adoption. It adopts a leasing model to make the machine affordable and get it into offices. Instead of Xerox selling it for $29,500, customers lease it for $95 a month.⁶⁹

Pay per copy

3 Design the Value Proposition Xerox believes that once workers become familiar with the power of photocopies, they will be addicted to the convenience and copy more than ever before. Xerox offers the first 2,000 copies for free and a payper-copy plan after that.

5 Earn Recurring Revenue Each machine is fitted with a counter to tally the monthly usage. After the first 2,000 copies, customers pay 4 cents a copy. This allows Xerox to continuously monetize its value proposition through recurring revenue.

Public Demonstrations to Boost Adoption

The Rise of Recurring Revenue through Subscriptions

The Model 914 is large and difficult to transport, and the technology has to be seen to be believed. Rather than using a traditional sales model, Xerox chooses to hold public demonstrations (including in NYC’s Grand Central Terminal). These events help exhibit the machine’s productivity and spur adoption.

thousand The average monthly copy volume of the 914, which was originally designed to produce an average monthly copy volume of 10 thousand copies.⁷⁰

Xerox Revenue⁷²

In millions of U.S. dollars 30

15% product subscriptions


15% of online shoppers have signed up for one or more subscriptions to receive products on a recurring basis.⁷³


$12.5 million

Development cost of the 914 (the equivalent of $110 million today). That was more than the company’s total earnings from 1950 to 1959.⁷¹

650 lbs. The weight of the original Model 914, which had to be tilted and squeezed through most office doors.⁷¹






In particular, with the rise of the Internet, the subscription model has boomed. In 2018 Interbrand attributed 29% of the total value of the top 100 brands to subscription-based businesses versus 18% in 2009.⁷⁴ Customers can subscribe to countless replenishment or curation services (food, clothing, etc.), or subscribe to services where access replaces ownership (e.g., software-as-a-service [SaaS], clothing, entertainment). The subscription model has conquered not just the consumer market, but also business-tobusiness and industrial markets.



A more conventional way to generate recurring revenues is through subscriptions. Historically popularized through newspaper subscriptions, the model has spread to countless domains.

Bait & Hook 1900 





Boost camera adoption Manufacturing and services

In 1900, Kodak “baits” consumers with cheap cameras to generate significant follow-on revenues from selling high margin film and photo processing.

George Eastman founded Kodak in 1888 with a goal of making “the camera as convenient as the pencil.” One can argue that he succeeded with the introduction of the Brownie, an inexpensive camera, in 1900. With the Brownie, Kodak made cameras accessible to the masses: affordable, portable, and easy to use. Kodak created the amateur photography market and held a dominant position through most of the twentieth century. Only the introduction of the digital camera in 1999 — which it helped invent —  triggered the end of Kodak’s dominance over photography.


Historical Case




Mass market

Film processing Camera and film supply chain



Global distribution network 4

Camera distribution cost

Manufacturing and service cost

1 “Bait” and Lock In Customer with Base Product In 1900, Kodak introduces the Brownie, the first mass market camera. It sells for only $1 (equivalent to $30 in 2019) and introduces amateur photography to the masses.⁷⁵

3 Acquire Customers In 1900 photography is very new. Kodak uses low pricing for the Brownie and extensive marketing campaigns targeted at amateur photographers, including women and children, to spur customer acquisition. It sells 250,000 cameras the first year.⁷⁶

Recurring film and processing sales 1X camera sales

2 “Hook” Customers with a Consumable Product and Service The Brownie comes preloaded with film. Once the film is used, amateur photographers send the film back to Kodak for processing. Photographers get hooked and need to come back if they want to continue their hobby.

4 Enjoy Recurring Revenues from Consumable At the time, film costs 15¢ a roll. For an extra 10¢ a photo plus 40¢ for developing and postage, users can send their film to Kodak for development. Repeat purchases of film and processing generate significant recurring revenues for Kodak.

Building the Backstage for Film and Processing

Disruption of an Innovator

Distribution and Brand Over the decades, Kodak establishes a global distribution network of dealers, which it supports with a strong brand and substantial marketing investments.




most valuable brand globally (in 1996).⁷⁹ profit margin on film Kodak enjoyed in the 1980s.⁷⁷

Photos Taken Each Year All Photos

of film sales in the U.S. were by Kodak in 1976.⁷⁸

Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012 due to the disruption of Kodak’s business model by digital cameras and smartphones. They made Kodak’s major revenue engine (analog film) obsolete. Ironically, Kodak engineer Steven Sasson invented the first digital camera in 1975. Kodak failed to adapt its camera, and film-based business model to the digital world. In 2001, it acquired a photo-sharing site called Ofoto. Instead of using an advertising-based business model (like Facebook), Kodak positioned Ofoto to attract more people to print digital images, when the printing market was already highly competitive and in decline.

Photo Prints by U.S. Consumers Digital Prints


Analog Photos

The Rise

The Decline

2002 1826

Film Prints





Kodak builds up a backstage to support the complex process of manufacturing film. Kodak owns most of its supply chain, including raw materials such as processing chemicals, which create significant barriers to entry.

Freemium Provider 2006 


Spotify In 2006, Spotify launches a free online music service to compete against freely available, pirated music. Its main revenue source comes from users upgrading to a premium subscription.



Conversion & churn management



Music labels

Music lovers

Free music streaming

User acquisition


Premium users

Premium music streaming

Free & premium user base Platform


Users 5



Spotify is a music streaming platform that gives users access to a large catalog of music. It uses a freemium revenue model that offers a basic, limited, ad-supported service for free and an unlimited premium service for a subscription fee. Spotify relies heavily on its music algorithms and its community of users and artists to keep its premium experience delightful. Its premium subscriber base has grown from 10% of total users in 2011 to 46% in 2018.⁸⁰ From the start Spotify saw itself as a legal alternative to pirated music and paid song purchases on iTunes. Spotify pays a significant portion of its revenue in the form of royalties to music labels. It has paid close to $10 billion in royalties since its launch in 2006.⁸¹ The company accelerated the shift from music downloads to streaming and disrupted Apple iTunes in the process. For the first time in company history, Spotify made a profit in 2019.⁸²


Royalties for free users

Royalties for premium users

1 Attract a Large Base of Users with a Free Service

Premium subscription

Free service

2 Convert Free Users to a Premium Value Proposition

Spotify’s free music streaming service gives users access to a catalog of millions of songs. The free service has basic functionality and users have to listen to messages from advertisers that partially subsidize the free service.

Spotify has been extremely successful at converting free users to paid users. Its premium service has additional features and it removes advertising. In 2018, 46% of Spotify’s users are premium users, who generate 90% of its total revenues.

4 Balance Cost of Free and Premium Spotify pays record labels close to 52% of the revenue generated by each stream. Over 85% of music streamed from Spotify belongs to four record labels: Sony, Universal, Warner, and Merlin. In 2018, Spotify pays €3.5 billion in royalties for premium users and €0.5 billion for free users, which equates to 74% of overall costs.⁸⁴

Ad revenues

3 Manage Retention and Churn Like in any subscription model a user’s lifetime value (LTV)—how much Spotify can earn from a user over time— increases the longer the company can retain users. This is called managing customer churn. In the first half year of 2019, Spotify’s premium subscriber churn rate fell to a record low of 4.6%.⁸³

5 Finance It All with Your Revenue Stream from Premium The particularity of the freemium model is that you need to be able to cover the costs of free and paying users. Spotify’s user base grows to over 248 million users in 2019 for which it needs to pay royalties. Of those users, 54% consume (limited) music for free.⁸⁵



most downloaded music streaming app




in the United States on the App Store in 2018.⁸⁶

U.S. On-Demand Audio Song Streams⁸⁷ In billions

In 2017, Epic Games releases Fortnite: Battle Royale, a completely free, multiplatform, online video game that is subsidized by in-app purchases for digital goods.


1,000 400

Attract free players Conversion to in-app purchases

conversion rate to paid services

compared to 30% for Slack, 4% for Evernote, 4% for Dropbox, and 0.5% for Google Drive.⁸⁸

Cost of collectibles


Free to play

Fortnite: Battle Royale became a cultural phenomenon after its release. It is a free-toplay, multiplayer video game where hundreds of players fight to the death on an island. Epic Games monetizes through in-app purchases, allowing players to buy collectibles like fashion statements or dance moves, but which provide no strategic edge to advance in the game. Fortnite was originally released as a paid version for $40 in July 2017 before switching to a free version subsidized by in-app purchases.⁸⁹

In-app purchases

Festivals Festivals often use subsidizer mechanics. For some festivals, the sale of food and drinks subsidizes the festival free-entry fee. In other instances, a paid festival can subsidize an off or free festival such as the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland.



Millions of players

Cost of free game


Mass market players Collectibles



Free multiplayer game

Cheaper Activities

Cost Differentiators

Cheaper Assets

Kill Costs


Build a business model with a game-changing cost structure, not just by streamlining activities and resources, but by doing things in disruptive new ways.

Disruptive Cost Structure

Trigger Question Could we change our cost structure significantly by creating and delivering value with different and differently configured resources and activities?

Assessment Question Is our cost structure conventional or disruptive? −3



We have a conventional cost structure that performs similarly or worse than comparable organizations (e.g., worse by a factor of two).



We have a game-changing disruptive cost structure that performs differently and substantially better than comparable organizations (e.g., better by a factor of two).


Resource Dodgers – Eliminate the most costly and capital-intensive resources from your business model to create a game-changing cost structure.

Partner Management Partner Providing Resource

EXAMPLES Airbnb, Uber, Bharti Airtel Partner Resource

Trigger Question How could we create a resource-light business model and get rid of the most costly and capital intensive resources?

Partner Cost

Technology Development & Maintenance

Technologists – Use technology in radically new ways to create a game-changing cost structure. EXAMPLES WhatsApp, Skype

Tech-based Value Proposition

Trigger Question How could we use technology to replace activities and resources to create a gamechanging cost structure?


Disruptive cost of technology

Low-Cost Activity Configuration Mass Market

Low-Price Value Proposition

EXAMPLES easyJet, Ryanair, Trader Joe’s

Low-Cost assets

Disruptive Lowcost Structure

Low Cost – Combine activities, resources, and partners in radically new ways to create a game-changing cost structure with disruptively low prices.

Low Price & High Volume

Trigger Question How could we radically recombine activities, resources, and partners to significantly lower costs and pricing?


Resource Dodger 2008 


Airbnb In 2008, Airbnb launches a platform that feels like a hotel chain but owns no properties. It connects travelers with owners of idle assets.



Airbnb was founded in 2008 as an online marketplace to connect travelers looking for an authentic, unique place to stay with hosts that had extra room to rent. Airbnb operates as an intermediary, matching these two distinct customer segments. The company has a radically lighter cost structure than the hotel chains with which it competes, because it does not own any of the rooms it lists on its website, nor does it manage a large hospitality staff. Airbnb’s main costs are platform management and marketing, which explains how they have scaled so quickly. The success of Airbnb’s business model is based on a resource-light cost structure. It found an innovative way to partner with owners of idle assets (empty rooms) and help them monetize those assets via their matchmaking platform. Airbnb differs from other matchmaking sites like or, in that travelers associate the listed properties and rooms with the Airbnb brand as if it was a traditional hotel chain.

Managing relationships with hosts/owners 2

Hosts/ property owners


Rent out idle property

Community Hosts

Development 1

Worldwide third-party property listing

Interesting places to stay


Platform 4

Payments to hosts/property owners

1 Identify the Most Costly Resource in your Business Model or Industry The most costly elements in the hotel industry are the properties, their maintenance, staff, and services. Also, when hotel rooms are not rented out on a given night, they are a sunk cost. The hotel industry is very capital intensive.

Platform development & maintenance

Transaction cut

2 Identify Asset Owners That Could Provide You with the Required Resource Airbnb recognizes that many property owners have idle assets (unused bedrooms, apartments, beach houses, etc.) that are relatively difficult for an individual to rent out continuously for short periods of time.

4 Compete on a New Cost Structure Airbnb competes on a much lighter cost structure than hotels, because it owns no hotels, nor employs cleaning or service staff. Airbnb’s operational costs are mostly platform management, marketing and promotion, and other host and traveler support activities.

3 Develop an Innovative Value Proposition to Acquire Resources from Partners Airbnb offers property owners the opportunity to become hosts to generate extra income (average $924/month in 2017).⁹⁰ Airbnb gives hosts access to a pool of travelers through the platform and relieves one of the biggest pains for property owners.

Double-Sided Platform For Airbnb to be attractive to hosts, it needs a large pool of travelers. Developing this “other side of its platform” is a key success factor in the value proposition to hosts.

Lovemark Brand Airbnb develops a very strong brand for this particular type of travel experience. It deeply changes social norms and habits. While it is commonplace now, in 2008 it is unheard of to be willing to sleep in a stranger’s home. The Importance of Community and the Sharing Economy Airbnb fosters the connection of hosts and travelers on a more personal level than what they’d experience at a hotel, in order to build a global Airbnb community. This type of connectivity gives rise to the sharing economy, also known as collaborative consumption.


million global listings Airbnb indicates 7 million global active listings on its platform in early 2019, which was more rooms than the top 5 hotel rooms combined.⁹¹


Share of Travelers Using Airbnb⁹² Percentage of leisure and business travelers in the U.S. and Europe

million+ Average number of people staying in an Airbnb per night in 2019.⁹¹






Airbnb’s 2018 percentage of U.S. consumer spending for lodging.⁹³

Number of properties Airbnb owns. 2015







Technologist 2009 



App development & maintenance




Smartphone users

Free messaging service

In 2009, WhatsApp launches a device-agnostic free messaging service and platform that disrupts SMS and free desktop messaging.





WhatsApp was originally, in 2009, a status update app before it transformed into a free, unlimited messaging service. The company targeted anyone with a smartphone and an Internet connection, regardless of device and location. When WhatsApp launched, it disrupted a very competitive messaging market. Text messaging was dominated by paid SMS services by telecom operators and free desktop messaging like Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and Skype. WhatsApp used software and the Internet to externalize the hardware and proprietary infrastructure costs that telecom operators bear in order to offer SMS services. This allowed them to benefit from the growth of smartphone users globally, operate at a radically lower cost structure, and pass on cost savings to users in the form of a free service. In February 2013, WhatsApp serviced 200 million active users with only 50 staff members. By December that year, it had 400 million users.⁹⁴, ⁹⁵ In 2014, Facebook acquired WhatsApp for more than $19 billion.⁹⁶


Low app operational costs

1 Identify an Industry Cost and Revenue Structure That You Can Disrupt with Tech Telecom operators charge an estimated 6,000% markup for SMS messages. WhatsApp disrupts this revenue stream with a free service.⁹⁷


2 Build the Technology In early 2009 Jan Koum starts working on a new type of Internet-based iPhone messaging app. Unlike SMS messages, which use a telecom operator’s network infrastructure, WhatsApp piggybacks on a user’s smartphone connection to deliver messaging for free.

4 Reap the Benefits WhatsApp grows at a breathtaking speed without having to grow its cost structure substantially. In December 2013 WhatsApp claims they’ve reached 400 million active users with only 35 engineers.

3 Disrupt with a Radically Different Cost Structure WhatsApp incurs no variable or fixed costs for messages sent by users. Its main costs are in software development, not infrastructure. With only a few software developers, it serves millions of users and destroys billions of dollars of lucrative SMS revenues for telecom operators in the process.

Smartphone Growth WhatsApp focuses on mobile first and benefits from the rapid growth of the smartphone market. WhatsApp expands to multiple platforms and devices, but contrary to their free, desktop messaging competitors (like Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and Skype) WhatsApp’s primary focus always remains mobile.


In millions 1,000

billion users globally in 2019.⁹⁸


65 2014







Mobile Messaging Volume in the United States⁹⁹ In billions 3,000

$34 missed revenue from texting by telecom operators due to chat apps like WhatsApp in 2013.¹⁰⁰

$19 billion









easyJet In 1995, easyJet disrupts European travel with a low-cost, no frills air travel experience. Short turnaround Standardized maintenance and training Secondary airports




messages sent per day in 2018.⁹⁸

Low Cost

Amount Facebook paid to acquire WhatsApp in February 2014, five years after launch.

Standardized Boeing 737-200 fleet

No frills air travel

Budget travelers Direct sales

Cheap tickets Low cost airline structure

easyJet launched in 1995, popularizing the low-cost carrier model in the European market. easyJet’s business model applies the following low-cost blueprint until it diversifies in 2002: • No-frills airline experience for budget travelers. • Secondary airports: often land in secondary airports that charge lower fees. • Fleet standardization: one model of aircraft with simple cabin configuration to reduce maintenance and training costs. • Short turnaround times: minimizing the time aircraft are on the ground not generating revenues. • Direct sales: selling directly to customers to bypass travel agent fees.


Monthly active users

Lovemark Brand

Margin Masters

Differentiated Value Proposition

Boost Margins 204

Achieve significantly higher margins than competitors by focusing on what customers are willing to pay for most, while keeping your cost structure in check. Prioritize profitability over market share.

Manageable Costs


Higher End Price

Trigger Question How could we find innovative ways to eliminate the most costly aspects of our business model, while focusing on value that matters to customers most and which they are willing to pay a high price for?

Assessment Question Do we have strong margins from low costs and high prices? −3



We have very thin margins due to our cost structure and weak pricing power (e.g., we perform worse than comparable organizations by at least 50%).



We have very strong margins from an optimized management of costs and strong pricing power (e.g., we perform better than comparable organizations by at least 50%).


Lovemark Brand

Low-Cost Activity Configuration

Low-Cost assets



Contrarians – Significantly reduce costs and increase value at the same time. Eliminate the most costly resources, activities, and partners from your business model, even if that means limiting the value proposition. Compensate by focusing on features in the value proposition that a well-defined customer segment loves and is willing to pay for, but which are relatively cheap to provide. EXAMPLES CitizenM, Cirque de Soleil, Nintendo Wii

Higher End Price

Low Costs

Trigger Question Which costly elements of our business model and value proposition could we eliminate and make up for with extremely valuable but affordable elements?


Efficient operations Lovemark Brand

Marketing & Branding

Lovemark Brand

Effective operations Cost

Marketing & branding Costs


High-End CUSTOMER SEGMENT Channel Control

Higher-End Price

High Enders – Create products and services at the high end of the market spectrum for a broad range of high-end customers. Use these to maximize margins and avoid the small size and extreme cost structure of a luxury niche. EXAMPLE iPhone

Trigger Question What could we modify in our business model to significantly increase customer value and price without substantially increasing our cost structure?

Contrarian 2005 

Streamlined activities by small teams


citizenM In 2005, citizenM launches a hotel concept with reduced costs but increased value for “mobile citizens.”



In 2005, the founders of citizenM realized that the modern hotel industry hadn’t changed in decades, despite the changing tastes and habits of the global traveler. citizenM focused on the “mobile citizen” — the person who travels often and depends upon mobile technology. citizenM recognized that global travelers have a few essential conveniences and luxuries that they are willing to pay for, while other traditional amenities are not always necessary. Based on these insights, the founders launched a hotel concept at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam that minimized costs and maximized value for the mobile citizen without making it feel cheap. citizenM found a way to create more for less and was able to maintain high profit margins per room. In 2019, the privately owned citizenM operated 20 hotels in 13 cities on three continents with an additional 10 hotels planned.

Optimized operations partners

Building prefab rooms

Lovemark brand 3


Affordable luxury


All-round teams

Direct distribution

Room factory

Low construction costs


Reduced labor costs

1 Eliminate Most Costly, Desirable Elements, Yet Not Essential to Customers citizenM launches in Amsterdam in 2008. It removes the most costly elements of a high-end hotel, not essential to the mobile citizens it targets: no fine dining, no spa or sophisticated gym, no minibar, and no room service.

Mobile citizen

High margin per room


2 Reduce Costs without Making It Feel Cheap citizenM drastically reduces construction and maintenance costs by building highly standardized 14-square-meter rooms in a room factory, which are then stacked like shipping containers to form the hotel.¹⁰¹ It reduces HR costs by working with small, cross-functional teams.

4 Create New Elements That Boost Value at Less Cost CitizenM launches its own room factory to fuel low-cost expansion from Amsterdam to New York and Taipei. It streamlines cleaning and linens with new operations partners.¹⁰² Rooms are equipped with free broadband WiFi and movies-on-demand.

3 Increase Value That Customers Care about at Low Cost citizenM focuses on what really matters to mobile citizens: great mattresses, pillows, and sound-proof rooms. Its small staff has only one task: make customers happy. The lobby is vibrant, equipped with designer furniture, and 24-hour food and drinks.

5 Reap Benefits of Creating More Value at Less Cost citizenM’s profitability per square meter is twice that of comparable upscale hotels.¹⁰³ It achieves that by eliminating the most costly elements from the hotel business without making it feel cheap for its customer, the mobile citizen.

Optimized for Mobile Citizens


From the start, citizenM optimizes its hotel experience for the mobile citizen: travelers who visit a city for 1 to 3 days for culture, shopping, entertainment, or work. They mainly use the hotel as a base to sleep and roam the city. They don’t need many of the services embedded in other hotels.

of each room is finished at the factory.¹⁰⁴


Empowered Employees, Strong Customer Relationship, and Lovemark Brand

profitability CitizenM’s profitability per square meter is twice that of comparable upscale hotels.

citizenM hires people who are highly customer oriented and then gives them the autonomy to deliver a great guest experience. It has one of the lowest staff turnovers in the industry. In addition, citizenM encourages teams to establish a strong customer relationship in order to establish a lovemark brand.


A. Build

B. Assemble

7,000 30 rooms in

hotels on




C. Enjoy

High Ender 2007 

Efficient operations


New product development

iPhone In 2007, Apple launches the iPhone and combines an Internet browser, a music player, and a mobile phone in one high-end, multitouch device without a keyboard. It ushers in the era of the smartphone.



In 2007, Apple founder Steve Jobs famously introduced the iPhone at the Macworld 2007 convention as a revolutionary device that “would change everything.” Its initial selling price was a hefty $499, but 270 thousand units sold its first weekend and 6 million units in its first year of production.107, 106 Apple’s iPhone ushered in the era of the smartphone, the world of mobile-first and constant connection, leading the way for mobile technology to dominate and reform day-to-day existence. Apple’s iPhone has consistently been more expensive than competing devices. However, Apple continually packs new features and technology into its iPhone in order to keep its products from seeming like a commodity. Despite high prices, Apple maintains a high degree of control over production costs in its supply chain. This combination of controlled costs, high-end positioning, and continuous technology innovation have resulted in gross margins of 60 to 70% in the last 10 years.10⁸


Marketing 2

Manufacturing partners

Lovemark brand 1

High-end smartphone (+apps and content)

High-end tech enthusiasts

IP, iOS, platform

Apple stores Access to iPhone user base



Effective operational costs 1 Delight and Surprise the High End of the Market

Marketing & branding

App Store App revenues (30% cut) High-priced smartphones

2 Control Costs

Apple positions the iPhone at the high end of the spectrum, knowing that the price will put it out of reach for the majority of the market. The phone combines an aspiration feel with design, technology, and simplicity, and capitalizes on its lovemark brand.

Apple does not manufacture the iPhone, but keeps its production costs low by controlling its supply chain. Due to the popularity of the device, Apple forces its suppliers to keep costs low as well as maintain privacy and secrecy over their devices.

4 Continuously Reinvent and Surprise the High End of the Market Since 2007, Apple has released 12 generations of iPhones. While Apple isn’t always the first to develop many of the iPhone’s technological innovations, it often delivers the best: multitouch screen, dual cameras, Apple Pay, Siri, iMessage, FaceTime, facial recognition.

App developers

3 Maximize Margins and Profits from High End Market Share The iPhone’s profit margins have remained between 60 to 70% over the past 10 years. At its peak, Apple captured 94% of the smartphone industry’s profits, despite only accounting for 14.5% of sales.¹⁰⁹

The App Store The iPhone initially launched without the App Store, which was opened in 2008 with 500 applications. As of 2019, the store featured over 1.8 million apps. The available applications and number of developers provide Apple with an additional competitive advantage as described in the Resource Castle Platform (p. 164).¹¹⁰



iPhones sold as of November 2018.¹¹¹

on iPhones in the past 10 years.


profit margins

Total smartphone sales

The Cost of iPhones (USD)108 Bill of materials


Despite only accounting for 14.5% of all sales...

94% its peak in 2015, Apple captured 94% of smartphone profits in the industry.

Total smartphone profits

Retail cost



% Profit margin





iPhone 2007

iPhone 3G 2008

iPhone 3GS 2009

iPhone 4 2010

iPhone 4S 2011

iPhone 5C 2013

iPhone 6 2014

iPhone 6S 2015

iPhone SE 2016

iPhone 7 2016

iPhone 8 2017

iPhone X 2017

iPhone XS 2018



Profit Formula Disruption



Questions for Leaders

Trigger Question Which new revenue streams or pricing mechanisms could we introduce to capture more value from our customers or unlock unprofitable markets?

Cost Differentiators Trigger Question Could we change our cost structure significantly by creating and delivering value with different and differently configured resources and activities?

Margin Masters Trigger Question How could we find innovative ways to eliminate the most costly aspects of our business model, while focusing on value that matters to customers most and which they are willing to pay a high price for?

Assessment Question: Do we use strong revenue streams and pricing mechanisms to monetize value creation for customers? −3



We mainly have unpredictable and transactional revenues that require constant cost of sales.




We have predictable and recurring revenues where one sale leads to several years of revenue.

Assessment Question: Is our cost structure conventional or disruptive? −3



Our cost structure is significantly less effective than that of our competitors (e.g., by a factor of two).




Our cost structure is significantly more effective than that of our competitors (e.g., by a factor of two).

Assessment Question: Do we have strong margins from low costs and high prices? −3



We have very thin margins due to our cost structure and weak pricing power (e.g., we perform worse than comparable organizations by at least 50%).



We have very strong margins from an optimized management of costs and strong pricing power (e.g., we perform better than comparable organizations by at least 50%).


Revenue Differentiators


Assessment Questions for Leaders 212

Assess your existing and new business models with the Assessment Questions for Leaders. Visualize your strengths and weaknesses and unearth opportunities with the resulting score. No business model achieves a perfect score. Simply be conscious about where you score well and where you don’t and use the trigger questions continuously to spark ideas for improvements.

Assessment Questions for Leaders Frontstage Market Explorers: How large and attractive is the untapped market potential we are going after?







Channel Kings: Do we have largescale and, ideally, direct access to our end-customer?







Gravity Creators: How easy or difficult is it for our customers to leave or switch to another company?













Backstage Resource Castles: Do we own key resources that are difficult or impossible to copy and which give us a significant competitive advantage?


Activity Differentiators: Do we create significant value for customers because we perform and configure activities in disruptively innovative ways?







Scalers: How rapidly and how easily can we grow our business model without substantial additional resources and activities (e.g., building infrastructure, finding talent)?







Revenue Differentiators: Do we use strong revenue streams and pricing mechanisms to monetize value creation for customers?







Cost Differentiators: Is our cost structure conventional or disruptive?







Margin Monsters: Do we have strong margins from low costs and high prices?







Profit Formula

Assessment Streamlined activities by small teams

CitizenM citizenM streamlined its entire hotel experience to focus on what it calls mobile citizens, the short-term business, party, culture, or shopping traveler visiting a city. It performed the remarkable feat of substantially reducing costs and simultaneously increasing customer satisfaction.

Optimized operations partners

Building prefab rooms


Affordable luxury

All-round teams

Mobile citizen

Direct distribution

Room factory

Low construction costs 214

Lovemark brand

Reduced labor costs

High margin per room

citizenM Business Model

Assessment The citizenM business model performs extremely well on cost differentiation and does well on revenue differentiation, which leads to an overall extremely high margin business model. The weak spots are the business model’s low customer switching costs and slow scalability, due to large capital and construction requirements. The low switching costs and heavy capital requirements mean that citizenM has to carefully monitor customer satisfaction to keep its business model in shape.

Four Actions Framework Adapted from Blue Ocean Strategy

Eliminate (−) –– Minibar and room service –– Fine-dining table-seated restaurant –– Focus on traditional star rating –– Fitness, wet areas, spa

Raise (↗) –– Occupancy rate and revenue per room –– Effective use of space –– Focus on narrow customer segment –– Margins –– Customer satisfaction and service ratings –– Level of standardization –– Free broadband WiFi and video-on-demand

Reduce (↘) –– Construction costs –– Maintenance costs –– HR and operations costs

Create (+) –– Empowered all-round staff –– New segment: mobile citizens –– Room factory and prefab construction

Assessment Questions for Leaders Frontstage Market Explorers: How large and attractive is the untapped market potential we are going after?







Channel Kings: Do we have largescale and, ideally, direct access to our end-customer?







Gravity Creators: How easy or difficult is it for our customers to leave or switch to another company?













citizenM performs poorly on locking in customers. Little prevents them from switching to another hotel chain. Investment in hotel city plots and construction costs make the business model relatively difficult to scale.



Activity Differentiators: Do we create significant value for customers because we perform and configure activities in disruptively innovative ways?







Scalers: How rapidly and how easily can we grow our business model without substantial additional resources and activities (e.g., building infrastructure, finding talent)?







Profit Formula Revenue Differentiators: Do we use strong revenue streams and pricing mechanisms to monetize value creation for customers?







Cost Differentiators: Is our cost structure conventional or disruptive?







Margin Monsters: Do we have strong margins from low costs and high prices?







citizenM’s high occupancy rate and effective use of space lead to higher revenues per room and square meter than those of their competitors.112

Due to an innovative activity configuration and extremely high level of standardization, citizenM is able to keep construction and maintenance costs extremely low.113 A small, empowered, and all-round hotel staff magically keeps HR costs low, despite high customer service ratings.114

The combination of lower costs and higher revenues per room leads to a margin level unheard of in the hotel industry.


Resource Castles: Do we own key resources that are difficult or impossible to copy and which give us a significant competitive advantage?

Assessment Questions

OneConnect In 2015 the financial service conglomerate Ping An launches OneConnect to sell the technology it uses internally to other financial institutions.



OneConnect is a subsidiary of China’s largest banking and insurance conglomerate. It launched OneConnect as an internal start-up to market cutting edge end-to-end financial technology solutions to small and mediumsized financial institutions. As of June 30, 2019, OneConnect has served over 600 banks and 80 insurance companies in China.115 The technology and platform that OneConnect sells to clients was initially developed for PingAn’s internal use. OneConnect prides itself on being an industry leader in terms of technical capabilities, with a focus on preparing its clients for the ensuing digital transformation in the financial sector. Solutions range from credit checks and interbank transactions to biometric services, product sales, and mobile retail banking applications. After a successful launch in China, in 2018, OneConnect established subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Indonesia to service local financial institutions. OneConnect116 also partners with other fintech institutions to offer its software-as-aservice (SaaS) to the global market.117


Fintech companies

Platform & technology development

Proprietary financial technology platform PhDs

Client acquisition

Platform management R&D

OneConnect Business Model

Assessment OneConnect built a powerful SaaS business model that performs well on several dimensions. The substantial investments in hiring top developers, conducting fintech R&D, and building and maintaining its platform are compensated by customer lock-in, scalability of its services, recurring revenues, and strong protection of its business model.

High switching cost Small to medium financial institutions

Fintech SaaS Online platform Other fintech platforms

Additional fee for service

Annual fee

Frontstage Market Explorers: How large and attractive is the untapped market potential we are going after?







Channel Kings: Do we have largescale and, ideally, direct access to our end-customer?







Gravity Creators: How easy or difficult is it for our customers to leave or switch to another company?







Backstage Resource Castles: Do we own key resources that are difficult or impossible to copy and which give us a significant competitive advantage? Activity Differentiators: Do we create significant value for customers because we perform and configure activities in disruptively innovative ways? Scalers: How rapidly and how easily can we grow our business model without substantial additional resources and activities (e.g., building infrastructure, finding talent)?












Financial institutions that adopt the OneConnect technology platform incur significant switching costs if they leave. Moving to another platform could create substantial downtime and re-training costs for clients.118 Like for any SaaS, provider lock-in can be substantial. In the finance industry it is even higher, due to security reasons, data confidentiality, and regulation.

OneConnect’s proprietary technology is very hard to copy and it constantly innovates. The initial platform was built for Ping An before the organization decided to leverage it for external clients through OneConnect’s services. This expansion allowed OneConnect to invest substantially in advanced intellectual property and infrastructure, because its investments serve hundreds of financial institutions, including its owner Ping An.








Revenue Differentiators: Do we use strong revenue streams and pricing mechanisms to monetize value creation for customers?







Cost Differentiators: Is our cost structure conventional or disruptive?







Margin Monsters: Do we have strong margins from low costs and high prices?







Profit Formula

The company employs legions of data scientists and holds thousands of patents. It constantly develops and updates its technology and platform in order to stay ahead of the curve. OneConnect has one of the most accurate biometric identification systems in the world with 99.8% accuracy.119

The SaaS business model requires substantial upfront investments to put the platform in place. However, after this initial investment phase, OneConnect can easily expand into new geographical territories with relatively low investments. OneConnect’s hundreds of products can be deployed anywhere around the world.120


Assessment Questions for Leaders

Assessment Questions

Salesforce In 1999 disrupts the customer relationship management (CRM) arena by offering CRM-as-aservice over the Internet. Salesforce unlocks a new market and continuously strengthens its business model with new innovations.

Marketing & sales Third-party apps and software solution providers



Personal assistance

Platform as a service

CRM platform

Cloud infrastructure CRM platform

Marketing & sales

Enterprises of all sizes

Platform development

Einstein was founded in 1999 with the goal of “making enterprise software as easy to use as a website like amazon .com.” Salesforce pioneered the softwareas-a-service (Saas) for customer relationship management tools. The company didn’t stop there and has constantly improved its services and business model. We distinguish between two, nonexhaustive, business model phases: the early business model in 1999 and extensions starting in 2005.

CRM as a service

Cloud Access to users


Cloud infrastructure

App revenue share

Software development

Subscription fees

Developers Business Model

Assessment Salesforce pioneered the SaaS model, which performs well on several business model dimensions that largely compensate for some of its shortcomings. Once its platform is in place it can scale its services easily and maintain a constant and direct relationship with its customers. The subscription model leads to predictable and recurring revenues and higher customer lifetime value. This compensates for the lower margins due to infrastructure costs. Salesforce expands its business model in 2005, which addresses some of its initial weaknesses like relatively low switching costs and low protectability of its business model.

Early Business Model (1999) – No Software Salesforce’s platform was unique to the CRM world in that its services could be deployed rapidly without infrastructure investments. Customers didn’t require hardware investments and software installations like incumbent CRM providers. Salesforce customers accessed the CRM service through the cloud and payed a recurring subscription fee. Business Model Extensions – AppExchange,, and Einstein Salesforce didn’t stop at trailblazing the softwareas-a-service model. The company continuously evolved and strengthened their business model over time.

Salesforce was visionary in predicting the potential of the cloud. A pioneer of SaaS, it opens up CRM services from Fortune 500 companies to the wider market of organizations of all sizes.

= Early business model

Assessment Questions for Leaders

= Business model extensions

Frontstage Market Explorers: How large and attractive is the untapped market potential we are going after?







Channel Kings: Do we have largescale and, ideally, direct access to our end-customer?







Gravity Creators: How easy or difficult is it for our customers to leave or switch to another company?


Because Salesforce provides its service in the cloud it can easily scale and with minimal cost.





+3 Salesforce shifts the transactional license sales models of incumbents to recurring revenues from a service subscription. It increases the customer lifetime value of each customer.







Activity Differentiators: Do we create significant value for customers because we perform and configure activities in disruptively innovative ways?







Scalers: How rapidly and how easily can we grow our business model without substantial additional resources and activities (e.g., building infrastructure, finding talent)?







Revenue Differentiators: Do we use strong revenue streams and pricing mechanisms to monetize value creation for customers?







Cost Differentiators: Is our cost structure conventional or disruptive?







Margin Monsters: Do we have strong margins from low costs and high prices?







Profit Formula

Salesforce’s net margins are significantly lower than those of its incumbent competitors. Offering CRM-as-a-service requires investments in hosting, monitoring, customer support, and account management. However, strengths in other areas largely compensate for this weakness.

In 2008 Salesforce releases (now called Lightning Platform) that allows customers to build their own custom applications on the platform. This substantially scales stickiness and increases switching costs. It extends stickiness by launching Einstein, a service that delivers artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and allows developers to build apps.

In 2005, Salesforce launches AppExchange, a platform for third-party software that integrates with its CRM. It builds up a large library of hardto-copy third-party software and shifts from a simple service provider to a platform castle.


Backstage Resource Castles: Do we own key resources that are difficult or impossible to copy and which give us a significant competitive advantage?

Since customers access Salesforce directly via the cloud, the company maintains a permanent customer relationship. Salesforce can continuously push upgrades and new functionalities to its entire customer base.



Messaging Auto Retail Hotel Taxi TV & movie Mobile phones Music Telecommunications Recruitment Travel booking Venture Capital

Disruptor WhatsApp, WeChat Tesla Amazon, Alibaba Airbnb Uber, DiDi Netflix Apple, Xiaomi Spotify Skype LinkedIn Expedia Andreessen Horowitz

…to be disrupted Banking Pharmaceuticals Legal services Education Manufacturing Healthcare Insurance Real estate Construction Energy production and distribution Transport and delivery

What about your industry?




Business Model Shifts

A business model shift describes an organization’s transformation from a declining business model to a more competitive one. For example, the shift from product to service. However, in some contexts, the reverse shift, from service to product, might make just as much sense.


Shift Pattern Library

Value Proposition Shifts

Frontstage Driven Shifts

Backstage Driven Shifts

p. 231 From Product to Recurring Service

p. 243 From Niche Market to Mass Market

p. 255 From Dedicated Resources to Multi-Usage Resources

p. 234 From Low Tech to High Tech

p. 246 From B2B to B2(B2)C

p. 235 From Sales to Platform

p. 247 From Low Touch to High Touch

p. 258 From Asset Heavy to Asset Light p. 259 From Closed to Open (Innovation)

Profit Formula Driven Shifts p. 267 From High Cost to Low Cost p. 270 From Transactional to Recurring Revenue p. 271 From Conventional to Contrarian


Fro m


us inal B




N ew



s Mo sines

del P




Shift Patterns


w Bu to Ne


s Mod


From Original Business Model... The companies we portray in this section all started from an existing business model. This existing business model is often outdated and in decline and requires an overhaul.

Apply New Business Model Pattern Twelve different shift patterns that established companies can apply to substantially improve and boost an existing business model are highlighted. We describe each pattern so that you can make use of it as a reference library. Legend

...Shift to New Business Model Each case serves to highlight a pattern in action. The company’s entire business model isn't outlined, we just show how it applied a particular pattern to shift from an old business model to a new, more competitive business model. In reality, an entire business model has many more building blocks that we omit to focus on the shift.

–– From Original Business Model –– Apply New Business Model Pattern –– Shift to New Business Model –– Pattern Building Blocks –– Optional Pattern Building Blocks –– Original Business Model Blocks –– Other Business Model Blocks


From Product to Recurring Service p. 232


From Low Tech to High Tech p. 236 Netflix

From Sales to Platform p. 238

The App Store


Value Proposition Shifts A radical shift of the value created for customers

From Product to Recurring Service

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we grow recurring and predictable revenues by providing a recurring service, rather than selling a product? Upfront acquisition costs per customer might be higher, but revenues become more predictable and the lifetime value of customers often increases. Product and/or technology innovation can often provide the foundation for new services.

is the shift from manufacturing (and/or buying) and selling products toward providing a recurring service. Selling products on a transactional basis requires a continuous effort for every sale and it is often unpredictable. Recurring services require upfront customer acquisition costs that lead to recurring revenues. Revenues become more predictable and grow exponentially, because you build on top of a continuously growing base of customers.

example HILTI


ctprodu d relate activities

ctProdu d ate l e r rces resou

uct b al prod


s mod


r Custome ment g se ct PRodu


r stome get cu service to use Service g provisionin

Sales l Channe Service rces Resou Sales

ctProdu cost d relate

upfrontr custome acquisition cost

Cost of service

r Custome Segment Service

Servicey r delive ls channe

ring Recur ue reven Recurr

ing serv

ice pa


From Product to Recurring Service 2000­ 

Hilti Hilti shifts from selling high quality tools to selling tool fleet management services to construction companies, after a key customer requests a holistic tool management system to increase productivity.





In 2000, one of Hilti’s customers asked for a holistic tool management solution. That made Hilti realize that customers didn’t want to own tools, but always wanted their workers to work productively. Hilti began an initial pilot program for tool fleet management in Switzerland and eventually rolled out the service worldwide in 2003. With tool fleet management, Hilti became more relevant to construction companies by reducing nonproductive time for workers and adding a gain of taking on more customer jobs (e.g., tool repair). Hilti also discovered that customers were willing to lease more tools than they had ever purchased. Some even asked Hilti to include non-Hilti tools in the service to completely prevent nonproductive time due to broken tools. When the 2008 financial crisis hit the construction sector, many stopped purchasing new equipment. Yet Hilti’s business model shift from a product to a recurring service allowed it to overcome the crisis and it has continued to grow since.

Tool ing factur n u n a m io t u ib & distr

origin m the

c Transa

High quality tools

al prod

uct mo


tional Builde


Sales force

l ctiona Transa ales s l too er Custom costs ion it is u q ac

ing Recurr

1 From Product to Recurring Service and Revenues Managers of building companies have a lot more to worry about than just buying tools. Hilti recognizes that in 2000 and starts offering to track, repair, replace, and upgrade the whole tool fleet for their clients. This increases their productivity by ensuring they always have the right tools, properly maintained and reliable at all times. Hilti allows customers to lease the tools through a monthly subscription rather than paying for them upfront – enabling predictability of costs for building company managers and recurring revenues for Hilti.

2 From Product-Related Activities to Service Provisioning Hilti evolves its key activities from its core of manufacturing and sales to fleet management activities that enable tool tracking, repairing, replacement, and upgrading.



3 From Sales Channel to Service Delivery Channels

4 From a Product to a Service Cost Structure Hilti’s cost structure adapts to this new service orientation with new fleet management costs. To date, this shift has added over CHF1 billion worth of receivable volume to Hilti’s balance sheet. Even customer acquisition costs (CAC) increase, due to the longer sales and contracting process with building company managers. The CAC, however, is now a one-time cost, leading to recurring revenues and opportunities for additional revenues with the long-term relationship.

Hilti retrains its sales force to speak to executives rather than project managers, and about logistics and efficiency rather than tools. It adds new online service channels to the traditional sales channel, raising awareness about the service, helping fleet customers access their inventory online, and enabling them to access Hilti easily in case of a problem with their tools.


million tools Hilti had 1.5 million tools under fleet management in 2015.1


billion CHF Total contract value of all tools under fleet management in 2018.2


Fleet nt eme manag ory Invent ls o o t f o Fleet nt eme manag ucture r infrast

er Customion it acquis s cost


Fleet nt eme manag ts s o c

c Transa High quality tools


erm Lo n g - t c t s contra


et Tool fle ent em manag

Sales force



uction Co n s t r a n y co m p r s e manag




ly Month service e revenu …to n

“The big benefit of recurring service revenues helped us to stabilize our business during the [global financial] crisis—a time when most contractors wouldn’t purchase new equipment” CEO of Hilti

ction Transa ales tool s

urring ew rec





turing anufac Tool m tribution & dis ed -focus Service arketing m & sales

From Low Tech to High Tech

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we scale our reach, increase price, and boost revenues by transforming a low-tech value proposition into a high-tech value proposition? Which new technology activities, skills, and resources are required to accomplish this shift? Which new tech costs does this create? How attractive are the resulting margins?

is the shift from basic, often labor-intensive, low-tech value propositions toward technology-based value propositions. This shift allows scaling reach and increasing price, which leads to a boost in revenues. The increase in price and revenues compensates for new technology-related costs and often leads to higher margins.

Example Netflix



Ech LOW-T ities v cti A

ech Low-T e Valu Proposition

Ech LOW-T ces r u reso

ch b l low te


s mod

r Custome ment g Se ECH LOW-T l CHanne


Ech High-T Activities

kills tech s rces u & reso


high-tech value proposition

high-tech l channe

high-tech ue reven


r Custome Segment

high-tech Costs


ech pa


From Sales to Platform

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we gain a competitive advantage by establishing ourselves as the platform connecting our customers with third-party products and service providers?

is the shift from value-chain activities and selling products toward products that become a platform for third-party products and value-added services. Value increases for customers because they don’t just purchase a product, but buy into a platform ecosystem. The value for third-party product and service providers is access to a customer base. Platforms are harder to disrupt than simple products because they create resource castles network effects (see p. 164).


les b inal sa

-chain VAlue ities v acti Value Sales Proposition

Custome Base


s mod


-chain VAlue ities activ rm platfoIES IT IV T AC



sales ue Reven -Chain Value costs

rm platfoS T S CO




r custome base d secon r stome cu base


-Chain Value costs

EXAMPLE iPhone & App Store


MER CUSTO NT E M G SE Sales l Channe

This will allow us to increase value for our customers and build an ecosystem of third-party product and service providers. Platform ecosystems are harder to replicate than copying products.

Sales l Channe


rm platfo l hanne C



rm patt


From Low Tech to High Tech 1998 



Netflix Netflix shifts from a mail order DVD rental company to an online streaming platform in 2007 when Internetspeeds and consumer devices align with Reed Hastings’s vision of “movies on the Internet.”



In 1998 Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph launched Netflix as an online DVD rental service. They believed it was the right product and service for the Internet at the time. Yet from the start the founders had a vision of a video streaming platform. Netflix invested 1 to 2% of its revenue in downloading services, waiting patiently to transform its business model toward streaming with increasing Internet bandwidth.³ In 2007, Netflix successfully shifted from low tech to high tech, replacing physical DVDs with online streaming as its main source of revenue. Revenues grew tenfold in the following decade, with physical DVD shipping no longer constraining scalability. By 2018, 96% of revenue came from streaming. Netflix adapted its business model again in 2013 and began producing original content. In 2019, Netflix spent an estimated $15 billion on content.⁴

g Shippinrs partne

t Contenrs e id v o r p

ory & Invent costs g in shipp

g Shippin s ic t is g & lo

origin m the

al low

-tech m


Mass t marke

Movies il by ma e Websit

DVD y ventor


Custom data


t Conten n io it is u q ac

DVD n iptio subscr


1 From Low-Tech to HighTech Value Proposition Netflix launches as an online DVD rental business in 1998, with the vision to move to streaming as soon as Internet speeds permit. In 2007 it makes that vision a reality and shifts to streaming content online.

2 From Low-Tech to High-Tech Activities To deliver streaming Netflix executes a major shift in key activities. They move from laborintensive activities such as shipping and logistics to tech activities such as streaming platform development and maintenance. Netflix also expands into licensing and producing content.

ech pa


3 From Low-Tech to HIghTech Skills and Resources Streaming results in major changes to key resources, with the streaming platform replacing the DVD inventory. Software and network engineering skills become central. Customer-viewing data and recommendation algorithms gain even more importance with the shift to streaming. Data drives content investment decisions and helps customers find relevant content.

4 From Low-Tech to High-Tech Costs

5 From Low-Tech to High-Tech Revenues

With the major shift in activities and resources Netflix’s cost structure evolves from that of a logistics company to one of a software and platform company. Main costs are now platform development and maintenance. In the future Netflix will also increase its investments in content licensing and their own production.

Netflix experiments with several subscription plans. To boost growth in 2007 it lowers the price of its streaming plan to $9.99 per month (compared to its DVD subscription of $19.95 per month in 2004). While revenue per customer declines, the ease of access and global reach leads to high customer growth and subsequently greater revenues from its high-tech streaming value proposition.


of U.S. TV viewing Netflix now accounts for 10% of U.S. TV viewing time. Netflix says it streams 100 million hours a day to TV screens in the United States.5

t Contenrs e id v o r p

g 4 Streamin ory & Invent costs latform nt p g pme shippin develo nance e t in & ma t Conten n itio acquis

158 million

Movies il by ma mass Global et k mar


t Co n t e n g in m a e r t s m platfor

t Conteng licensin

Paid subscribers globally as of September 2019.6

e Websit Online g in stream


ing Streamtions ip r c s b su w ne


ch mo


“DVDs will continue to generate big profits in the near future. Netflix has at least another decade of dominance ahead of it. But movies over the Internet are coming, and at some point it will become big business." —Reed Hastings in 2005, Netflix founder


g Shippinrs e n t r a p

g Shippinics t is g lo `& ing t licens Co n t e n ing Stream m 2 r fo t pla pment develo nance e t in a &m y ventor DVD in a er dat Custom ing 3 Stream m platfor re Softwa rk o & netw rs e engine

e ori From th

From Sales to Platform 2007 

With the release of the App Store in 2008, Apple shifts its business model from selling hardware and music to a platform business connecting millions of app developers with iPhone users. This shift significantly increases customer value, creates a lock-in, and produces strong network effects.


ales m



The App Store


ginal s

Apple launched the iPhone in 2007 and the App Store, its platform for smartphone apps, in 2008. Steve Jobs was initially hesitant to let third-party developers in the App Store but changed his mind as it ultimately fit into his vision of adding value to the iPhone. The App Store became a compelling, complementary value proposition to the iPhone. The two were promoted as one, with the memorable 2009 tagline: “There’s an App for That.” The App Store enabled Apple to shift its business model from selling a phone to managing a platform. This platform became so powerful that in 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple to proceed (based on the premise that Apple has an effective monopoly over the App Store).

phone Smart hain c e lu va

phone Smart rs y u b e nd High-e one h smartp

Retail es) Stor p p (A le

Brand phone Smart s sale sign are de Hardw facturing u n & ma


rm patt


1 From Single Product Value Proposition for One Segment to Second Platform Value Proposition to Another Segment One year after launching the iPhone, Apple releases the App Store, shifting from just selling phones to becoming a platform. This has two consequences: 1. The attractiveness of the iPhone grows with every additional game, utility, and entertainment app added to the App Store. 2. Apple’s mass of iPhone users willing to pay for apps becomes an alluring value proposition to attract app developers. Apple is the first mobile phone manufacturer to shift toward becoming a mobile-first platform that connects consumers with app developers on a large global scale.

2 From Sales Channel to Platform as a Channel Apple also extends its channels with the shift from sales to platform. The App Store becomes a continuous platform channel that connects iPhone owners with app developers. Retail and Apple Stores where buyers get their phones is a much more transactional sales channel.

3 From Value Chain Activities to Platform Activities

4 From Nonexistent to Strong Network Effects

Apple continues to manage value chain activities for its smartphones, yet adds key activities such as App Store development and maintenance to enable its platform business.

5 From Sales to Additional Revenue Stream

The App Store becomes a significant part of Apple’s business model and creates strong network effects. The more iPhone users, the more attractive the value proposition for app developers becomes. The more app developers, the more apps on the platform and, subsequently the more attractive the value proposition for iPhone buyers.

The App Store generates a new source of revenue for Apple—taking a 15 to 30% commission on every app and subscription purchased within the App Store. Later in Apple's history this recurring revenue helps Apple diversify away from a purely transactional, hardware sales model toward more service revenues.


million The App Store launched with 552 apps and has grown to 2 million with over 180 billion apps downloadedin the past decade.7

$120 billion phone Smart rs buye


ore App St ent & m p lo e dev n a n ce mainte

nd High-e one h p t r a m s


App Store

ase Us e r b e (iPhon ) s owner


Large f ro numbe e n o h iP s owner


ore App St m r fo t la p


are Hardw & n ig s e d cturing manufa

nt Payme to app rs pe develo

Number of Available Apps in the Apple App Store⁹

Retail es) Stor (Apple




ore App St ent m p develo enance t & main


App pers v e d elo


phone Smart hain c value

Amount Apple has paid developers since the App Store launched.⁸

phone Smart s le sa


ore App St issions m m o c sales 5–30%) (1 w ne


rm mo





From High Tech to Low Tech 2003 



gina the ori

l high-t

ech m



Nintendo Wii In the early 2000s, Nintendo no longer has the means to compete on hightech gaming consoles. In 2006, it turns a weakness into an opportunity and releases the Wii. The Wii features inferior technology but is an instant success with casual gamers.



In 2003, the profits of the Japanese game and console developer Nintendo fell by 38%. Several major game developers pulled their support for the GameCube, Nintendo’s main console at the time. The company was in a “state of crisis.” It had to react and decided to take a different approach. Nintendo refocused on its core mission of play over power. It acknowledged that it could no longer compete in the race to build the most powerful console with the best graphics at the lowest cost. It sidestepped competition and released the Wii in 2006— a simplified console targeted at the mass market of casual gamers. Nintendo sold five times more Wii than GameCube consoles. It regained market leadership for the next few years by shifting from high-tech to low-tech consoles with offthe-shelf components.¹⁰

Costly R&D ech High-t g in m a g console

logy Techno rs partne Costly

ore Hard-c gamers


IP le Conso sales

Game sales st ech co High-t ture struc

fied Simpli R&D 2

Off-the shelf logy techno 2 h ed tec u d Re c cture u tr s t s co

1 From High Tech for Traditional Customer Segment to Low Tech for Untapped Customer Segment With the Wii, Nintendo decides to break the rules of competition in the game console market. It shifts from competing on technology performance for hardcore gamers to fun gameplay and motion control for casual gamers, all enabled by cheap, offthe-shelf technology. The Wii’s main competitors at the time, the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and PS3 from Sony, have 20 times more graphic processing power and more than four times as much computing power. Yet the unique low-tech Wii resonates with the large and untapped market of casual gamers.

1 lified, p im S fun Wii console

1 l Ca s u a gamers


argin High-m sales console

Game sales ne

w low-t

ech m


2 From High-Tech Cost Structure to Low-Tech Cost Structure Nintendo shifts from costly high-tech activities and resources to lower-cost ones, because the Wii makes do with less processing power and lower quality graphics. Manufacturing the Wii is much simpler and cheaper because it uses off-the-shelf components. The significant changes in the cost structure allow Nintendo to make a profit on every Wii sold, as compared to Sony and Microsoft, who need to subsidize their consoles.




origin m the

al platf

Amazon Private Label In 2009, Amazon expands from platform to sales by launching Amazon private labels. It copies third-party sellers who created successful businesses by sourcing products absent from Amazon’s platform. Amazon sees this as an opportunity to create its own line of products. In 1999 Amazon launched its third-party seller marketplace and established itself as an incredibly successful e-commerce platform for other retailers. In 2007 Amazon began to use its platform to sell its own electronic devices (Kindle e-reader) and expanded to private label products under the AmazonBasics brand. While many companies aim to shift from sales to platform, Amazon executed a reverse shift from platform to sales. With its private label business Amazon started to compete with third-party suppliers who are also customers of its e-commerce business. Amazon continuously expanded its private label product catalog with a wide selection (from electronics to clothing and everyday accessories) and lower prices.

art Third-p rs vendo

y Us e r d


art Third-p rs vendo


rm Platfo s on operati

orm m

cting Conne rce me e-com rm platfo


merce E-com rm platfo rm Platfo ` costs


Sales s ission comm rm Platfo s on operati

rm Platfo costs

With Amazon marketplace the company built the leading e-commerce platform for thirdparty products. In 2007 Amazon decides to shift towards also selling its own branded products. The Kindle e-reader is the first. In 2009 Amazon launches its private label business under the AmazonBasics name. It expands from selling charging cables and batteries to thousands of everyday items.


merce E-com rm tf pla o

arty Third-p rs vendo

1 From Platform Value Proposition to Sales Value Proposition



Data mining

arty Third-p rs vendo

cting Conne rce me e-com rm platfo

ata Us e r d bel la Private d n bra merce o E-c m rm platfo labe Private ng ti marke costs

1 n A m a zo private labels


2 From Platform Activities to Sales-Focused Activities Amazon uses the consumer data from its platform business to identify product candidates for its private label business. Amazon markets successful product candidates under the AmazonBasics brand. It purchases products in bulk from retailers already transacting on its platform, rebrands them and sells them as recommended products on its e-commerce platform.

Co n s u


merce E-com rm platfo 3 Private s ale label s ne


Sales s ission m co m w sale

s mod


3 From Platform Revenues to Sales Revenues Amazon expands its revenue streams from transaction commissions to sales margins with the shift from platform to sales. Revenues from selling its own private label products are an attractive addition to a pure commission-based model.


From Platform to Sales

From Niche Market to Mass Market p. 244


From B2B to B2(B2)C p. 248 Intel Inside

From Low Touch to High Touch p. 250

Apple Genius Bar


Frontstage Driven Shifts A radical shift of who is targeted and how products and services are delivered

From Niche Market to Mass Market

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we simplify our value proposition to break out of a niche market and cater to a mass market? How might we change marketing and brand to reach a mass market? How can we compensate for lower prices and increased marketing costs with more revenues from a larger mass market?

is the shift from niche market player to mass market player. This often requires a simplification of the value proposition to cater to a larger market. The lower price that such a simplified value proposition commands is compensated by a larger volume of revenues from the mass market. This shift requires marketing activities, channels, and a brand that are tailored to the mass market.


l nich

et bus e mark

Niche g Marketin Value Niche oposition Pr Niche Brand

iness m

odel 243

Niche Market lized Specia ls Channe


Mass g Marketin

Mass Market Market Mass ue Val Proposition

Mass Market Brand

rice High-P ue en v Re Mass g Marketin cost

Mass l Channe

rice Low-P lume Vo h ig H ue Reven Mass m

arket p


e ori From th

From Niche to Mass Market 1990 

TED puts six TED Talks online in 2006 and the success is overwhelming. TED transforms from an invite-only, niche conference to a mass, online destination for the intellectually curious.


iche m





ginal n

TED launched in 1984 as a conference for the intellectually curious on the topics of technology, entertainment, and design. The first conference in California lost money and the event wasn’t held again until 1990. From then on, it became an annual event. In 2001, a nonprofit acquired TED with a renewed commitment to seek “out the most interesting people on Earth and let them communicate their passion.” It wasn’t until six TED Talks were posted online (for free) in 2006 that TED became a mass market, viral sensation. After one million views within three months TED relaunched its website to focus on videos. By 2012, TED Talks reached its one billionth view.¹¹ TED continues to reinject profits from conferences and sponsored grants into its online platform, content development, and mass marketing activities. This way ideas shared in local TED conferences continue to be available to the masses via the recorded TED Talks.

Spons Marke


g TED Stagin ence r fe n co TED ers speak


y only Invite- ers c influen

TED ence confer only Invite- nce e r fe n o c

Brand Audien


Staff Spon ence Confer ics t is log



ence Confer fees

ting Marke

Mass m 1 From Niche to Mass Market After the success of posting videos of a few talks online, TED decides to shift from an exclusive conference, once a year in California, to providing video content of all its talks online. TED shifts from locally impacting 800 people per year to reaching millions of people every day.

2 From Specialized Channels to Mass Channel Historically TED used local channels to sell their inviteonly tickets for their conference. With the success of TED Talks, TED develops a digital infrastructure to reach the masses. TED Talks are distributed globally through its website.

arket p


3 From Niche Activities to Mass Marketing

TED Talks have more than nine million views per day in 2018, and the TED brand has grown to become a mass market brand wellknown to curious individuals and attractive to sponsors that are required to fund TED’s growth.

Historically TED’s activities focused on the organization and sales of the yearly conference. TED evolves its activities to reach as many viewers as possible with its slogan “ideas worth spreading.” It also expands its activities to world-class video production in order to capture and broadcast world-class content.


e YouTub

eting s mark

Mass t marke d n a r b e Websit p and ap ce Audien

ence Confer ics t is log

Mass ting marke s t s o c

3,200+ Spons


only Invite- ers c influen



only Invite- nce e r fe n o c

Global lly ctua e t in lle us curio ls ua individ


e Websit Spons

Staff e Websit p p a d an nance mainte

New video views per minute.14


TED ence confer




$0(free ) ing stream ..


ence Confer fees

mas .to new

et mod s mark


“When we first put up a few of the talks as an experiment, we got such impassioned responses that we decided to flip the organization on its head and think of ourselves not so much as a conference but as ‘ideas worth spreading,’ building a big website around it. The conference is still the engine, but the website is the amplifier that takes the ideas to the world.” —Chris Anderson, March 2012 Curator of TED



The first six TED Talks posted online reached 1 million views within three months.¹²

As of December 2019, 3,200 TED talks are posted online for free.¹³


eer Volunt ors t la trans

million views

TED Talks online

eo lks vid TED Ta uction d o pr g TED Stagin ence r fe con

TED ers speak


4 From Niche to Mass Brand

From B2B to B2(B2)C

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we increase revenues by becoming more relevant to consumers if we are a “hidden” B2B supplier? How might we position ourselves to create value for consumers? How will that positioning make us more attractive to our B2B customer and incentivize them to make our brand visible in their product and/or service?

is the shift from a B2B supplier that’s invisible to the consumer toward a brand that matters to the consumer. This doesn’t necessarily require a shift toward cutting out the middleman completely and going it alone. It’s often a brand shift toward becoming more relevant to the consumer and includes increased consumer marketing and B2C brand development or extension.

EXAMPLE Intel Inside



B2B b riginal

B2B g r a M ketin lue B2b Va oposition Pr


s mod


B2B r Custome ment Seg B2B l(s) Channe

End r custome g etin k r ma

B2C Brand

B2B Sales B2B g Marketin Cost

B2B g Marketin

B2B g r a M ketin Cost

B2C g Marketin cost

B2B r Custome Segment

lue B2b Va Proposition

lue B2C Va oposition r P

me Consu ) (B2C


B2B l(s) Channe B2C l Channe

B2C ue Reven B2(B2)C


From Low Touch to High Touch

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we increase price and revenues by turning a standardized low-touch value proposition into a high-touch value proposition? How can we best maintain the scale benefits of standardization without incurring all of the scale limitations of a high-touch approach?

is the shift from standardized, low-touch value propositions toward customized, high-touch value propositions. This shift normally requires new human-based activities, which increase labor costs. However, high-touch value propositions command premium prices and lead to increased revenues.


d ardize Stand ation r Ope d ardize Stand ouch -T Low Value Proposition


uch b low-to

Mass/ d tomate u A Relationship


s mod

EXAMPLE Apple Genius Bar

el 247

High Touch r Custome Segment

Human e v Intensi Activities

Increase Labor cost


r Custome ment g Se

ouch High-Tue Val Proposition

ice um Pr Premi enue v Re High-t

ouch p


e From th

From B2B to B2(B2)C 1990 

In the 1990s, PCs and the components within them are rapidly commoditizing. To respond to this threat, Intel launches the Intel Inside campaign to shift from a behind-the-scenes businessto-business microchip supplier to a trusted business-to-consumer brand.


l B2B m



or rocess Microp ction & u d pro ution distrib rch & Resea ment p lo e v e d g arketin B2B m

Intel Inside



Intel created the Intel Inside marketing campaign in 1991 as a means to differentiate its microprocessors (and the PCs that contained them) from other, lower-quality PCs on the market. Previously, Intel had no direct relationship with the PC consumer—it was merely a producer of the component yet integral part of the PC, and Intel dealt only with the PC manufacturers. Intel decided to split the cost of advertising with the PC manufacturers if they agreed to affix the Intel Inside logo and sticker on the PCs and their packaging. The Intel Inside sticker became a “seal of approval”—consumers might not know what a processor did but they knew it meant quality, reliability, and performance. Intel effectively transformed from an engineering company manufacturing a computer component to a consumer product company guaranteeing a level of performance.

PC cturers fa u n a m

are Hardw n & io t c u d pro ution distrib

nent Compo PC in h it w

PC cturers fa u n a m les B2B sa force PC ret

ctual Intelle rty e prop

rch & Resea ment p lo e dev


to PC Sales turers c fa u man

B2(B2)C 1 From B2B to B2C Channel In 1991, Intel launches the Intel Inside advertising campaign as a B2C channel to reach consumers directly. It drastically increases its visibility. Intel also convinces PC manufacturers to add the Intel Inside logo on their PCs, external packaging, and advertising in return for heavily contributing to marketing costs. Intel shifts from a behind-the-scenes B2B microchip supplier to a B2C brand with direct consumer access.

2 From B2B Marketing to End-Customer Marketing Marketing mattered little when Intel was an engineering-driven B2B player. With the shift toward consumers, Intel needs to develop new end-customer marketing skills and a strong B2C brand. It succeeds and builds a consumer staple associated with quality, reliability, and performance.



3 From Less to More B2B Sales Thanks to B2C Brand as a Revenue Multiplier


The power of its newly gained B2C mass-market brand helps Intel differentiate itself from no-name microchip suppliers. PC manufacturers start to rely on Intel’s trusted brand as a differentiator to charge higher premiums to the end customer. This leads to higher sales and revenues for PC manufacturers that multiply Intel’s revenues from microprocessors.

ctual Intelle rty e p o r p

#1 Market leader in semiconductor sales from 1992–2016 with 10 to 15% market share.16

3,000 nent Compo PC in h it w

side Intel In d n a r b

are Hardw n & tio producution distrib

rch & Resea ment p lo e v de

B2C ting marke

PC cturers fa u n a m

ark Love m brand

PC uality High-q ith w PC side Intel In


In its first year (1991), the Intel Inside logo appeared on over 3,000 pages of its customers’ (OEM) advertising.17



les B2B sa force

thousand By 1993, 133 thousand PC advertisem*nts were using the Intel Inside Logo and 1,400 OEMs had signed on to the program.15


Cs nded P Co-bra ckaging and pa side Intel In ing is t r e v d a ign ca m p a

to PC Sales turers c fa manu


me $0 (na ion) it n g o rec ne


mod B2(B2)C


billion Intel’s net income topped $1 billion for the first time in 1992, following the Intel Inside campaign18


PC cturers manufa

or rocess Microp ction & produ ution distrib rch & Resea ment p develo r stome End-cu eting mark 2 campaign

Cost of advertising campaign over the first three years.15

From Low Touch to High Touch 1976 



Apple Genius Bar In 2001, Apple launches the Genius Bar as a key component of the Apple Store. They turn an undifferentiated and intimidating PC buying and support experience into a true, high-touch and high-value concierge-style service for customers.



Before Apple Stores, Apple used third-party retailers for both sales and technical support. This led to inconsistencies in customer experience both during and after sales. In 2001, Apple launched the Apple Store with the Genius Bar embedded, as a key component of its retail strategy. The Genius Bar provided personalized, friendly technical support, as well as product demos and training workshops. Geniuses used a high-touch, human-centred approach to make customers feel like true masters of their devices. The Genius Bar made going to the Apple Store and asking for support a lot less intimidating for customers.

gina the ori

ated/ Autom arty p d ir th rt suppo nd High-e ith w s e ic v de arty third-p port p u s tech

arty Third-pians ic techn

Device Retail al ion e p o rat s cost

l low-t

ouch m


nd High-e ice v e d h c te buyers


yee Emplo costs


1 From Mass Automated to High-Touch Relationship What happens when customers experience an issue with a device? They usually have to call a third-party call center, or go through a painful repair process via a partner (mass, undifferentiated approach). In 2001 Apple launches the Genius Bar, inside of its new Apple Stores, to control the entire customer experience over the lifetime of a product. If customers have an issue or even a question about their Apple devices, they can head to the Genius Bar in the nearest Apple Store.

ouch p


2 From Standardized Operations to Human-Intensive Activities Apple shifts from standardized, back office type support structure, often involving third parties, to new customer-facing activities. The Genius Bar provides face-to-face tech support, on-site repairs, as well as software training and workshops. To enable the shift, Apple trains and certifies a new breed of employees: the Geniuses. They are modeled after high-end hotel concierges who provide personalized services. They focus on building relationships, not upselling.

3 Increased Labor Cost

4 Premium Price Revenue

As a consequence of its high-touch approach, Apple accepts an increase in the cost of labor and retail operations of the Genius Bar. Apple considers the additional created value more important than the retail costs incurred.

In a sea of undifferentiated and low margin digital devices, Apple stands out by providing expert guidance to its customers. This personalized service reinforces the perceived benefits of Apple products and its brand. It ultimately helps justify Apple’s premium prices and margins.




arty Third-pians ic n tech

le rge sty Concie upport s tech

d Apple Certifieiuses n Ge App

es le Stor


Retail al ion e p o rat s cost

sed Increa ee y lo p em co s t s

nd High-e ith w s e ic dev pport tech su in t il bu


nd High-e ice v e d h c te buyers

“I’m there to help the customer and their product have the best relationship they possibly can.”

Apple Stores

—Lead Genius at Apple’s Palo Alto store (2014) 4

e m pric Premiu sales device w hig ne


h mod



thousand Genius Bar appointments scheduled each day in 2014.19


ing s, train Repair ervice &s

rge Concie onal s r e p style ort – supp ar B Genius

Direct to Consumer Trend



Apple Stores

Nespresso Boutiques

Audemars Piguet

Apple launches it own retail stores in 2001 in order to control the entire customer experience. Previously, Apple had never sold through its own physical stores to consumers. It had always used third-party, retail locations. Apple Stores instantly become a hit with a very distinct experience from that of traditional computer retailers. Apple Stores are bright, open spaces. Customers come to engage with the devices and interact at the Genius bar. Training workshops and events turn Apple Stores into much more than a sales floor.

Nespresso, a high-end coffee brand known for single-portioned coffee, opens its first boutique in 2000 in Paris as a concept store. At the time, Nespresso was already operating a successful e-commerce business, but needed a physical presence to cement Nespresso’s position as a high-end brand. It steadily opened an increasing number of Nespresso boutiques to showcase the “ultimate coffee experience” to its customers and deliver on its brand promise. By the end of 2017, there are more than 700 Nespresso boutiques in prime locations in large cities around the globe.

In 2013, Francois-Henry Bennahmias, CEO of Audemars Piguet (AP), the Swiss watch manufacturer, decides to move away entirely from third-party retailers. AP expects to remove all its multibrand retail partners completely by 2024. This radical shift helps AP regain control over the customer experience, customer data, and the customer relationship with the brand. The purchasing experience becomes highly personalized and uses more intimate locations than stores (its Lounges), like high-end apartments in major cities. In addition, cutting out the retail intermediary allows AP to capture the full margin on its retail sales.

Rise of Niche

Co-Branded or Affinity Credit Cards

Exclusive Sneaker Drops

The craft beer movement has been on the rise over the last couple of decades—even forcing traditional incumbents to purchase or distribute craft beers. For example, by the 1980s, beer in United States had become a mass-produced commodity with little or no character, tradition, or culture. Consumers started to turn to fuller-flavored beers created by small, regional brewers. As a result, industry heavyweights jumped into the market. AB Inbev (maker of Budweiser) purchased 10 formerly independent U.S. craft breweries between 2011–2017.

Credit cards used to mean Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. Today, the bank or financial lender is secondary to the retailer, offering benefits for card membership and usage. Retailers have issued their own cards since the 1980s but co-branding has hit new niche extremes: Starbucks, Uber, and Amazon Prime all offer Visa reward cards, for instance. Co-branded credit cards covered 41% of the U.S. consumer and small business credit card purchase value in 2017 and over $990 billion in purchase value in 2018 (Packaged Facts).

Nike and Adidas have taken niche to an entirely new level—limited, exclusive releases that drop on a weekly basis at specific times and exclusive retailers. The sneakers, which are produced in amounts ranging from the hundreds to hundred thousands, are targeted to sneakerheads looking for an exclusive fashion statement or a collectible (for online resale). Shoes that originally sell for $120 can balloon to over $4 thousand on the secondary market depending on rarity and prestige.



Craft Beer

From Dedicated Resources to Multi-Usage Resources p. 256


From Asset Heavy to Asset Light p. 260 Bharti Airtel

From Closed to Open (Innovation) p. 262



Backstage Driven Shifts A radical shift of how value is created

From Dedicated Resources to Multi-Usage Resources

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we monetize one of our most important key resources with a new value proposition for a new customer segment? How might the synergies with our existing business allow us to disrupt that new market we are targeting?

is the shift from using a resource for one value proposition toward using the same resource for a completely different value proposition—which targets a new customer. This leads to substantial synergies, while opening up an entirely new revenue stream.


l dedic


es b resourc


s mod

EXAMPLE Fujifilm

el 255

r Custome ment seg


Value oposition Pr Channe resou

Activit cost


Value Activities d to ate oposition l r Re lue P New Va Proposition lue New Va oposition r P

r Custome ment g se



rce Resou cost




Acti cost

ctivit New A ost C


New l Channe

rce Resou



New r Custome Segment


New ue reven sag Multi-u

reven e reso




From Dedicated Resources to Multi-Usage Resources 2003 

From th

e orig

dicate inal de

d reso





Fujifilm With the digitization of photography in the 2000s, Fujifilm realizes that it can no longer rely on continued revenue from analog film. Chairman Shigetaka Komori starts a period of transformation for Fujifilm with the VISION 75 plan. In 2006, Fujifilm puts its photographic film expertise to new use in cosmetics and launches Astalift skincare.

Film ing factur u n a m Marke


Photog raphic Photog lm fi

ctual Intelle rty e p o r p raphic Photog logy o techn rtise & expe

rch & Resea ment p lo deve

s rapher

raphy Photog il reta

Film sa


ting Marke t s o c s



As part of the VISION 75 plan, Fujifilm created the Advanced Research Laboratories (R&D) to look for innovative uses of its technology in 2006. Fujifilm soon developed Astalift skincare and leveraged its brand name to market the new cosmetics line. By building a successful new business model around an existing key resource, Fujifilm was able to bounce back from the sharp decline of film, unlike its former competitor, Kodak. This success became a launchpad to explore other businesses (e.g., functional materials, medical devices, etc.) and Fujifilm transformed into a diversified technology conglomerate. Fujifilm’s Imaging Solutions Division accounted for 54% of the firm’s revenue in 2001 versus just 15% in 2017.


1 From Dedicated to Multi-Usage of a Key Resource Fujifilm realizes that collagen is a major component of both film and skin, and that it can apply its photographic technology and expertise in film manufacturing to skincare production. Over the years, Fujifilm has developed 20,000 chemical compounds in its chemical library, originally for use with photographic film, and now applicable to pharmaceuticals and skincare.

ge re lti-usa


s patte

2 From One Value Proposition to a New Value Proposition for a New Customer Segment Fujifilm operates a radical shift from its original photographic film value proposition for photographers worldwide. It now targets Asian women with its Astalift, high-end skincare value proposition.


Photographic film and high-end skincare don’t use the same retail channels, so Fujifilm opens up new retail channels dedicated to cosmetics for the Astalift business.

4 From Traditional Activities to New Activities and Costs Related to a New Value Proposition

Film cturing u n ma fa ting Marke re Skinca ring tu c fa u n ma keting & mar 1

ctual Intelle rty e prop 4

t Co s m e

nd ics bra

raphic Photogology n 1 tech rtise & ex p e ting Marke costs rch & Resea ment p lo d e ve

tic Cosme uring t c fa u n ma keting & mar ts co s

5 From Revenue to New Revenue From its peak in 2001, demand for photographic film drops rapidly, almost disappearing in less than 10 years. To compensate for declining film revenues, Fujifilm creates a new revenue stream with highend skincare and supplements that contribute to the growth of its healthcare division from 2006.

Fujifilm creates the Advanced Research Laboratories to look for innovative uses of its photographic technology. It invests in the skincare business and backs up Astalift with a significant marketing campaign, as cosmetics require a strong brand. It then builds the skincare manufacturing and distribution infrastructure to support the new value proposition.

raphic Photog lm fi

re Skinca ts produc ) ft (Astali

Astalift helps double Fujifilm’s Healthcare business from ¥288 billion revenues in 2008 to ¥484 billion in 2018. Fujifilm’s Astalift revenues are included in the healthcare division.20, 21


Chemical compounds Photog



Fujifilm had developed 20 thousand chemical compounds in its chemical library, originally all for use for photographic film, but now used for pharmaceuticals.22

s rapher


Asian tic co s m e s buyer


Fujifilm vs. Kodak Revenue 23 In millions USD

tics Co s m e retail


raphy Photog il reta 5

re Skinca t produc sales ne




Film sa

age re ulti-us



s mod


el 10,000

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


3 From Traditional Channel to New Channel

From Asset Heavy to Asset Light

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we free up capital and energy from building and maintaining assets toward focusing on service provisioning and customer acquisition? How might that shift help us scale our customer base and increase revenues?

is the shift from a business model based on high fixed costs and high capital expenditures toward an asset-light business with variable costs. This shift allows focusing on service provisioning and customer acquisition rather than building and maintaining assets. The freed-up capital and energy are invested in boosting growth and increasing revenues. In addition, third-party providers can often split the cost of building and maintaining assets between multiple clients. This leads to lower unit cost than if the company built and maintained the assets themselves.



& Build Maintain

l as

av y b set-he

s mod


Service g provisionin

r Custome ment g se

Value oposition Pr

Partne Asset

d Owne ssets A reven Asset Fixed apex Cost/C


Example Bharti Airtel

r Custome ment g e S

Value Proposition r

ue le Variab Cost

lly Potentia p& u volume Down Price- ue Reven Asset-

light p


From Closed to Open (Innovation) is the shift from a closed approach to developing new value propositions toward an open approach to developing new value propositions. This outside-in approach (to innovation) is based on external R&D and intellectual property (IP). A similar type of shift is from the tight protection of internal R&D and IP toward an inside-out approach of sharing R&D and IP with outside partners.


nal Exter R&D

New rs Partne

STRATEGIC REFLECTION How might we make more usage of external R&D and IP (outside-in) or share internal R&D and IP with outside partners (inside-out)? Both should lead to a higher return on R&D through new revenues. Example Microsoft


l close

vatio d (inno

in n) bus

Interna R&D

ess mo




New r Custome Segment

New l CHanne

New ue Reven d Reduce ost C D R& 259

r Custome segment


IP Exploitce r u Reso

Value oposition r P l


IP r reven

l Interna osts R&D C

d – IP Licenserces u Reso

tion) p

r Custome segment

Value oposition r P -BaseD New IP ue Val Proposition

n n ova


Channe IP reso

en (i e-in op

r Custome ment seg

Value oposition r P

New r Custome ment Seg

-BaseD hannel C New IP ue Val Proposition New l ces r u CHanne eso


New ue Reven l Interna osts C D R&


pen e-out o


tion) p


From Asset Heavy to Asset Light 2000 


Bharti Airtel In the early 2000s, Airtel lacks the required capital to grow its telecom infrastructure. It decides to explore an unprecedented strategy in the telecom industry. Airtel outsources its entire network infrastructure and most of its operations to compete on service provisioning instead of infrastructure development.




In the early 2000s, Bharti Airtel wanted to capture the lion's share of the Indian telecom market growth. However, it didn’t have the capital to invest in the infrastructure required. Instead of competing on infrastructure like everybody else, Airtel decided to get rid of this costly asset and compete on services. In 2003, Airtel was the first major telecom company to outsource its infrastructure and most of its business operations to partners. Massive capital costs disappeared from their business model. This shift transformed capital expenditures into variable operating expenses based on customer usage. Airtel channeled savings from this shift back into price cuts and new value propositions that sustained the rapid growth of its subscriber base.


ginal the ori


h e av y

Build & in mainta m teleco ture c frastru

Service g ionin o r p vis



d Limite t marke m Teleco s service

m Teleco ture ruc infrast IT e ructur


m Teleco


m Teleco ture c u r t s a infr


1 From Owned Key Assets to Partner Assets In 2003–2004, Airtel makes the radical decision to outsource the operations and maintenance of the physical telecom infrastructure and most of its IT system in a multi-year deal with four global vendors. This is an unprecedented move for telecom operators who see their network as the main competitive advantage.

2 From Build and Maintain Activities to Service Provisioning Activities Airtel reallocates the freedup financial resources to expand sales, marketing, and customer service. Those activities enable faster customer growth and better service provisioning.

light p


3 From a Fixed to a Variable Cost Structure Airtel no longer has to spend on telecom equipment and own its infrastructure (fixed costs). Airtel negotiates a payment model with its partners that is based on usage and quality of service (variable costs).


4 From Baseline Revenues to Lower Price, Higher Volume Revenues Airtel decides to pass on the savings from outsourcing its infrastructure to its customers by reducing the price of its telecom plans. With lower prices Airtel is able to achieve a much higher volume of sales and tap into the rapidly growing Indian telecom market. Because its growth is no longer constrained by its infrastructure, Airtel can quickly expand its customer base after the shift.

in India Third largest mobile operator in India in 2019.24

325 million

subscribers in India in 2019.24


market share e Servic g nin io is v o pr

rk & Netwo or d n e v IT e ructur infrast

IT e ructur infrast 1

m Teleco r o d n e v nships relatio 3

le Variab ture c u r t s infra ts co s

of all Indian wireless subscriptions in 2019.24

Mass t marke able Afford m c le te o s service

120% growth

120% compounded annual growth in sales revenues between 2003 and 2010 and growth in net profits of 282% per year.25


s e sale volum Larger rice-down s of p m plan teleco wa …to ne


ght mo




From Closed to Open Innovation 2012 

From th

tary Proprieare softw ent pm develo

Enterprise users and developers no longer want to be tied to an operating system. To overcome this, Microsoft starts embracing open source. Microsoft shifts from calling open source a cancer in 2001 to joining its community in 2014.



tion) m





e ori

losed ginal c

In the Steve Ballmer era, Microsoft had been notoriously outspoken against open source. Patent litigation and overt threats against the theft of intellectual property were common. In 2012, Microsoft first experimented with open source with the creation of Microsoft Open Technologies in 2012. In 2014, new CEO Satya Nadella radically sped up that shift toward an open approach. He moved Microsoft’s focus away from proprietary Windows toward operating-system agnostic cloud solutions to satisfy enterprise users and developers. To meet the needs of enterprise customers, Microsoft shifted from closed to open innovation. It no longer relied only on proprietary software development and opened up to the open source community. Microsoft made it easier for developers to work on its software and improved its Azure Cloud service offerings.

rise Enterp s user

ws Windo based offer Sales


ws IP Windo pers Develo

Patent n litigatio fees

re Softwa ent pm lo e v e d cost

tary Proprie fees e s n lice


rise Enterp les sa cloud


en (in e-in op


on) pa




1 From Internal R&D to External R&D Microsoft recognizes that to reach more enterprise users, it can no longer force its customers to use Windows. Closed software development (internal R&D) and the importance of Windows intellectual property become dated models. Under Satya Nadella’s new leadership from 2014 on, Microsoft opens up to contributions from the open source community. It incorporates more and more open source code (external R&D) in its Azure cloud services to meet the needs of enterprise users.

en (in -out op


on) pa


tary Proprieare w soft pment develo ource Open sunity m m o c nship relatio ment e g a man ource Open sunity m co m

re Softwa ent m p lo e dev st co

ource Open s e d co ws IP Windo H Git ub pers e D velo ed Reduc ent pm develo st co tary Proprieare w ft so pment develo ource Open s are w ft so pment develo

n ope



In 2018, Microsoft open sourced 60 thousand patents when it joined the OIN.26

rise Enterp s user

Azure rm platfo ic t agnos e ris enterp cloud


Sales force

tary Proprie fees e s n e c li

billion paid for GitHub

rise Enterp les sa d u lo c

Microsoft purchases GitHub, the world’s leading open software development platform in 2018.27

rise Enterp s r e us wsWindo d e s a b offer ource Open s ution ib r t n co

ws IP Windo H it G ub pers e D velo

#1 Microsoft is the leading contributor to GitHub, with over 4,550 employees contributing in 2018.28

ource Open sunity co m m Open tion Innova rk o w t Ne (OIN)

2 From Proprietary IP to New IP-Based Value Proposition

$0 tary Proprie fees e s licen ..


thousand patents

wsWindo e s ba d offer

ource Open s e d co

re Softwa ent pm develo st co


e n) mod

insid .to new

e-out o


ovati en (inn

on) mo



Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation in 2016. The Linux Foundation is an open technology consortium promoting open source development. In 2018 it also joins the Open Innovation Network (or OIN, a patent consortium). Microsoft opens over 60 thousand patents (proprietary IP) to the community upon membership to OIN.   In 2018, Microsoft purchases GitHub. GitHub is a platform for collaboration and software version control for the open source community. Microsoft soon becomes one of the largest contributors to the platform (new IP-based value proposition).


w ou …to ne

vatio n (inno

From Dedicated Resources to Multi-Usage Resources REVERSE


1 From Dedicated Usage: Genetic Testing 23andMe begins selling direct-to-consumer DNA testing kits in 2006. They offer both an ancestry report and a health analysis. 23andMe asks consumers buying their kits to opt into its research “to become part of something bigger.” On average 80% of users accept. With every new sale, 23andMe grows its database of users, DNA information, and self-­ reported behavioral data.


Big Data Trends: 23andMe Big data, the analysis of extremely large data sets, opens up many opportunities for new growth using the “from dedicated to multi-usage” pattern, as illustrated by 23andMe. 264 INVENT PatterNs


l re origina

c Geneti testing R&D 1

c Geneti data


DNA testing kits

rs Retaile

tail mo

3 To Multi-Usage: Drug Discovery

23andMe knows its database will become a key resource for scientific research. 23andMe anonymizes the data and sells access to the database to researchers (in medical, government, and educational fields). In 2018, more than four million of 23andMe’s customers have agreed to let their DNA be used in research. The average 23andMe customer contributes to more than 230 studies.

This wealth of data also enables 23andMe to enter the field of drug discovery. They explore this new field both on their own and through partnerships with leading pharmaceuticals companies. At the start of 2020, 23andMe, for the first time, has sold the rights to a new drug that it has developed using its customers’ data. This paves the way for substantial new revenue streams.

cally Geneti s curiou uals individ

del... DNA testing kits

c Geneti ase datab service g ionin provis

cally Geneti s curiou uals individ

Acce s s etic to gen e as datab

Drug ery discov 2

Online rm platfo

s Retail

2 To Multi-Usage: Access to Database

c Geneti data

Drug ery discov ip rsh partne

rc Resea

ting Marke

ve Executi team

Drug ery discov costs

Investm c Geneti ase datab sts co service

a Pharm s nie a p m o c

Online s inquirie





ase Datab on pti subscri n

d-pa ew thir

rty res







Disney Parks & Resorts In the 1930s, Disney founder Walt Disney dreams of giving families a magical experience both on screen and in real life. Following the success of his movies (light assets), he expands into theme parks in 1955 and resorts (heavy assets).

Walt Disney released his first Mickey Mouse cartoon in 1928. Four years later he began sketching his idea for a family-friendly amusem*nt park. In 1955, Disneyland opened in California, and within its first 10 weeks, it attracted one million visitors. By 1960, that number would rise to five million visitors per year. Disney World followed in 1971, and both resorts opened hotels to support the tourists. In 1983, Disney opened its first international theme park in Tokyo, and in 1996 it launched the Disney Cruise Line. Disney’s continual growth and investment into heavy assets has paid off. It built a profitable hospitality business next to its media empire. And Disney continues to be the most valuable media brand in the world. Another $24 billion is expected to be invested in theme parks through 2023.29

Movie tion produc ng ti e Mark isney Walt D & team Brand ting Marke

ginal the ori



Mass t marke

r Popula movies

Movie tion produc

light m

ice Box off sales

Movie ies activit

r Popula movies

in mainta Build & ty assets , ali resorts hospit Parks, ises ru c & ality) (hospit lity a it p s 1 Ho assets

Mass t marke

isney Walt D & team 3 Brand 2

Movie costs

1 From Asset Light to Asset Heavy Disney’s movie business requires few assets beyond Walt Disney and his creative team. When Disney decides to shift to creating real world experiences, it accepts that it needs to invest in heavy hospitality assets. Disney opens its first park, Disneyland, in 1955 and adds another 11 theme parks, 51 resorts, 4 cruise ships, and 1 private island to its key resources.

xed ality fi Hospit CapEx costs +

ice Box off sales

2 From Asset-Light to AssetHeavy Cost Structure Movie


Lady and the Tramp $38.1 million

Disneyland $162 million

The Jungle Book $30.6 million

Disney World $2.02 billion

The Little Mermaid $82 million

Disney Hollywood Studios $824 million


rts & reso Parks zation ti e n o m wa ne


e av y m


3 Asset Light and Asset Heavy Mutually Reinforce Each Other. Disney uses its movie franchises and brand to market parks, resorts, cruises, and other products. At the same time, parks and resorts become a channel to reinforce the customer connection with the Disney brand.


From Asset Light to Asset Heavy

From High Cost to Low Cost p. 268 Dow Corning Xiameter

From Transactional to Recurring Revenue p. 272 Adobe

From Conventional to Contrarian p. 274

Apple iMac


Profit Formula Driven Shifts A radical change of how profits are made in terms of revenues and costs

From High Cost to Low Cost

STRATEGIC REFLECTION Which new, price-conscious customer segment might we conquer with a low-price value proposition? How might we reconfigure activities and resources to disrupt our cost structure and make that low price possible?

is the shift toward a more efficient activity and resource configuration in order to substantially decrease the cost structure and offer price-conscious customers a low-price value proposition. This shift allows for the conquering of new customer segments that might have not had access to such a value proposition previously.


ost b l high-c


Nd High-E rs Custome

Rich Value Proposition Channe


Efficient More vity Acti guration Confi rice Low-P e Valu Proposition


rice High-P ue en v re ost High C

s mod


y Activit guration onfi C

y Costl rce u Reso


Example Dow Corning Xiameter

ostly Less C rces u Reso

ve low Disruptiructure Cost st

d New r Custome ment g e S

New Low-cost l CHanne

rice Low-p lume o v h ig H ue reven Low-c

ost pa


From High Cost to Low Cost 1990s 

Dow Corning Xiameter Silicone is becoming a commodity in the late 1990s, and Dow Corning’s specialty silicone business is under threat. To respond, Dow Corning creates Xiameter in 2002, a no-frills standard silicone offering, sold online to price-sensitive manufacturers.





In the 1990s, silicone was becoming a commodity and Dow Corning could have given up the low end of the silicone market. Instead it took on the challenge of designing a business that could offer silicone at a 15% lower price point. This led to the launch of Xiameter in 2002: an online-only distribution platform for standard silicone products. Dow Corning maintained its high-cost speciality silicone business alongside the low-cost Xiameter standard silicone business. Both business models successfully co-existed and helped the company overcome the threat of silicone commoditization. Dow Corning was acquired by the Dow Chemical company in 2016.

ization Custom-added e & valu ices serv x Comple n io execut lty Specia e silicon team Sales e Silicon t produc y or invent

origin m the

al high

-cost m

mand, On-de uch t high o Manufa



lty Specia e silicon Sales


ized Custom sales s n solutio

& Sales osts nc io t u c exe


1 From High Cost to Disruptive Low-Cost Structure Xiameter radically changes its cost structure from its Dow Corning parent. It achieves a disruptive low-cost structure thanks to less costly resources, less complex activities, and standardized sales.

ost pa


2 From Costly to Less Costly Resources and Activities Xiameter eliminates the most costly resources of Dow Corning’s traditional business model. This includes the elimination of specialty silicone resources to reduce inventory and the elimination of a dedicated sales team. It also reduces the complexity of activities, such as customization of silicone products, value-added services, or specific contract terms. The new business model is designed for standardized sales and online execution.

4 From Traditional (Offline) Channels to New (Online) Channel

The less costly resources and more efficient activity configuration allow Xiameter to offer a lower priced value proposition. It sells standard silicone online at a lower price point than Dow Corning. This value proposition attracts a new customer segment of price-sensitive manufacturers willing to forego specialty, high-touch sales activities in exchange for speed, convenience, and price.

The original Dow Corning business depends completely on a dedicated sales team and has no online presence. Xiameter creates an e-commerce platform and introduces a new online channel to reach its customers.

x Comple n io execut rdized Standaxecution e sales & merce E-com rm fo t la p e Silicon t produc y or invent

& Sales osts c n io t execu

merce E-com rm fo t pla n a n ce mainte


5 From High-Price Revenues to Low-Price, High-Volume Revenues Dow Corning sells its speciality silicone products at a high price. Xiameter aims for a 15% lower price. In exchange, customers have to purchase large-volume orders and agree to standard credit terms and lead times. Xiameter sales grow from 0 to 30% of Dow Corning total sales in less than 10 years.

cheaper price differential between Dow Corning and Xiameter.30

“Our two-brand strategy offers the choices and solutions that customers need to help them solve problems and seize opportunities.” —Donald Sheets

lty Specia e silicon

rd Standae n o ic il s ter) (Xiame

mand, On-de uch t high o rvice, Self-se ated m o aut


Chief financial officer and Americas area president, Dow Corning


0% to 30% online sales in less than 10 years

e ensitiv Price s cturers manufa

30% of Dow’s sales were online in 2011 vs. 0% prior to the launch of Xiameter in 2002.31

merce E-com rm fo t la p Sales



Online sales

sales growth

ized Custom sales s n io t lu so

w …to ne

low co

st mod

Peak in sales growth in 2006 and double digit growth every year since introduction in 2002.³² el

Adapted from Seizing the White Space, by Mark W. Johnson


3 From a Specialty Value Proposition to a Low-Price Value Proposition

From Transactional to Recurring Revenue

STRATEGIC REFLECTION Which recurring customer job-tobe-done might allow us to create a recurring value proposition with a long-term relationship and recurring revenues? Example Adobe

is the shift from having to sell again and again with continuous cost of sales toward acquiring customers/users once to then earn recurring revenues. This shift requires identifying a recurring customer job-to-be-done that you can address with a recurring value proposition. Because of the increased customer lifetime value from recurring revenues you can afford a higher upfront acquisition cost than in a transactional model. Advantages of recurring revenues include compound revenue growth and more revenue predictability.



l tran

nal b sactio


s mod

r Custome ment g Se

lue Sale Va oposition Pr Channe


Transactiona ue Reven


m r) ter Long(e relationship

Upfront user acquisition ring Recur e u l Va Proposition

l user Upfront cost acquisition

ring recur -be-to job done

New l CHanne

ring recur ue en v e r Recurr

ing rev

enue p


From Conventional to Contrarian

STRATEGIC REFLECTION Which of the most costly activities and resources might we eliminate or reduce, even if they create value for customers? How might we we replace that lost (expensive) value by augmenting our value proposition with cheap value creators that matter to customers most?

is the shift to significantly reduce costs and increase value at the same time. Contrarians eliminate the most costly resources, activities, and partners from their business model, even if that means limiting the value proposition. They compensate by focusing on features in the value proposition that a well-defined customer segment loves and is willing to pay for, but which are relatively cheap to provide.


ar Regul y it v acti guration confi

l co n

nal b ventio

s mod

el 271

Custome lue Sale Va oposition r P Channe


Low-cost y Activit uration g Confi


ar regul assets

New r Custome Segment

ve Attracti e u l Va Proposition

ost Low-C Assets

re ar regul del mo Cost


Example Apple iMac

lly Potentia ice r p ) r High(e ue reven

venue Reduce

d Cost





rian pa


From Transactional to Recurring Revenue 2003 


Adobe In the 2010s, software distribution over the Internet becomes possible and the software industry starts shifting toward software as a service (SaaS). Adobe seizes the opportunity early and switches from transactional sales of software to a cloud subscription service in 2012.



From th

al tr e origin

Adobe historically earned revenues from transactional sales of perpetual licenses to its software. Every few years it had to convince customers to upgrade to a new version. In 2012, Adobe launched its Creative Cloud and joined a growing number of software providers selling software as a service (SaaS). Customers then received access to a full suite of products that were continuously upgraded and supported through the cloud. In 2013, Adobe stopped selling its Creative Suite as a stand-alone, software product. Adobe’s revenue dipped initially as it shifted from transactional to recurring revenues. But recurring revenues started to grow dramatically with the adoption of the Creative Cloud by the mass market.

ct Transa

CD cturing fa u n a m ution ib & distr d

re Softwa ent m p lo e v e




ional arket Mass mives t crea

Retail Online

re / Softwa ual t c e intell rty prope

oductio l CD pr ion a ic s y Ph ibut & distr

Adobe re softwa (CDs/ ) ads downlo



re Softwa les sa e s n e lic

ing Recurr

1 From Transactional to Recurring Revenues Adobe decides to shift from offering perpetual software licenses to a monthly subscription service in 2012. At the time Adobe’s complete Master Software Collection costs $2,500, versus a monthly $50 subscription for the entire Creative Cloud.

2 From Sales to Recurring Value Proposition Prior to 2012, Adobe customers purchase a perpetual license that requires seasonal upgrades in order to get access to the latest software. Of course, customers want access to the best and latest software and features all the time, not once every few years. The shift to the Creative Cloud satisfies that recurring need with automatic updates, technical support, online storage, publishing capability, and file sharing.


e patt


3 From Transactional to Long-Term Relationship The shift to the Creative Cloud effectively means transforming a transactional relationship with customers into a longterm one. Adobe invests heavily in creating an online user community. This leads to open discussions on the value and benefits of the new subscription model.

4 From Continuous Customer Acquisition Every Few Years to Important First-Time Customer Acquisition Prior to 2012, Adobe bears the activity and cost of customer acquisition for every new software sale and every subsequent upgrade. With the shift from transactional to recurring revenue, Adobe invests in acquiring customers once, upfront, in order to collect subscription revenues over their lifetime.

Adobe Net Profit Margin 33 30



Cloud rm platfo r Us e unity co m m re / Softwa ual t c e ll e t in ty proper

t Upfron r e m o t s u c ition acquis

Cloud rm platfo nce na e t in a m


erm Long-t ship n io t rela



arket Mass mives creat



Adobe Revenues by Segment 34



rm platfo Cloud enance t in ma ime First-t er m o t s u c ition acquis re Softwa ent pm develo

as a percentage of total revenues

Ad o b e e Creativ Cloud






ly Month ns iptio subscr n

urring ew rec



e mod




From Conventional to Contrarian 1990s 

From th


Apple iMac In 1997, Steve Jobs returns to Apple, which is in a dire financial situation. Jobs significantly reduces operating costs, while focusing Apple’s new desktop computer value proposition on exactly what design-sensitive consumers want with the iMac.



In late 1996 Apple acquired NeXT, the company launched by Apple founder Steve Jobs after resigning from Apple. Apple, which was close to bankruptcy, put Steve Jobs in charge to turn around the company. Jobs also acted swiftly on the product side and killed more than 70% of Apple’s hardware and software portfolio to focus on very few projects. This decision resulted in the layoffs of over 3,000 employees, but allowed Apple to focus on reinventing the home computer. Newly appointed head of design Jonathan Ive was tasked with this reinvention. He designed the iconic iMac with its translucent Bondi blue casing. A year later Apple was back to profitable figures and the success of the iMac paved the way for future game-changing Apple products (iPod, iPhone, iPad). Its new operating system, Mac OS X, which was launched in 2001, also originated in the NeXT acquisition.

& chain Supply cturing manufaners part

& Sales g tin marke n t desig Produc chain Supplyement g a n ma Apple brand

Large lio portfo nal o s r e p f o ters compu her t o d an ts produc

al c e origin

o nve n



er Resell





t produc Large ge n a r

& Sales g tin e k r a m ory Invent costs

t Produc ent em g a n a m costs


ter sale



1 From Conventional Activities and Resources to Low-Cost Activity Configuration and Reduced Asset Costs Apple shifts from costly and diversified activities and resources driven by an unnecessarily extensive product portfolio to a focused and trimmed cost structure. Steve Jobs eliminates product customizations for different resellers and reduces operating costs by killing 70% of Apple hardware and software developments. In parallel, Tim Cook leads the transformation of Apple’s supply chain, which results in a significant reduction of inventory costs.

rian pa


2 From Conventional to Attractive New Value Proposition for New Design-Sensitive Customer Segments and Apple Fans Apple launches the iMac and breaks the beige or grey computer dogma in the PC market. The iMac is dramatically different from any previous computer: Apple increases both power and ease of use, especially to access the now popular Internet. Apple also creates a completely new aesthetic with the iMac’s curvy, colorful design. Reasonably priced at $1,299, the iMac resonates immediately with a new segment of design-sensitive consumers.


3 From a Loss-Making to a High-Margin Business

million profit in 1998

Apple simplifies its product portfolio, ups its game in supply chain management, and focuses design efforts in the desktop computer for consumers segment on the new iMac. Within a year Apple returns to making profits.



million loss in fiscal year 1997 35

800,000 iMacs sold


t desig


chain Supply ation iz im t op & chain Supply cturing manufaners part

Apple brand

ive -sensit Design umers co n s


esktop iMac d uter p m o c

within the first 140 days of release. An iMac was sold every 15 seconds.36

31 to 6

ers Resell



days, worth of supply held in inventory


In fiscal year 1997, Apple had $437 million tied up in inventory, or a full month's supply on the books. But by the close of fiscal year 1998, the company had slashed inventory levels by 80%, to just six days.37

ed Reduc t produco li portfo 3

ed Reduc t produc ent em manag ts co s

argin High-mr sales e t u p co m w co …to ne


n mod



& Sales g tin marke

Multiple Shift Patterns 2006 



Ørsted In 2012, new CEO Henrik Poulsen leads the transformation of Ørsted from a fossil fuel energy producer and distributor to an exclusively green energy powerhouse. The shift comes after falling gas prices trigger a debt crisis.



Ørsted was established in the 1970s as DONG Energy, a Danish state-owned business that built coal-fired plants and offshore oil and gas rigs around Europe. In 2009 DONG Energy decided to dramatically shift toward green energy. It announced targets to reduce the use of fossil fuels from 85% to 15% by 2040. This shift was supported by the Danish government, which started subsidizing renewable energy production. In 2012, falling gas prices led to a debt crisis at DONG Energy and Henrik Poulsen was brought on as new CEO. Under his leadership, DONG Energy accelerated its shift to green energy. In 2019, it was the world’s largest offshore wind farm developer. In 2016, DONG Energy went public in a $15 billion IPO. In 2017, the company formally abandoned fossil fuels when it sold its oil and gas business and changed its name to Ørsted.38

origin m the



re Offsho w ho knows/ Oil/ga d e r fi la co plants

s/coalOil/ga lant d fire p

s/ Oil/ga ed s a b la co energy


iness m


Energyrs e consumtial n e id (res and l) ercia comm

s/coalOil/ga lant fired p ns io operat Energy n utio distrib

al bus



Energy rs uto distrib

ased odity-b Comm (variable) pricing 2




Ørsted’s transformation toward becoming a sustainable business combines several shifts:

le patt


1 From Dedicated to Multi-Usage of a Key Resource When Ørsted starts its transformation it applies its offshore know-how from years of North Sea drilling operations to building offshore wind farms. This facilitates the radical shift from its original focus on fossil fuel energy to the new focus on renewable energy.

2 From Low Tech to High Tech

3 From Volatile Transactional Revenues to Predictable Recurring Revenues

Ørsted incurs significant investment costs to shift from its drilling operations to new hightech green power plants. Government subsidies facilitate the transition. Meanwhile, oil and gas drilling in the North Sea becomes relatively expensive due to the basin’s maturity, making Ørsted’s transition to wind technology and wind farms operations highly relevant.

Ørsted’s traditional revenues from fossil fuels were highly volatile and prices depended on geo-political factors and fluctuating commodity prices. Ørsted’s wind-based energy prices, however, are set at long-term, fixed prices due to government subsidies (and renewable certificates). In 2007, only 13% of Ørsted’s production is based on fixed prices versus 81% in 2018.

75% Energy n utio distrib ment Govern

urbine Wind t turers c manufa

rm Wind fan and tio c u d o r p ions operat

re Offsho w o know-h


able Renew y energ s) rm (wind fa Sales fo

of energy produced from renewables

Energyrs e co n s u m l a n d ntia e id s e (r rcial) co m m e

Green share of generation increased from 64% to 75% in 2018.39


Energy rs uto is d trib


reduction in CO2 emissions Reduced carbon emissions from 18 million tons in 2006 to 3.4 million tons in 2018.39


Wind farms

ed Reduc to e co s t d u e n t m govern ies subsid

rm Wind fa ns io t a r e op CapEx

ricing Fixed pwable e n e r for energy


prices Higher nergy e (green ium) prem


usine new b

ss mod



of capital invested in renewables. In 2007, 16% of total capital employed was invested in renewables. In 2018, the share of renewables had increased to 87%.39


based Value- nship relatio bility) a (sustain

From Product to Recurring Service

From Niche to Mass Market




Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce launches TotalCare© in the late 1990s. It is the first jet engine manufacturer to shift from selling an engine (product) to selling care for every stage of the product lifecycle (service).



Rolls-Royce’s civil aerospace business recognized in the 1990s that its business model was misaligned with its airline and business aviation customers: in order to generate a new sale, Rolls-Royce engines had to break or malfunction. In 1999, American Airlines asked Rolls-Royce to deliver not only a large engine order but also all after-sales services related to repair, maintenance, transportation, and peripheral supplies. TotalCare service was born out of this initial request. TotalCare transferred the risk of managing a jet engine over its lifetime from the customer to Rolls-Royce. TotalCare realigned RollsRoyce’s incentives with those of its customers with a recur14.3 million large engine invoiced flying hours ring revenue model where in 2018.40 Rolls-Royce gets paid by the flying hour of its jet engine. With TotalCare, RollsRoyce has shifted from a product to a recurring service business model. Its 90% of the 2018 Rollsjet engines are sold at a loss Royce widebody fleet is covered by TotalCare and Rolls-Royce recoups service agreements.40 losses with the service contract over time.

14.3 million charged hours

90% of fleet covered


The Washington Post Jeff Bezos purchases the Washington Post in 2013 in order to transform the niche local newspaper into a national, digital, mass-media powerhouse.

In 2103, Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post (The Post) for $250 million. The Post was struggling to survive as a print publication, hyper-focused on Washington politics. Bezos used his Internet expertise to transform the newspaper into a global, digital media company focused on a mass market, leveraging the free distribution of the Internet. The Post kept the integrity of its editorial, investigative journalism while also making a broad outreach to additional readers. It installed a paywall to increase its subscriber revenues and it created a platform for aggregating news across platforms, reaching more journalists and more readers.



From 484,000 print subscribers and 28,000 digital subscriptions in 2012 to over 1.7 million digital subscriptions in 2019.41, 42

in March 2019 with an increase of 84% in three years (vs. 28 million in 2010, 41 million in 2012).43

million digital subscriptions

million unique visitors



GORE-TEX In 1989, W.L. Gore launches the “guaranteed to keep you dry” promise on products using its Gore-Tex fabrics. That allows Gore to shift from a behind-the-scenes B2B fabric manufacturer to a trusted B2C brand.

Gore-Tex was developed by W.L. “It is one thing for Gore in 1969 as the world’s first a company to waterproof and breathable fabguarantee what ric. The company received its it makes. It is quite first commercial Gore-Tex order another for it to in 1976 to develop rainwear and guarantee what tents for an outdoor company. others make. In 1989, Gore-Tex introduced But that is exactly the Guaranteed to Keep You what they do.” Dry \ promise on its waterproof products, which included a —The Gore-Tex promise lifetime product warranty. W.L. Gore, which doesn’t manufacture the final product, convinced clothing and outdoor brands to market this guarantee with hang tags on the garments using its fabrics. This gave consumers an extra sense of quality and peace of mind and made Gore-Tex a ubiquitous brand by piggybacking established clothing manufacturers. Although Gore didn’t manufacture the end garments, the supplier extended its promise to consumers. If consumers weren’t “completely satisfied” with their garment, Gore would take care of it. Gore used its logo and its Gore-Tex label to show end consumers that their garments could be trusted regardless of the manufacturer.

From Dedicated Resources to Multi-Usage Resources 1981 


Delta Airlines In 1996 Delta Airlines puts its SkyMiles to new use and resells them to American Express for their loyalty program.

Delta Airlines created its SkyMIles frequent flier program in 1981. SkyMiles were a key resource in Delta’s air travel business model—to rewarding its loyal customers. In 1996, Delta Airlines realized it could reuse that key resource for another value proposition. It started selling SkyMiles to a new customer, American Express (AmEx) who would distribute these SkyMiles to their own customers, AmEx credit card holders. This partnership allowed AmEx to target high-end travelers interested in earning SkyMiles with their credit card spending and allowed Delta to find another usage for its SkyMiles.



of Delta’s income ($3.4 billion of value) came from selling miles to American Express in 2018.44

Delta expects its benefit from the relationship to double to nearly $7 billion by 2023.45


From B2B to B2(B2)C

Questions for Leaders Value Proposition Shifts

Frontstage Driven Shifts








From Low Tech


From Platform


How might we...

To Service


To High Tech


To Sales


…shift to a business business model built around a recurring service that provides predictable and recurring revenues? …add scalable products to our services to increase the share of wallet and lifetime value of each customer and boost overall revenues? …leverage technology activities or resources to transform our value proposition, radically modify our cost structure, or dramatically extend our reach? …leverage low-tech activities or resources to provide value to customers that they really appreciate, but that doesn’t cost much to provide or that technology can’t offer? …turn a product or service into a valuable platform that connects users with thirdparty product and service providers and vice-versa? …add our own scalable products and services to our platform to increase the lifetime value of each customer and boost overall revenues?

From Niche Market



B2B To

From High Touch


How might we...

To Mass Market



B2C From

To Low Touch


…modify our value proposition, adapt our marketing and branding, and extend our reach to shift from a niche market to a mass market? …create niche value propositions for a series of niche segments with specific needs? How would that affect our marketing and branding and distribution strategy? …become relevant and visible to our end customers, the consumers? How would we have to modify our value proposition to our direct customers (B2B) and consumers (B2C) to make that happen? …use our B2C customer experience and relationships, infrastructure, resources, activities, and expertise, to create value for B2B customers and even competitors? …create a high-touch experience, improve our value proposition, and increase price and revenues, while maintaining the advantages of standardization and scale? ...create or maintain customer value, while shifting from a high-touch to a low-touch experience? Which aspects of high touch do customers not value as much as the price of providing them?

Backstage Driven Shifts

Profit Formula Driven Shifts


How might we...


How might we...


…monetize one of our key resources to create a new value proposition for a completely new customer segment? How might our key resources enable us to provide a better value proposition than competitors?



High Cost

Low Cost

…create value for price-conscious customer segments? How might we reconfigure activities and resources to disrupt our cost structure and make that low price possible?




From Asset Heavy


Multi-Usage Resources


To Asset Light


…trim our business model by refocusing resources used to serve several value propositions and dedicate them to one only? How might that help us improve our profit formula? …free up capital and energy from building and maintaining assets toward focusing on client-related activities? How might we better put that available capital to use and improve our profit formula? …leverage our light assets like IP and brand to invest in heavy assets? How might that help us create a competitive advantage, make us difficult to copy, or create barriers to market entry?

From Transactional Revenue









… leverage the strengths of our business model to use external R&D, IP, and resources (outside-in) or share internal R&D, IP, and resources with outside partners (inside-out)? How might that lead to a higher return on R&D or capital invested?


To …create a competitive advantage by internalizing R&D, IP, resources, and activities? How might that create cost, knowledge, or profit efficiencies? How might we stop sharing R&D, IP, resources, and activities with outside partners?

To Recurring Revenue





…create value for price-insensitive customer segments? How might we leverage our resources and activities to create a high-value, high-price value proposition? …focus on recurring customer jobs-tobe-done in order to create a recurring value proposition with a long-term relationship and recurring revenues? …add transactional revenues to our recurring revenues in order to improve customer share of wallet and boost our overall revenues? …eliminate or reduce costly activities and resources, even if they create value for customers? How might we replace that lost value with less costly value creators that matter most to customers? …add costly resources and activities to our business model to substantially increase value, price, and luxury feel? Or, conversely, how might we strip our business model to shift to a pure low-cost model?


Dedicated Resources



Invincible Companies Transcend Industry Boundaries

Tencent social networks, online gaming, online advertising, content production, financial services, software, music… Apple smartphones, personal computers, tablets, wearables, software, music, movies, health, photography, personal productivity, credit cards, mobile payments… Ping An banking, insurance, healthcare, auto services, real estate, smart cities… Amazon retail, logistics, electronics, streaming, IT infrastructure, publishing, e-commerce infrastructure, online advertising, SMB loans… You…




Design Your Culture

To build an Invincible Company you need to create, manage, and harmonize two completely antagonistic cultures under one roof — and they both have an important role to play. You need to explore and exploit simultaneously.


Explore Your exploration culture cultivates the creation, discovery, validation, and acceleration of completely new ideas that are foreign to an organization.



Exploit Your exploitation culture cherishes the management, systematic improvement, and growth of existing businesses.


Cultivate Explore and Exploit Under One Roof Invincible Companies design, manage, and maintain both a strong Explore and a strong Exploit culture. They cherish operational excellence, planning, and constant improvements when managing the present. Yet, they know they can’t cost cut themselves into the future. They simultaneously embrace risk, experimentation, failure, and adaptation when exploring ideas for the coming years and decades. However successful today, they don’t rest on their laurels; they already work on tomorrow.


GROW Culture supports scaling new emerging businesses and improving or reinventing established ones to reposition them.



High uncertainty

Low uncertainty

SEARCH Culture supports business model design and testing in the search for new potential businesses.



We admit that we don’t know and adopt a beginner’s mindset. We search for a solution and accept that not all projects will succeed.

What’s the mindset?

We rely on our experience and adopt our expert’s mindset. We plan and execute and believe failure is not an option.

We embrace risk and uncertainty. We manage them by experimenting, learning, and adapting. We make many small bets to find winners.

How do we deal with risk and uncertainty?

We shun risk and uncertainty. We minimize them by planning, executing, and managing. We make few and well-calculated bets on winners.

We work iteratively and make rough prototypes.

How do we work?

We work sequentially with high fidelity.

Failure is an inevitable side product of exploration. We embrace, manage, and learn from failure and minimize the cost of it by making many small bets.

What’s our attitude toward failure?

Failure is unacceptable. We avoid and punish it. It can be avoided through careful planning and sound execution.

We define hypotheses to make risk explicit. Then we measure the reduction of risk of a new idea.

How do we measure progress and success?

We define milestones to make progress steps explicit. We measure whether we are on time and on budget.

We reward people for trying, learning, and reducing the risk of new ideas.

What do we reward people for?

We reward people for planning, executing, and staying on time and on budget.

We move fast on reversible decisions and test them as quickly and cheaply as possible to produce real-world evidence.

What’s our attitude toward speed of decision-making?

We take time to carefully analyze, think through, and plan irreversible decisions with large sunk costs.

We make small bets when risk and uncertainty are high. We increase our investments based on the strength of the evidence.

How do we invest?

We take time to plan a project and release funds based on reaching milestones.

We value the ability to deal with ambiguity, to move fast and adapt, and to test ideas and reduce their risk.

What do we value?

We value rigor, the ability to plan and execute, the skill to design processes, and reliable delivery.


How It Fits Together


Your corporate identity defines who you want to be and sets the context for everything else. It allows you to specify the guidance that will shape your entire portfolio. Your portfolio is a reflection of who you are in terms of businesses you own (Exploit), and who you are trying to become in terms of businesses you are exploring (Explore). In order to smoothly manage this type of dual portfolio you need to put in place a so-called ambidextrous culture that is world-class at both exploration and exploitation. This entire chapter describes how to achieve that by eliminating blockers and implementing enablers that will facilitate your cultural transformation.

Corporate Identity WHO WE ARE


Portfolio Map

Culture Map



Every company has a corporate culture. Yet, too many companies let culture just happen. Invincible Companies actively understand, design, and manage culture. They create world-class innovation and execution cultures that live in harmony. In this section we outline how you can map corporate culture and what it takes to create a world-class innovation culture. 294

What are our desired outcomes? What behaviors will allow us to achieve our desired outcomes? What enables and blocks us from our goals?



The Culture Map Together with Dave Gray, Strategyzer developed the Culture Map as a tool to design betterperforming companies. The Culture Map is a practical, simple, and visual tool to understand, design, test, and manage the corporate culture you want to bring to fruition in your organization. In this book we use the Culture Map to map and design an innovation culture.

Outcomes The concrete positive or negative consequences resulting from people’s behavior.

Behaviors Dave Gray

296 Culture

Author and entrepreneur

“If you want to understand culture, you need to map it.”

How do individual and teams act or conduct themselves within the company? What do they do or say? How do they interact? What patterns do you notice?

Enablers/Blockers The levers that lead to positive or negative behaviors inside your company. These could be formal policies, processes, and reward systems, or informal rituals and actions that influence people’s behaviors and, ultimately, influence a company’s outcomes.



leaders don’t create growth

Leaders create conditions for growth

Cultivate corporate culture like a garden.



You can’t mechanistically design a corporate culture like you’d — for example — design a car. An organization is a social system that is infinitely more complex than a car. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t design the aspects of your organization that are under your control. We really like Dave Gray’s analogy of designing culture like you’d design and cultivate a garden.

The outcomes in your culture are the fruits. These are the things you want your culture to achieve, or what you want to “harvest” from your garden.

The behaviors are the heart of your culture. They’re the positive or negative actions people perform every day that will result in a good or bad harvest.

The enablers and blockers are the elements that allow your garden to flourish or not. Some are under your control, like sufficient water or fertilizer. You need to take care of the soil, seeds, and the young plants for your garden to flourish. Other elements, like the weather, are not under your control and you can only prepare your garden to minimize the damage or maximize the positive impact.

Culture Map OUTCOMES





Amazon’s Innovation Culture Amazon’s stellar growth and constant reinvention aren’t magic, they’re ingrained in the company culture. Read Jeff Bezos’s letters to shareholders to understand how Amazon built a company culture that constantly pioneers in new spaces.



“We want to be a large company that’s also an invention machine [...] with the speed of movement, nimbleness, and risk-acceptance mentality normally associated with entrepreneurial start-ups.” JEFF BEZOS Amazon founder & CEO

(Reprinted fro

tomers, n 1.5 million cus served more tha year-end, we had pite aggressive t leadership des nes in 1997: by rke esto ma mil our ny ed ma sed , and extend pas to $147.8 million revenue growth yielding 838% merce saves ay, online com ry. ent e itiv the pet Tod com will accelerate e well, for Am online commerce and, by doing so, and, if we execut n, t atio rne aliz Inte son the 1 for ugh per customers thro , its ow for orr ue But this is Day Tom val l e. create rea and precious tim the Internet to customers money uses large markets. discovery. Am in established and very process of franchise, even ine opportunity g urin end an to pursue the onl hopes to create itive al the resources rsh ps. The compet shi er players ma tion larg gs rela as nity new to forming h credible offerin dow of opportu ine, are receptive players have moved online wit r goal is to move We have a win onl g sin cha pur e ny larg sales. Ou , new to Ma ers and e. tom fic, pac t cus traf fas as s, niti a and lve at opportu es awarenes continued to evo ces to building online commerce landscape has rgy and resour not without in to pursue the d substantial ene This strategy is n while we beg ote g. itio dev etin pos e t targ hav ren are cur and s. large markets we y and extend our franchise leader ortunity in the hed quickly to solidif opp blis tial esta t stan ins We see sub cution aga in other areas. ent and crisp exe serious investm risk: it requires over the long value we create Long Term the shareholder ship position. It’s All About the success will be t market leader our ren of cur re our asu y me slate idif extend and sol t a fundamental dership can tran We believe tha del. Market lea of our ability to mo ult ic res r returns on ct nom nge dire eco a stro will be pondingly powerful our res re cor mo and the term. This value ty, p, market leadershi fitability, greater capital veloci The stronger our pro revenue, higher most directly to higher of the metrics . ital selves in terms invested cap ers continue to first measure our ich our custom this focus. We wh to ed ect ree est refl deg inv ly to , the will continue have consistent revenue growth e invested and Our decisions an p: customer and brand. We hav ve to establish market leadershi strength of our ucture as we mo indicative of our eat basis, and the nd, and infrastr rep bra a e, on bas us er m tom purchase fro ge our cus era lev and expand aggressively to erently than se. igh tradeoffs diff enduring franchi decisions and we ision-making ement and dec , we may make nag term ma g al lon y: ent the emphasis on h you our fundam with your investment philosoph Because of our want to share wit ent we sist , con gly is din it t cor Ac confirm tha y ma , ers some companies. old t you, our shareh customers. approach so tha siderations ntlessly on our leadership con tinue to focus rele g-term market • We will con ns in light of lon reactions. isio dec ent erm Wall Street ke investm rt-t ma sho to e or s tinu cally, to ty consideration • We will con estments analyti rt-term profitabili t work eness of our inv rather than sho ent in those tha and the effectiv estm ms inv gra pro our up our re step tinue to measu e returns, and to • We will con failures. vide acceptabl our pro and not do ses t ces m both our suc jettison those tha tinue to learn fro best. We will con ers:

To our sharehold

303 Culture

OLDERS TO SHAREH 1997 LETTERm the 1997 Annual Report)

We will make bold rather tha n timid investm gaining marke ent decisions wh t leadership adv ere we see a suf antages. Some will have learne ficient probability of these investm d another valuab ents will pay off of le lesson in eith , others will not • When forced er case. , and we to choose betwe en optimizing the present val the appearance ue of future cas of our GAAP acc h flows, we’ll ounting and ma take the cash flow • We will sha ximizing s. re our strategic thought proces competitive pre ses with you wh ssures allow), en we so ma tha ke bold choice long-term leader t you may evalua s (to ship investment te the for extent yourselves wh s. ether we are ma • We will wo king rational rk hard to spend wisely and ma continually rein intain our lean forcing a cost-co cul ture . We understan nscious culture d the importance • We will bal , particularly in ance our focus of a business incurr on growth ing net losses. At this stage, we choose to prioriti with emphasis on long-term profitability and potential of our ze growth becaus cap business model e ital we ma bel nagement. ieve that scale . is central to ach • We will con ieving the tinue to weight their com focus on hiring and retaining versatile and tale pensation to sto ck options rath nted employee affected by our s, and continue er than cash. We ability to attract to know our succes and retain a mo and therefore mu s will be largely tivated employee st actually be, base, each of wh an owner. om must think like, We aren’t so bol d as to claim tha would be remiss t the above is the if we weren’t cle “right” investm ar in the approa ent philosophy, ch we have tak but it’s ours, and en and will con we With this founda tinue to take. tion , we would like to turn outlook for the to a review of future. our business foc us, our progress in 1997, and our Obsess Over Cu stomers From the beginn ing, our focus Web was, and has been on off still is, the Wo ering our custom rld Wide Wait. ers compelling could not get any Therefore, we value. We realize other way, and set out to offer d that the began serving was possible in customers som them with boo a physical store ething they sim ks. We brough (our store would to-search, and ply t them much mo easy-to-browse now occupy 6 re selection tha football fields) format in a sto focus on improv n , and presented re open 365 day ing the shopping it in a useful, eas s a year, 24 hou experience, and customers gift rs a day. We ma ycertificates, 1-C in 1997 substan intained a dogged lick shopping, tially enhanced recommendation our store. We now and vastly more features. We dra reviews, conten offer matically lowere remains the mo t, bro st powerful cus d wsi prices, further ng options, and tomer acquisitio increasing custom have placed in n tool we have, us. Repeat pur er value. Word and we are gra chases and wo of mouth in online bookse teful for the trus rd of mouth hav lling. t our customers e combined to make Amazon.c om the market leader By many measu res, Amazon.c om came a lon g way in 1997: • Sales grew from $15.7 mil lion in 1996 to $147.8 million • Cumulative – an 838% inc customer accoun rease. ts grew from 180 ,000 to 1,510,000 • The percen tage of orders – a 738% increa from repeat cus se. over 58% in the tomers grew fro same period in m over 46% in 1997. the fourth quarter • In terms of of 1996 to audience reach, per Media Metrix 20. , our Web site went from a ran k of 90th to wit • We establis hin the top hed long-term relationships wit Online, Yahoo h many importa !, Excite, Netsca nt strategic par pe, GeoCities, tners, including AltaVista, @H America ome, and Prodig y.

Culture Map 1997­ 



2005 Outcomes

Each Culture Map is based on an analysis of Jeff Bezos’s letters to shareholders between 1997 and 2018. We captured the main outcomes, behaviors, enablers, and blockers related to innovation that Bezos mentions in his letters and visualized them in a Culture Map.

3rd-party units grown 23% since 2000

Data analys is to improve customer ex perience and cost structur e

Behaviors Willingness to fail

Customer obsession

Patience to think long term

Math-based & judgemen tbased decision-mak ing






Bold investments without certainty

$147.8 million revenue


Pursue e-co mm opportunitie s in other area s

Behaviors Customer obsession

Taking risks   —  uncertainty of payoff

Willingness to fail

Patience to think long term

Employees who think & act like owners

Enablers/Blockers Bold investments without certainty

Investing s in employee

Uncertain of payoff

Short-term profitability consideratio n

The foundation of Amazon’s corporate culture was laid out in Bezos’s 1997 letter to shareholders in the first annual report. The pillars of this culture (customer obsession, willingness to fail, patience to think long term) remain fundamentally unchanged and a copy of the 1997 letter has been attached to every subsequent annual report. We analyzed the annual shareholder letters for you to visualize and highlight the consistency of its innovation culture and show the progression of results and outcomes.

in $117 billion les 1st-party sa

100 million Al exaenabled devic es sold

10 Amazon Go stores across USA


AWS reaching $30 billion in annual sale s

Fulfillment & Prime membership

now 3rd-party sales les —  58% of total sa $169 billion

Behaviors Customer obsession

Always iterating


2016 Outcomes Fastest com pany ever to reac h $100 billion in annual sale s

AWS reaching $10 billion in annual sale s

Prime: 2-day delivery from s 1 million item to 30 million

Marketplace : 70,000 entrepreneu rs with sales of mor e than $100,000 a ye ar

Best place in the world to fail

Behaviors Customer obsession

Taking risks   —  uncertainty of payoff

Enablers/Blockers High-judgement individuals or small groups

Willingness to fail

Changeable & reversible decision Riskacceptance mentality

Patience to think long term

One-size-fits-all decision-making

Disagree & commit

Employees who think & act like owners

Slowness l Unthoughtfu risk aversion

Largescale risk-taking

Willingness to fail

Patience to think long term

ents Bold investm ty in rta ce t ou with Investing in employees

Finding balance between exploring and efficiency

Employees who think & act like owners

Uncertainty of payoff Unthoughtfu l risk aversion

305 Culture



Current State Innovation Culture

Applying the Culture Map


From existing culture to desired culture. Of course it’s up to you to decide if your session should start top down by tackling outcomes and then the associated behaviors, enablers, and blockers. Practice shows that starting with behaviors is an easy place to get going.

Lack of inno

vation results


Behaviors We generate growth ideas at workshops


ore We don’t expl s ea id w ne

Enablers/Blockers 1

Lack of time for innovatio n



1. Start with Mapping Behaviors

2. Capture Resulting Outcomes

3. Identify Enablers and Blockers

There can be a tendency to describe behaviors in an abstract way, like “We don’t innovate.” Make sure you use specific examples and get into the habit of mapping behavior based on evidence, not opinion. For example, “Last year we conducted two workshops to develop new growth ideas, but nobody made time to explore them after we left the workshop.” Make sure you capture positive and negative behaviors alike. Behave like an anthropologist who neutrally captures what’s going on in your team or organization.

Now continue with capturing the positive and negative outcomes resulting from the behaviors you just mapped out. Ask which behaviors you missed, if new outcomes arise that are not related to the already mapped behaviors. Again, remain neutral and make sure you capture both the positive and the negative.

Now that you’ve captured behaviors and outcomes ask yourself what led to them. Ask “What are the enablers that made good or bad behaviors possible?” and “What are the blockers that prevented good or bad behaviors to emerge?” Make sure you identify formal enablers and blockers, like processes and incentive systems, and informal ones, like meeting rituals or lack of knowledge. Take note that behaviors, such as those of leaders, can also be enablers and blockers.

Tips & Tricks Create a Safe Space Designing an innovation culture without the buy-in of leadership is likely to fail. Make sure leaders are genuinely interested in creating an innovation culture. Show leadership the current state Culture Map to get them interested.

When you’ve completed the Culture Map of your existing culture it’s time to dream up your desired state. Design the desired outcomes, the required behaviors, and the enablers and blockers that will make that culture possible.

Blockers and Enablers Only Consider working on the blockers and enablers only. First identify the blockers holding you back from innovating. Then brainstorm which enablers could boost innovation and how blockers could be eliminated. Categorize ideas into buckets of what can be done immediately, within a month, quarter, or year, or what’s practically impossible to achieve.

Desired Innovation Culture Outcomes We produce validated ideas

Behaviors We generate growth ideas at workshops

We take the time to test new ideas

Enablers/Blockers Official chan nels to explore ne w ideas


Display Desired Culture Prominently display the culture you want to establish. Place the map in a space where everyone can see it and is reminded of the tasks ahead. Put it up in meeting rooms so decisions can be made inline with the information on your Culture Map.

307 Culture

4. Design Your Desired Culture


Invincible Companies build a strong exploration and exploitation culture under the same roof. In this book we mainly outline how to build a strong exploration culture, since most companies already have a pretty strong exploitation culture. We believe there are three main levers that you can work on to create an exploration culture.

Designing an Exploration Culture




Enablers/ Blockers Leadership Support

Organizational Design

Innovation Practice

Innovation Behaviors and Outcomes Invincible Companies design great enablers and eliminate the blockers in each one of these three areas: leadership support, organizational design, and innovaton practice. This leads to the following innovation behaviors that you can observe:


Leadership Behavior Leaders understand how innovation works and they invest a substantial amount of their time into innovation. They provide clear strategic guidance for innovation projects and they regularly review a company-wide Exploit and Explore portfolio. They are eager to explore new growth opportunities and they understand how the related risk is managed.

Organizational Behavior In organizations with an exploration culture, nobody gets fired for experimenting with new growth opportunities that fit the strategy. You find innovation on the agenda of the most important meetings and people choose innovation as a career path. Innovators understand the constraints of leaders and managers of the exisitng business and they, in return, do their best to help innovators. Exploration and execution form a true partnership to manage the present and explore the future.

Innovation Team Behavior Innovators pursue ideas based on evidence from experiments, not their opinions or their boss’s opinions. Risk and uncertainty of ideas are systematically measured and projects start with cheap and quick experiments. Experiment time and costs increase with increasing evidence and decreasing un­certainty. People accumulate skills over years of practice and learn and grow from failures in any project.

Culture Map: Innovation Culture Blockers Outcomes New growth

Inno & growth integral part of strategy

Resilient to change and disruption

Behaviors Leaders prov ide guidance fo r innovation 40%+ CEO spends vation no in on e tim

Eagerness to invent and pioneer

Innovation funnel reviewe d every quarte r

Company assets leveraged for future growth

Innovators & executors collaborate Inno on agenda of important meetings

engines d Retention an leverage of lent innovation ta

People choo se innovation as a career path Nobody gets fired for experimentin g

Reduced innovation risk

Ideas chosen based on evidence People grow inno skills over several projects

Higher return on R&D

Systematic measuremen t of risk reduct ion Start with cheap experiments

Enablers/ Blockers Leadership Support

Organizational Design

Innovation Practice


Innovation Culture Blockers In companies that lack innovation you can find at least some of the following innovation show stoppers:

Leadership Support

Organizational Design

Innovation Practice


Leaders focus predominantly on quarterly results and see innovation as a black box. There is no explicit innovation strategy, nor overall long-term innovation portfolio management. The management is locked into the current business model and exploring new directions is not part of the regular leadership discussion.

The reward system is geared toward managing and improving the existing business model. Failure is not an option, which is mandatory for world-class operations management, but lethal for experimenting with new ideas. Innovation teams have little autonomy and are slowed down by operational processes, and it’s difficult for them to access customers and resources to experiment (e.g. brand, prototyping resources, other expertise).

Innovation is a profession in itself, just like finance, marketing, or operations. You don’t get good at it overnight, but with experience over time. Not having a substantial team with innovation as their sole job description will prevent an organization from developing a world-class innovation practice. Just like finance, sales, or operations, innovation needs its own processes, key performance indicators (KPIs), and culture.

Culture Map: Innovation Culture Blockers Outcomes New growth Inno & growth integral part of strategy

Resilient to change and disruption

Behaviors Leaders prov ide guidance fo r innovation 40%+ CEO spends vation no in on e tim

Eagerness to invent and pioneer

Innovation funnel reviewe d every quarte r

Enablers/ Blockers Lack of innovation strategy Locked into current business model

Company assets leveraged for future growth

Innovators & executors collaborate Inno on agenda of important meetings

engines d Retention an leverage of lent innovation ta

People choo se innovation as a career path Nobody gets fired for experimentin g

Lack of access to customers Short-term/ quarterly focus of leadership

Innova tion is seen as a black b ox

General fear of failure Innovation lacks power

Reduced innovation risk

Ideas chosen based on evidence People grow inno skills over several projects

Bureaucracy slowing down innovation Reward s system geared toward executio n

The highest paid person selects ideas

Linear processes

Higher return on R&D

Systematic measuremen t of risk reduct ion Start with cheap experiments

Execution KPIs Lack of skills , knowledge, and experie nce


Innovation Culture Assessment In the previous sections we showed you how Invincible Companies behave and how most companies still block innovation. Now let us show you how you can assess your innovation culture readiness with a scorecard we co-developed with Tendayi Viki, author of The Corporate Startup. Then we will help you reflect on how you can move toward becoming an Invincible Company by putting the right enablers in place. 314

To build an Invincible Company there are three main categories with three enablers each that you need to work on:

Leadership Support • Strategic Guidance: a clear and explicitly communicated innovation strategy that is an important part of the overall strategy. It defines where to play, what’s in, and what’s out. • Resource Allocation: an institutionalized allocation of resources available for innovation, which differs from the R&D budget. It includes a budget, time, and everything required to test business ideas. • Portfolio Management: the exploration of the whole innovation spectrum from efficiency innovations, to sustaining innovations, to radical growth innovations with new business models. This includes a broad innovation funnel.

Organizational Design • Legitimacy and Power: the status that growth and innovation and teams working on that topic have within the organization. • Bridge to the Core: the access that growth and innovation has to resources and skills from the core business and the partnership that existing businesses build with innovation teams. • Rewards and Incentives: a dedicated reward system that differs from management and operations and is tailored for experimentation around growth and innovation.

Innovation Practice • Innovation Tools: the application and mastery of state-of-the art innovation concepts and tools that are practiced across leading organizations. • Process Management: dedicated innovation processes and metrics that measure the reduction of risk and uncertainty from idea to scalable business. • Skills Development: the existence of world-class innovation skills and experience across your organization, from professional innovation teams to existing business units.




Enablers/ Blockers

Bridge to the core

Resource allocation Strategic guidance

Portfolio management

Legitimacy and power

Rewards and incentives

Process management

Innovation tools

Skills t developmen

Leadership Support


Strategic Guidance

Resource Allocation

Portfolio Management

In companies with clear strategic innovation guidance, leadership communicates the strategy at important meetings at least once a quarter. The innovation guidance is completely aligned with the overall strategy and is widely understood across the organization. Good examples of clear guidance are Amazon and Ping An.

In Invincible Companies resources for innovation are institutionalized and leaders commit an important proportion of their time to innovation. Resources include:

In Invincible Companies leadership is eager to pioneer. Leaders invest in a large innovation pipeline of small bets of which the best get follow-up investments. The portfolio covers the whole range of exploration, from efficiency innovation to breakthrough growth innovation.

• Leadership Time: In companies that innovate the CEO or a co-CEO invests 50% to 100% of his or her time to innovation. A great example is Bracken Darrell, CEO of Logitech or Ping An’s co-CEO Jessica Tan. • Innovation Funds: Money that is invested in internal and external innovation teams that start with small bets and get follow-up investments based on evidence. These funds differ from R&D investments. • Innovation Core Team: A team of professional and experienced innovators who lead projects or coach project teams across an organization. • Time: One of the scarcest resources in organizations is time. Systematically testing and de-risking ideas requires a substantial time investment from project teams. • Prototyping Resources: Innovation teams run experiments and need access to resources for physical or digital prototypes, graphic design, videographers, and so on. • Access to Customers, Brand, and Skills: Innovation teams need access to resources controlled by the core business. Testing requires access to customers, the use of the company brand, and often other skills and resources of the core business.

Culture Map: Innovation Culture Enablers Outcomes



Enablers/ Blockers Resource allocation Strategic guidance

Portfolio management

□□Give your company a score from 1 to 5 for each area. □□Define which area you’d like to improve over the next 12 and 36 months. □□Eliminate the blockers and implement the enablers that will help you achieve your improvement goals.



Score Your Leadership Support

beginner We have little to no experience with this topic

We have some experience



Strategic Guidance

Leadership does not provide explicit strategic guidance for innovation

Resource Allocation

Resources for innovation are bootstrapped or on an ad-hoc project basis


1 Portfolio Management

Leadership is mainly focused on improving the core business

intermediate We regularly work this way, but not systematically

We frequently work this way



There is some strategic guidance for innovation but not everybody in the company knows it



3 We make some investments to explore the future and new business models, but it's not systematic

5 Leadership provides strategic innovation guidance at important meetings and everybody knows it


Resources for innovation are available, but they are not substantial and not protected


world class Our practice is used as a case study for others to learn from

5 Resources for innovation are institutionalized and leaders commit at least 40% of their time to innovation


5 Leadership is eager to pioneer and invests in a large innovation pipeline of small bets of which the best get follow-up investments

Culture Map: Innovation Culture Enablers Outcomes

Inno & growth integral part of strategy

Resilient to change and disruption


40%+ CEO spends vation no in on e tim

Enablers/ Blockers

Innovation funnel reviewe d every quarte r

Resource allocation

Leadership Support Strategic guidance

Portfolio management

319 Culture

Leaders prov ide guidance fo r innovation

Eagerness to invent and pioneer

Organizational Design Legitimacy and Power


Invincible Companies like Amazon or Ping An give innovation power and legitimacy. To have an impact, innovation needs to feature in the organizational chart and at the very top. Either the CEO, a co-CEO, or somebody reporting directly to the board needs to be responsible for growth and innovation and spend serious bandwidth, time, and energy on it. Talking about it at the top level is not enough. Unfortunately, innovation still lacks legitimacy and power in most organizations. We see a lot of heads of innovation who are two to three levels down in the org chart. They are the sub-department of a leader who is the sub-department of another leader — guess how much impact that creates. When growth and innovation lack power and legitimacy that sends a very strong signal to the company and often leads to severe consequences with longterm impact:

1. Innovation is not prestigious and it’s not seen as a priority, so everybody puts it at the bottom of their to-do list. 2. People avoid exploring new ideas, because they fear taking risks and damaging their careers. 3. Promising innovation projects remain vulnerable and get killed by the antibodies in the organization, because innovation is not perceived as crucial. Few of them get scaled, because the short-term agenda prevails. 4. Your best talent doesn’t choose innovation as a career path and either leaves to go to the competition or to start-ups.

Bridge to the Core In Invincible Companies, Explore and Exploit operate as equal partners that live in harmony. There are clear policies that help innovation teams and the core business collaborate. Innovators get easy access to valuable resources from the core. When there is no clear bridge to the core, innovation teams have only limited, conflicting, or no access to customers, resources, and skills of the core business. In the worst case, innovation projects are blocked from getting access to what they need to explore and test ideas. They basically have to operate like a start-up in chains: with the same

limited resources as start-ups, but without the impetus. We therefore advocate for a so-called Chief Internal Ambassador and a supporting team who explicitly manage the relationship between Exploit and Explore on behalf of the CEO or the board (p. 322).

Rewards and Incentives In our advisory work we often hear that the drive to innovate is intrinsic to innovators and entrepreneurs. Now imagine an innovator who gets punished every time he/she tries something out that was not in the plan. Or imagine an innovator who repeatedly creates new multimillion-dollar businesses for an organization and gets rewarded with promotions and pay raises. Will they perform to the very best of their innovation talent? Will they stay at your organization? We argue that a dual strategy to rewards and incentives works best. First and foremost, eliminate all the downsides that prevent innovators from innovating in your organization. Once you’ve achieved that, develop a reward system for innovation.

Culture Map: Innovation Culture Enablers Outcomes




Bridge to the core

Organizational Design Legitimacy and power

Rewards and incentives

Organizational Design

Legitimacy, Power, and Bridge to the Core



CEOs and the traditional leadership staff are generally excellent at growing and running a company within a known business model. But they often fall short at the task of innovating future growth engines. To create and manage new growth, companies need a Chief Entrepreneur with a dedicated staff. This new team is responsible for creating the future of the company while traditional executives take care of the existing business. Of course, they need to operate in harmony.

Chief Entrepreneur: The Chief Entrepreneur is responsible for managing a portfolio of entrepreneurs who experiment with new business models and value propositions. This is someone with a track record and passion for taking calculated risks to create new growth. The Chief Entrepreneur needs to be as powerful as the CEO. In fact, in some organizations like Amazon, the CEO is the Chief Entrepreneur. In others, there is a co-CEO who focuses on the future, like Jessica Tan at Ping An. Chief Portfolio Manager: The Chief Portfolio Manager makes sure the company looks at a range of opportunities and business models that generate future growth. Some of those opportunities will be risky, some less so. Some will have a potential return, while others will have a guaranteed return. It is the Chief Portfolio Manager’s job to establish and manage a portfolio that positions the company for the future. Chief Venture Capitalist: The Chief Venture Capitalist (VC) allocates budgets and manages financing rounds for internal and external teams. A project won’t get full funding right away, but it receives money in instalments. The Chief VC provides angel investments to fund early, cheap experiments. When those experiments succeed and produce evidence, the VC invests more. The Chief VC mirrors the role of the CFO in an established business. The CFO allocates budgets to the existing business, while the Chief VC allocates money to the discovery of a future business.

Chief Risk Officer: Some of the experiments a team will conduct may be detrimental to the brand and could carry legal liabilities. Legal can be a big constraint to experimentation in a company. The Chief Risk Officer is there to enable teams. The CRO helps entrepreneurs understand how to run experiments without putting the company at risk. Chief Internal Ambassador: The Chief Internal Ambassador (CIA) is a trusted person with clout who knows everything going on on both sides of the company. The CIA and her team know all of the resources, activities, and patents that exist in the execution arm of the organization, and also have the trust of the powerful people that manage them. The CIA makes sure the Chief Entrepreneur and his team benefit from the strengths of the existing company by negotiating access to elements like clients, the salesforce, the brand, the supply chain, and other skills and knowledge. The CIA establishes and maintains a partnership between existing businesses and innovation. We’ve seen most success when this person is at the summit of their career and has nothing else to prove nor any political games to play to advance their career. Entrepreneurs: The Entrepreneurs are internal and external people who build the businesses, with each one responsible for a particular project as its leader. This role is a lot stronger than your regular product or project manager: these are real entrepreneurs with clear incentives and a stake in the projects.

Executive Chairman of the Board

Chief Portfolio Manager

Chief Venture Capitalist


Chief Risk Officer


Chief Internal Ambassador









Chief Entrepreneur

Organizational Design

Chief Entrepreneur Head Hunting



Fortune 50 company seeks a Chief Entrepreneur who will build the future. The Chief Entrepreneur will be responsible for managing a portfolio of entrepreneurs experimenting with new business models and value propositions. The candidate is someone with a passion for taking calculated risks. This is not a CTO role or a role that reports to the CEO. The Chief Entrepreneur is an executive as powerful as the CEO, with clear leadership over radical innovation within the company.

Executive Chairman of the Board

Chief Entrepreneur

Chief Portfolio Manager

Chief Venture Capitalist


Chief Risk Officer


Chief Internal Ambassador







• Is passionate about building businesses. You produce growth engines with calculated bets, not “wild-ass gambles.” • B elieves anything is possible. You persevere. You have the charm, charisma, enthusiasm, work ethic, and marketing mind to encourage and drive your teams to think anything is possible. • Has built a $1 billion+ business from nothing. You’re especially valuable if you’ve met these figures in a large corporation. • Is comfortable with uncertainty. You don’t fear failure. You see failure as an opportunity to learn and iterate toward a solution. • Is tremendously diplomatic. You address conflict head-on with one focus in mind: secure the money and resources you need to test your ideas.

The Chief Entrepreneur’s Responsibilities

Sound like you? OK, now let’s consider your day-to-day tasks.

□□ Build the future for the company. We cannot stress this enough. The Chief Entrepreneur is responsible for developing new business models and value propositions for the company’s future growth. □□ Guide and support your own team of entrepreneurs. You’ve been here before and you have knowledge to share. Your team will be searching for and validating business models and value propositions around opportunities for growth. This means managing entrepreneurs who can navigate trends and market behaviors. □□ Design and maintain a space for invention. You are responsible for creating the habitat for your team to experiment, fail, and learn. This is an additional culture where ideas can be thoroughly tested. You must defend the culture, processes, incentives, and metrics that are born in this space. □□ Introduce innovation metrics. You must develop a new process that measures whether you’re making progress in building new businesses. How are your experiments helping your team to learn, reduce uncertainty and risk, and move forward?

□□ Establish and nurture a partnership with the CEO. You will have to work with the CEO to ensure resources and assets are available to validate or invalidate your ideas. You will be responsible for building a partnership to discuss progress and share new ideas. Communication will be key to this partnership because the CEO is the person who can help finance your future experiments. You will also recognize the importance of handing over a validated business model that demonstrates opportunities to scale. □□ Report your progress directly to the Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors. You do not work for the CEO, or alongside the CTO, CIO, and CFO. These roles are mandated to keep the existing business in good shape. If the CE reported to the CEO, then the CEO could veto potential ideas in order to reserve resources and safeguard the company against failure.

325 Culture

We are looking for an individual who...

Organizational Design

Where Does Innovation Live? Sometimes leaders say that everybody needs to be an innovator. That is true and silly at the same time. There are different types of innovation that require different skills, processes, and mindsets. We distinguish between three types of innovation, heavily leaning on the work of Harvard professor Clayton Christensen. We distinguish between efficiency innovation, sustaining innovation, and transformative innovation, which often happens to be disruptive. Culture






This type of innovation is the most radical and includes substantially new business models that a company is not familiar with. It may — but doesn't necessarily — include the cannibalization of the established business model. Transformative innovation has the largest long-term growth potential and helps position the company for the future. It requires the most advanced testing and requires the exploration of a broad portfolio of projects, because of high uncertainty.

With sustaining innovation you improve and expand your proven business model. Here uncertainty is higher because it may involve new market segments, new value propositions, or new channels. As a consequence you may also have to master new activities and resources. This type of innovation also includes business model shifts and can have a substantial impact on the longevity of a company’s business model.

This type of innovation is all about improving how smoothly your existing business models run. Uncertainty is relatively low, since it’s about improving your proven business model. However, efficiency innovation may involve highly sophisticated technology innovations with high feasibility risk. Efficiency innovation may also include desirability risk, as when you create digital tools for internal stakeholders, like sales, customer support, marketing, finance, or operations. The immediate financial impact of efficiency innovations can be very high, for example, in the form of expanded margins.

Financial impact Substantial in the long term

Financial impact Potentially substantial  — rarely immediate

Protection from disruption Very strong

Protection from disruption Limited

Home Outside the core established businesses to ensure survival

Home Inside the core established businesses, potentially outside

Protagonists Professional innovators with support from the core business for specific skills and resources

Protagonists Staff from the core businesses with support from professional innovators

Uncertainty Maximum — because it explores uncharted territory Testing Desirability, viability, feasibility, and adaptability

Uncertainty Medium — because innovations build on top of the proven business model Testing Desirability, viability, feasibility, and adaptability depending on the nature of the innovation

Financial impact From small to extremely large — often immediate Protection from disruption None Home Inside the core established businesses Protagonists Staff from the core businesses Uncertainty Low Testing Mainly feasibility, some internal desirability, potentially cost savings or revenue impact

327 Culture


Eliminate the Downside

Organizational Design

Rewards and Incentives




Barriers to Starting

…make it difficult, in the form of bureaucracy or other hurdles, for innovators to try out new ideas.

…easy access and small time or financial budgets for anybody who wants to start testing an idea. Provide follow-up funding for ideas that show traction.

…force innovators to write detailed business plans that make ideas look good in spreadsheets, but will mask the true risk of new ideas.

…process guidelines to test ideas and measure the reduction of risk and uncertainty. Judge evidence from testing, rather than good-looking ideas in PowerPoint presentations.

…reward innovators for execution only, because it will prevent them from experimenting and reducing innovation risk.

…KPIs specifically designed for innovators who experiment with new ideas. These must differ from KPIs for people who execute projects and must deliver on time and on budget.

Lack of Autonomy

…ask innovation teams to ask for approval for every experiment and every decision to adapt their idea, which reduces speed and adaptability.

…autonomy to test ideas, find evidence, and adapt ideas as long as they don’t put the organization at risk.

Lack of Access

…make it difficult for innovators to access the resources they need to try out new ideas (customers, brand, prototyping, leadership support, etc.).

…infrastructure and support to help innovators rapidly, cheaply, and painlessly test ideas with appropriate experiments.

…confuse managerial and innovation/entrepreneurial skills. It’s a whole different ball game to explore and adapt new ideas.

…innovation and entrepreneurship training. Avoid using good managers to explore new ideas without equipping them with the right skills and mindset to test new ideas.

…make failure from experimenting with new ideas a career-limiting move.

…visibility and promotions for people who have tried out new ideas throughout their career, even if those experiments failed.

Business Plan/Cases

ExecutionFocused KPIs



Kill Blockers In many organizations going into innovation equals career suicide. It doesn’t have to be that way. On this page we outline how to remove the downside for people when they innovate in your organization. In discussion with fellow innovation expert Scott Anthony, from Innosight, we realized that this will already go a long way to boost innovation activities, even before putting in place formal rewards.

Lack of Skills

Career Risk

Reward the Upside Find Creative Ways to…

Incentives • Career promotions

Behavior Make Innovation Sexy

…make innovation just as prestigious at your organization as managing large teams and huge budgets. Promote people not just for their management merits, but for their courage to try out new ideas, even if they fail. Reward innovation, not just innovation outcomes. Reward the entire portfolio of innovation projects, not just the few big winners.

• Prestigious innovation rewards (for behavior, not just outcomes) • Company-wide visibility and recognition • Visibility with top management • Access to new exciting projects • Rewards at every stage of the innovation funnel, even for failure • Financial stake in an idea

Outcomes Entrepreneurial Participation

…allow innovators to participate in the financial upside of new ideas. Do so through internal mechanisms or through corporate venture capital. Allow people or teams to explore their ideas outside the organization with the option to invest and potentially buy back the venture.

• Work for a company that stands for something

Impact Change the World

…attract outside innovation talent with an appealing company mission. Show world-class innovators how joining your organization will allow them to make a difference in the universe and have a real impact on society. Highlight what makes your company more attractive than creating or joining a start-up or competitor.

• Success-dependent bonuses (e.g., number of new products or services sold; revenue, margin, or profit thresholds; etc.) • Start-up capital or investments to explore an idea externally

• Make a difference (societal impact) • Access to resources a start-up or competitors don’t have (e.g., infrastructure, brand, IP, market reach, etc.)

329 Culture

Create Enablers Focus on the upside, once you’ve eliminated the downside. Design a reward system that incentivizes people to innovate. Make sure you don’t just award successful outcomes, because many, many failed experiments allow you to detect the outliers that will succeed big. Reward good innovation behavior just as much as outcomes. Results will follow naturally. Finally, make sure you focus on impact, which is a crucial reward to attract and retain the best innovation talent.


□□Give your company a score from 1 to 5 for each area. □□Define which area you’d like to improve over the next 12 and 36 months. □□Eliminate the blockers and implement the enablers that will help you achieve your improvement goals.



Score Your Organizational Design

beginner We have little to no experience with this topic

We have some experience



Legitimacy and Power

Innovation projects are skunk work and outside official channels

Bridge to the Core

Innovation teams have limited or no access to customers, resources, and skills of the core business


1 Rewards and Incentives

Innovation does not have a dedicated incentive system that differs from the core business

intermediate We regularly work this way, but not systematically

We frequently work this way



Innovation is officially in the org chart, but lacks power and influence



3 We have some incentives in place to encourage innovation and reward it differently from execution

5 Innovation is at the very top of the org chart and has power and influence


The core business and innovation teams collaborate, but there are conflicts


world class Our practice is used as a case study for others to learn from

5 There are clear policies that help innovation teams and the core business collaborate as equal partners


5 Innovation has a dedicated incentive system that rewards experimentation and new value creation

Culture Map: Innovation Culture Enablers Outcomes New growth

Behaviors 1

Innovators & exec2utors collaborate Inno on agenda of important meetings


d Retention an leverage of lent innovation ta

People choo se innovation as 3 a career pa th



Nobody gets fired for experimentin g






3 Rewards and incentives



Enablers/Blockers Bridge to the core

Organizational Design 1

2 Legitimacy and power


Company assets leveraged for future growth


Innovation Practice


Innovation Tools

Process Management

Skills Development

Innovation professionals need to master a set of dedicated tools, just like a surgeon commands a set of surgical tools. We believe the quality of the innovation toolset you use has a substantial impact on the quality of your growth and transformation work. Tools are not neutral. They heavily influence the quality of your results. That’s why it’s incredibly important to carefully select the tools you use and learn how to apply them correctly.

Invincible companies have dedicated processes and decision-making that are both optimized for innovation. They measure the systematic and effective reduction of risk in new ideas, rather than on-time and on-budget delivery, which are typical execution KPIs. We discussed the innovation process and innovation metrics intensely in Chapter 2: Manage.

Managing the existing and inventing the new are two fundamentally different professions. Innovators are typically comfortable with high uncertainty and radical pivots to adapt to the reality of new market insights. Invincible companies systematically develop world-class innovation talent with extensive innovation experience across the organization.

Culture Map: Innovation Culture Enablers Outcomes



Enablers/Blockers Process management

Innovation Practice Innovation tools

Skills t developmen

Innovation Practice

Innovation Tools and Process Mastering the tools of innovation radically facilitates the search for new growth engines. We suggest a toolbox of integrated tools to shape, test, and grow ideas in your organization.

Corporate Identity Triangle A strategic management framework to make your corporate identity explicit in order to define your portfolio guidance.

Portfolio Guidance The guidelines that define what types of innovations you want to pursue. They make explicit what is “in” and what is “out”.

Portfolio Map

334 Culture

An analytical strategy tool to simultaneously visualize, analyze, and manage the business models you are improving and growing and future business models you are searching for and testing.

The Team Alignment Map A project management tool to keep teams aligned over the course of an (innovation) project journey.

The Culture Map A strategic management tool to help assess, design, implement, and transform a company’s (innovation) culture.

Business Design Business Environment Map A foresight and scanning tool to map the environment in which you conduct business. It captures the trends that might disrupt your organization or represent new opportunities for growth and transformation. Business Model Canvas A strategic management tool to make explicit how you create, deliver, and capture value. Used to improve existing business models or invent new ones. Serves as the foundation to identify hypotheses to test new business ideas. Value Proposition Canvas A product management tool to make explicit how you create value for customers. Used to assess and improve existing value propositions or to invent new ones. Serves as the foundation to identify customer and product/ service hypotheses.



Test Card

Learning Card

Testing Strategyzer Innovation Metrics A metrics system to measure the reduction of risk and uncertainty of new business ideas, visualize progress from idea to validated business case, and evaluate the disruption risk of a company’s business portfolio.

Assumptions Map A tactical tool to identify the hypotheses you need to test first.

Test Card A tactical tool to design sound business experiments to test your business hypotheses.

Learning Card A tactical tool to capture insights from your business experiments and define decisions and actions.

Innovation Practice

Skills Development Among the many skills required in entrepreneurship and innovation there are three learnable ones that are crucial on your journey from big idea to real business:



1. Business Design (Different From Managing a Business): The ability to shape and constantly adapt value propositions and business models to develop the most promising ones. Master the value proposition canvas (VPC): • Design value propositions that attract customers. • Design value propositions that customers are willing to pay for. Master the business model canvas (BMC): • Design business models that are profitable and scalable. • Design business models that are protectable.

2. Testing (and Learning): The ability to break down big ideas into hypotheses you test in order to reduce the risk of pursuing ideas that won’t work. • Identify the most important hypotheses. • Design and run experiments to support or refute your hypotheses. • Detect patterns in the evidence. 3. Lead and Execute: The ability to inspire a team and overcome the biggest obstacles. • Lead and coordinate your team from idea to real business. • Make sure every team member is always focused on what can best advance the team from idea to scalable business. • Lead in the face of adversity and motivate the team to overcome the inevitable obstacles on the innovation journey.

□□Skills Evolution from Idea to Business Over the course of a project journey the skills required by leadership and the team substantially change. Here are some of the key differences from discovery to execution and scaling.



Execution and Scaling

• Market size • Opportunity size $ • Customer jobs, pains, and gains • Problem/solution fit • Willingness to pay (basic evidence)

• Value proposition • Willingness to pay and pricing (strong evidence) • Feasibility (basic evidence)

• Product/market fit • Feasibility (strong evidence) • Acquisition and retention • Profitability

• Revenue (or user) growth

Is there an opportunity?

Can we create value in this market?

How can we best create demand and grow?

How can we scale our organization to satisfy demand?

Team size


3 – 8



Key leadership skills

• Envision and motivate • Question fundamental assumptions • Pattern recognition • Pivot • Business model

• • • •

• Envision and motivate • Lead domain matter experts • Business model

• • • •

• Resourceful • Testing • Extreme adaptability • Perseverance

• Testing • Prototyping • Perseverance

• Domain matter expertise and building • Marketing • Perseverance

• Leadership, execution, and scaling • Deep domain matter expertise • Hiring • Functional expertise (marketing, finance, legal, etc.)

Key Evidence

Key Questions

Team skills

Envision and motivate Pattern recognition Pivot Business model

Motivate and engage Scale Hire Manage

337 Culture


Innovation Practice

Entrepreneurial Leadership and Team



We believe that the most successful project teams in Invincible Companies are not led by project managers who manage several projects in parallel. They are led by people who see themselves as entrepreneurs. They are all in to bring an idea to fruition and behave like entrepreneurs even if they are actually employees on a company’s payroll. Based on research from entrepreneurial performance labs we believe successful innovators and entrepreneurs and their teams have the following traits.

Innovators and entrepreneurs who lead teams and ventures are often… Able to Create Reality Distortion Fields • Gifted and captivating communicators who are able to mobilize resources and talent for their cause. • Know what direction they want people to go and make stakeholders and team members believe the impossible. • Create a compelling sense of “pull” to lead the team on a journey of discovery, validation, acceleration, and scaling. Relentless and Resilient • Yearn to overcome the status quo to improve things. • Are action-biased, don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis, and persevere in the face of adversity. They persistently work to overcome obstacles and are not easily derailed by setbacks. • Display a crazy work ethic and set high standards for themselves and others, yet maintain mental and physical reserves necessary to deal with challenges.

We believe great founding teams should display the following characteristics to complement the entrepreneurial leader. They are:

Independent • Are willing or inclined to operate on their own with minimal support from others. • Are comfortable standing apart from the herd. • Prefer to control their environment and are likely to be dissatisfied working for someone else.

Inventive • Generate ideas and explore new possibilities. • Discern useful patterns from large amounts of information and are emergent learners, adapting through experience and experimentation. • E asily navigate big-picture strategic questions and nitty-gritty experiments or domain matter expertise. Risk Tolerant • Break big ideas down into smaller testable hypotheses to test with business experiments. • F eel comfortable making decisions with incomplete or contradicting information and skillfully deal with ambiguity and complexity. • Are fearless and scared simultaneously, yet can distinguish between internal feelings of anxiety and more objective measures of actual risk.

Market Oriented • See the market and financial potential of an opportunity, technology, or market need and turn that into concrete value propositions and business models. • Constantly adapt business model and value propositions based on feedback from the field and evidence from experiments. • Are opportunistic and pivot toward the most interesting direction. Pragmatic and (Ideally) Experienced • Understand which actions and decisions will substantially move the needle. • Bring and apply valuable experience from previous innovation and entrepreneurship journeys. • Have a strong ‘no nonsense’ radar.

339 Culture

Deeply Curious • Some of their best ideas come from cross-fertilization of different domains and markets. • Are incredibly agile intellectually (Jeff Bezos: from books to Amazon Web Services; Steve Jobs: from computers to music players to mobile phones; Elon Musk: from payment software to electric cars to rockets).

Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, NYWT&S Collection, [LC-USZ62-123247]

“Daniel Ek, CEO and Co-founder of Spotify” Stuart Isett/Fortune Brainstorm TECH/CC BY 2.0

“Beech, Olive Ann” by San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive

At the peak of her career, one of the wealthiest women in the world.

Spotify has forever changed how consumers interact with music.

Dubbed “The First Lady of Aviation” for being the first woman to lead a major aircraft company.

ELIZABETH ARDEN Founded Elizabeth Arden Inc. in 1910

DANIEL EK Founder of music streaming service Spotify

OLIVE ANN BEECH Co-founder of Beech Aircraft Corporation

Jack Ma World Economic Forum/Ben Hider/ CC BY 2.0

“TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2017 - Day 2” by Techcrunch/CC BY 2.0

“A photo of rock climber Yvon Chouinard.” by Tom Frost/CC BY 2.0

Ranked 21st in the World’s Most Powerful People of 2019 list by Forbes magazine.

23andMe’s DNA-testing kit was Time’s 2008 Invention of the Year.

One of the original pioneers of “do good to do well” business movement.

JACK MA Co-founder of Alibaba Group

ANNE WOJKICKI Co-founder of 23andme

YVON CHOUINARD Founder of sports apparel brand Patagonia



“Africa Progress Panel” by Rodger Bosch for APP/CC BY 2.0

“Yang Lan” by World Economic Forum from Cologny, Switzerland/CC BY 2.0

Ranked 33nd in Fortune magazine’s World’s Greatest Leaders list for 2017.

One of China’s most powerful women in media and ranked 100 on the100 Most Powerful Women List of 2013 by Forbes.

Considered “Japan’s Thomas Edison,” Kiichiro converted the family loom business into automobile manufacturing.

STRIVE MASIYIWA Founder of media and tech company Econet Wireless

YANG LAN Co-founder of Sun Media Group

KIICHIRO TOYODA Founder of Toyota Motor Corporation



“Jacqueline Novogratz” by Acumen/CC BY 2.0

“Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Helú.” by José Cruz/ABr/CC BY 3.0

“HTC Chairwoman, Cher Wang, shows off new mobile phone mother board” by Robert Scoble/CC BY 2.0

Uses entrepreneurial approaches to address global poverty.

Ranked 8th in the list of World’s Billionaires by Forbes and considered the richest person in Latin America in 2019.

Ranked 46th Most Powerful Woman in the World 2013 by Forbes.


CARLOS SLIM Founder of Grupo Carso conglomerate

CHER WANG Co-founder of HTC Corporation

□□Give your company a score from 1 to 5 for each area. □□Define which area you’d like to improve over the next 12 and 36 months. □□Eliminate the blockers and implement the enablers that will help you achieve your improvement goals.



Score Your Innovation Practice

beginner We have little to no experience with this topic

We have some experience



Innovation Tools

We do not use business model, lean startup, or design thinking tools for innovation

Process Management

Our processes are linear and require detailed business plans with financial projections

Innovation Skills

We don’t hire for innovation skills and experience and don't develop them



intermediate We regularly work this way, but not systematically

We frequently work this way



Business model, lean startup, or design thinking tools are used in pockets of the organization



3 We occasionally hire experienced innovation talent and train some specialized staff in innovation

5 Business model, lean startup, or design thinking tools are widely adopted and mastered


We occasionally use iterative processes and systematic business experiments to test business ideas


world class Our practice is used as a case study for others to learn from

5 Our processes are optimized for innovation and we systematically measure the reduction of risk in new ideas


5 We hire and develop world-class innovation talent with extensive experience across the organization

Culture Map: Innovation Culture Enablers Outcomes

Higher return on R&D

Reduced innovation risk

Behaviors Systematic measuremen t of risk reduct ion

People grow inno skills over several projects


Start with cheap experiments

Process management

Innovation Practice Innovation tools

Skills t developmen

343 Culture

Ideas chosen based on evidence

Innovation Culture Readiness

Strategic Guidance

Leadership Support

Portfolio Management

□□Give your company a score from 1 to 5 for each area.


How ready are you to become an invincible company?


□□Define which area you’d like to improve over the next 12 and 36 months.

Resource Allocation

Legitimacy and Power

Organizational Design

Bridge to the Core

Rewards and Incentives

□□Eliminate the blockers and implement the enablers that will help you achieve your improvement goals.

Innovation Tools

Innovation Practice

Process Management

Innovation Skills

beginner We have little to no experience with this topic

We have some experience



Leadership does not provide explicit strategic guidance for innovation
















3 We occasionally hire experienced innovation talent and train some specialized staff in innovation


5 Innovation is at the very top of the org chart and has power and influence


5 There are clear policies that help innovation teams and the core business collaborate as equal partners


5 Innovation has a dedicated incentive system that rewards experimentation and new value creation


5 Business model, lean startup, or design thinking tools are widely adopted and mastered


We occasionally use iterative processes and systematic business experiments to test business ideas



Leadership is eager to pioneer and invests in a large innovation pipeline of small bets of which the best get follow-up investments

Business model, lean startup, or design thinking tools are used in pockets of the organization

Our processes are linear and require detailed business plans with financial projections

We don’t hire for innovation skills and experience and don’t develop them


We have some incentives in place to encourage innovation and reward it differently from execution

We do not use business model, lean startup, or design thinking tools for innovation




Resources for innovation are institutionalized and leaders commit at least 50% of their time to innovation

The core business and innovation teams collaborate, but there are conflicts

Innovation does not have a dedicated incentive system that differs from the core business



Innovation is officially in the org chart, but lacks power and influence

Innovation teams have limited or no access to customers, resources, and skills of the core business



world class Our practice is used as a case study for others to learn from

Leadership provides strategic innovation guidance at important meetings and everybody knows it

We make some investments to explore the future and new business models, but it's not systematic

Innovation projects are skunk work and outside official channels



Resources for innovation are available, but they are not substantial and not protected

Leadership is mainly focused on improving the core business



We frequently work this way

There is some strategic guidance for innovation but not everybody in the company knows it

Resources for innovation are bootstrapped or on an ad-hoc project basis


intermediate We regularly work this way, but not systematically

5 Our processes are optimized for innovation and we systematically measure the reduction of risk in new ideas


5 We hire and develop world-class innovation talent with extensive experience across the organization




Adaptability Risk The risk that a business won’t be able to adapt to the competitive environment; technology, regulatory, social, or market trends; or that the macro environment is not favorable (lacking infrastructure, recession, etc.). Business Design Process to shape and reshape a business idea to turn it into the best possible business model and value proposition. Early iterations are based on intuition and starting point (product idea, technology, market opportunity, etc.). Subsequent iterations are based on evidence and insights from the testing. Business Model Rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. Business Model Canvas Strategic management tool to describe how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, initially presented in the book Business Model Generation. Business Model Pattern A repeatable configuration of different business model building blocks to strengthen an organization’s overall business model. Helps new ventures develop a competitive advantage beyond technology, product, service, or price. Helps established companies shift from

an outdated to more competitive business model. A single business model can incorporate several patterns. Business Model Portfolio The collection of existing business models a company exploits and the new business models it explores in order to avoid disruption and ensure longevity. Business Model Shift Describes an organization's transformation from a declining or expired business model to a more competitive one. Business R&D Activities a company undertakes to spot, create, test, de-risk, and invest in a portfolio of novel business opportunities. To improve existing business(es) and explore new ones. The heart of business R&D is the art and science of shaping value propositions and business models and testing risks. Complements traditional technology and product R&D, which mainly focus on feasibility. Culture Map Strategic management tool to understand, design, test, and manage the corporate culture you want to bring to fruition in your organization.

Death and Disruption Risk The risk that a business is going to die or get disrupted. Risk is high when a business is either emerging and still vulnerable, or when a business is under threat of disruption from technology, competition, regulatory changes, or other trends. Risk decreases with the moats protecting your business. Desirability Risk The risk that the market a business is targeting is too small, that too few customers want the value proposition, or that the company can’t reach, acquire, and retain targeted customers. Evidence Data generated from an experiment or collected in the field. Proves or disproves a (business) hypothesis, customer insight, or belief about a value proposition, business model, strategy, or the environment. Expected Return How lucrative a business idea could be for a company if it turned out to be successful. Experiment A procedure to validate or invalidate a value proposition or business model hypothesis that produces evidence. Used to reduce risk and uncertainty of a business idea.

Exploit Portfolio Your portfolio of existing businesses, value propositions, products and services, all mapped out in terms of return and death and disruption risk. Explore Portfolio Your portfolio of innovation projects, new business models, new value propositions, new products and services, all mapped out in terms of expected return and innovation risk. Feasibility Risk The risk that a business can’t manage, scale, or get access to key resources (technology, IP, brand, etc.), key activities, or key partners. Grow Activity of keeping your existing business models on a growth trajectory. Includes scaling emerging business models, renovating declining ones, and protecting successful ones. You ensure growth by improving returns and minimizing disruption risk. Guidance Context for portfolio management. Helps with resource allocation and portfolio actions. Provides explicit boundaries to understand what to focus on and what not to focus on, where to invest and where to divest, and what to explore and what not to explore.

Hypothesis An assumption that your value proposition, business model, or strategy builds on. What you need to learn about to understand if your business idea might work. Relates to the desirability, feasibility, viability, or adaptability of a business idea. Innovation Funnel Mechanism to explore and test a constant stream of business ideas and innovation projects. The front of the funnel contains many ideas that you gradually reduce based on evidence from testing and then invest in the remaining projects with metered funding. (Strategyzer) Innovation Metrics A set of tools to measure the reduction of the risk and uncertainty of new business ideas before you invest big and scale. Innovation Risk The risk that a (convincing) business idea is going to fail. Risk is high when there is little evidence beyond slides and spreadsheets to support the success chances of an idea. Risk decreases with the amount of evidence that supports the desirability, feasibility, viability, and adaptability of a business idea.


Metered Funding Funding practice, coming from the venture capital industry, where you incrementally increase investments in projects that produce evidence from testing and shelve those that don’t. Pivot The decision to make a significant change to one or more elements of your business model and value proposition.


Portfolio Actions The actions you perform in your EXPLORE portfolio (ideate, invest, persevere, pivot, retire, spinout, transfer) and your EXPLOIT portfolio (acquire, partner, invest, improve, merge, divest, dismantle). Portfolio Map A strategic management tool to simultaneously visualize, analyze, and manage the business models you are improving and growing and the future business models you are searching for and testing. Return How lucrative a business area is for a company.

Search Search for new ideas, value propositions, and business models to ensure the future of your company. Involves maximizing expected returns and minimizing innovation risk. Team Map A visual tool created by Stefano Mastrogiacomo to boost alignment among team members for more effective meetings and conversations. Test Process of identifying and testing the most critical hypotheses underlying a business idea to make informed business design and investment decisions. Types of Innovation We distinguish between three different types of innovation heavily, borrowing from Harvard professor Clayton Christensen: efficiency, sustaining, and transformative innovation. Viability Risk The risk that a business can’t generate successful revenue streams, that customers are unwilling to pay (enough), or that the costs are too high to make a sustainable profit.


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Image Credits

TOOL Bosch–Courtesy of Bosch Gore–Courtesy of Gore


Amazon–Courtesy of Amazon Ping An–Courtesy of Ping An Sony Startup Accelerator Program–Courtesy of Sony Microsoft–Courtesy of Microsoft Unilever–Courtesy of Unilever Logitech–Courtesy of Logitech Fujifilm–Courtesy of Fujifilm

INVENT Tesla–Courtesy of Tesla Tesla–“2018 Tesla Model S 75D Taken in A464, Priorslee Road, Shifnal” by Vauxford / CC BY 4.0, wiki/File:2018_Tesla_Model_S_75D.jpg Toyota Prius–“Toyota Prius” by SPanishCoches / CC BY 2.0, https:// Smart Electric–“Smart Electric Drive” by John Karakatsanis / CC BY 2.0, 14408896673/in/photostream/ Dollar Shave Club–Dollar Shave Club youtube, https://www

Tupperware–Serious Partying, Tupperware Ad. Courtesy of the Smithsonian, National Museum of American History, https:// Ikea–“Shopping at IKEA: backyard patio tiles” by osseous / CC BY 2.0, Harper–(ca. 1914) Rear view of woman, possibly Martha Matilda Harper, with hair reaching down near her ankles., ca. 1914. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https:// Xerox– Xerox 914 Plain Paper Copier. Courtesy of the Smithsonian, National Museum of American History, https://americanhistory Kodak Brownie–“the Basic Brownie Camera” by Alan Levine / CC0 1.0, Kodak Film–“Eastman Kodak Non Curling 116 Film by” by Thistle33 is licensed underCC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia .org/wiki/File:Kodak_NonCurling_1925.jpg#/media/File:Kodak_ NonCurling_1925.jpg Airbnb–Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash, https://unsplash .com/photos/9ZaqDVDdMwg citizenM–(a) Courtesy of citizenM (b) “citizenM“ by Jumilla / CC BY 2.0, (c) Courtesy of citizenM

IMPROVE Hilti–Courtesy of Hilti Apple Genius Bar–“Genius Bar” by renatomitra / CC BY-SA 2.0,

Direct to Consumer Trend Apple Stores: “1373” by ptwo / CC BY 2.0, https://search Nespresso Boutique: Photo by Ayach Art on Pexels, https://www Audemars Piguet: “Place de la Fusterie: magasin Audemars Piguet” by MHM55 / CC BY 4.0, File:Place_de_la_Fusterie-03.jpg

Rise of Niche Craft Beer: “Craft Beer Booze Brew Alcohol Celebrate Refreshment” / CC0 1.0, Co-branded credit card: “Amazon Prime Rewards Card” by Ajay Suresh / CC BY 2.0, File:Amazon_Prime_Rewards_Card_(32861518627).jpg Limited edition sneakers: Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash, Apple iMac–“Apple iMac G3 computer.” by Musee Bolo / CC BY 2.0 France, IMac-IMG_7042.jpg Orsted–Photo by Nicholas Doherty on Unsplash, https://unsplash .com/photos/pONBhDyOFoM

CULTURE The Culture Map–Courtesy of David Gray Amazon Innovation Culture–Courtesy of Amazon Entrepreneurial Leadership and Team: Elizabeth Arden–Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, NYWT&S Collection, [LC-USZ62-123247] loc.pnp/cph.3c23247

Jack Ma–Jack Ma attends the 20th Anniversary Schwab Foundation Gala Dinner on September 23, 2018 in New York, NY USA. Copyright by World Economic Forum / Ben Hider / CC BY 2.0, Schwab_Foundation_Gala_Dinner_(44887783681).jpg Anne Wojcicki–“TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2017 - Day 2” by Techcrunch / CC BY 2.0, N07/36938473750/ Yvon Chouinard–“A photo of rock climber Yvon Chouinard.” by Tom Frost / CC BY 2.0, Chouinard_by_Tom_Frost.jpg Daniel Elk–Daniel Ek, CEO and Co-founder of Spotify, is interviewed by Andy Serwer of Fortune Magazine at Fortune Brainstorm TECH at the Aspen Institute Campus. Photograph by Stuart Isett/ Fortune Brainstorm TECH / CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia. org/wiki/File:Fortune_Brainstorm_TECH_2011_(5961801428).jpg Strive Masiyiwa–“Africa Progress Panel” by Rodger Bosch for APP / CC BY 2.0, 8738568324/in/photostream/ Olive Ann Beech–“Beech, Olive Ann” by San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive, File:Beech,_Olive_Ann.jpg Cher Wang–“HTC Chairwoman, Cher Wang, shows off new mobile phone mother board” by Robert Scoble / CC BY 2.0, https://www Carlos Slim–“Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Helú.” by José Cruz/ ABr / CC BY 3.0, Slim_Hel%C3%BA.jpg Yang Lan–“Yang Lan” by World Economic Forum from Cologny, Switzerland / CC BY 2.0, Lan_-_Annual_Meeting_of_the_New_Champions_2012.jpg Kiichiro Toyoda–“Kiichiro Toyoda was an engineer in Japan.”, https:// Jacqueline Novogratz–“Jacqueline Novogratz” by Acumen / CC BY 2.0, photostream/


Index A


A10 Lab Co., Ltd., 107 Acceleration stage, 20–21, 83, 105, 337 Access, to innovation resources, 328 Acquire (action), 32–34, 114–115 Actions, Innovation Metrics and, 91, 93 Activities, key, see Key activities Activity costs, 176 Activity Differentiators, 74, 139, 163, 172–177, 187, 213 Acumen Fund, 341 Adaptability hypothesis, 80–81 Adaptability risk, 19, 99, 348 Adaptation, on innovation journey, 17 Adobe, 272–273 Affinity credit cards, 253 Agent network, 148 Airbnb, 200–201 Alibaba Group, 65, 340 Allen, Paul, 116 Amazon, 60–61, 68, 116, 241, 283, 302–305, 320 Amazon Marketplace, 60 Amazon Private Label, 241 Amazon Web Service (AWS), 60 Ambidextrous culture, 292 Analysis, 4, 42 Anderson, Chris, 245

Apple, 68, 208, 238–239, 283. See also specific products and services Apple Genius Bar, 250–251 Apple Store, 252 App Store, 208, 238–239 ARM Holdings, 182–183 Assess step, 76 Asset heavy—asset light pattern shifts, 227, 254, 258, 260–261, 265, 281 Asset owners, 200 Assumptions Map, 81, 335 AstaLift, 123 ASTRO Gaming, 121 Atrium Innovations, 34, 35 Audemars Piguet (AP), 252 Autohome, 64, 65 Automation, 250 Autonomy, 328 Azure Cognitive Services, 117

B B2B—B2(B2)C pattern shifts, 227, 242, 246, 248–249, 279, 280 Backstage building, 195 Backstage disruption, 162–187 for Activity Differentiators, 172–177 assessment questions about, 187, 213 defined, 74, 138, 163 on disruption risk assessment, 111, 113 for Resource Castles, 164–171 for Scalers, 178–185 types of, 139 Backstage driven shifts, 254–265 asset heavy—asset light, 258, 260–261, 265

closed—open innovation, 259, 262–263 dedicated resources—multi-usage resources, 255–257, 264, 279 defined, 254 strategic reflections for leaders about, 255, 258, 259, 281 testing, 125 types of, 227 Bait & Hook, 189, 191, 194–195 Ballmer, Steve, 116, 262 Barriers, to starting innovation, 328 Beech Aircraft Corporation, 340 Behaviors (Culture Map), 295–297, 300–301, 306, 307, 310–311, 329 Bennahmias, Francois-Henry, 252 Beyond Entertainment, 121 Bezos, Jeff, 60–61, 278, 302–304 Bharti Airtel, 260–261 Big data, 264 Bland, David J., 82–83 Blank, Steve, 77 Blockers (Culture Map), 295–297 and cultivating/designing culture, 300– 301, 307 eliminating, 328 identifying, 295–297, 306 innovation culture, 311–313 Blue Microphones, 121 Boost phase, 30–31 Bosch Group, 24–25 Bosh Accelerator Program, 24–25 Brand, access to, 316 Brand Castles, 163, 165, 171 Brand consistency, 184

Brand image, 50, 62, 116, 118, 120, 122 Branding, 170, 195 Brownie, 194 Build-to-Order, 163, 173, 177 Business design, 20–21, 336, 348 Business design loop, 72–73, 76, 78–79 Business Environment Map, 335 Business models: adapting/improving, 68, 133 assessing, in terms of trends, 110, 112–113 Business Model Patterns and, 129, 132–133 defined, 348 Innovation Metrics related to, 89, 92–93 of invincible companies, vii performance assessments for, 74–75, 110–111, 133 and shift patterns, 228–229 Business Model Canvas, 40, 76, 78–79 and business design skills, 336 defined, 348 finding invent patterns with, 214, 216, 218 as innovation tool, 335 Business model design assessment sheets, 75 Business Model Generation (Osterwalder & Pigneur), 78 Business Model Pattern Library, xiii boosting model performance with, 75 invent patterns in, 130–131, 138–139 shift patterns in, 125, 130–131, 226–227 Business Model Patterns, 129–221 applying, to business model activities, 132–133

and business model design performance, 74–75 defined, 129, 348 functions of, 129 invent patterns, 130–131, 138–221 shift patterns, 130–131, 226–281 Business Model Portfolio, 3–44 defined, 3, 348 examples, 24–25, 34–35, 40–41 Exploit portfolio, 28–35 explore/exploit continuum for, 8–9 Explore portfolio, 16–25 and innovation types, 38–39 of invincible companies, 4 portfolio management, 5, 12–13 Portfolio Map, 10–13, 42–43 Business model shifts, 124–125, 225, 348 Business plans, for innovation projects, 102–103, 328 Business Prototype step, 76 Business research and development (business R&D), 66–69, 348 Business strategy, 67

C Career risk, 328 Carlson, Chester, 192 Case illustrations, 140–141 Change of Direction stage, 20–21 Channel Kings, 74, 139, 143, 150–155, 161, 213 Channels: and backstage disruption, 184 in backstage driven shifts, 257

on Business Model Canvas, 78–79 and frontstage disruption, 152, 154, 158 in frontstage driven shifts, 244, 245, 248, 249 on Innovation Project Scorecard, 98 in profit formula driven shifts, 269 in value proposition shifts, 233, 238, 239 Chief Entrepreneur, 322–325 Chief Internal Ambassador (CIA), 320, 322–323 Chief Portfolio Manager, 322–323 Chief Risk Officer, 322–323 Chief Venture Capitalist, 322–323 Chouinard, Yvon, 176 Christensen, Clayton, 38 Churn, customer, 196, 197 CitizenM, 206–207, 214–215 Closed—open innovation pattern shifts, 227, 254, 259, 262–263, 281 Co-branded credit cards, 253 Collaborative consumption, 201 Comfort One Rinse, 119 Communication, at Zara, 175 Community, Airbnb, 201 Confidence level, 85, 91 Consumable products, 194 Contrarian—conventional pattern shifts, 227, 266, 271, 274–275, 281 Contrarians, 189, 205–207 Cook, Tim, 274 Core business, 314, 320–323, 330, 344–345 Corporate culture, see Culture(s) Corporate identity, 50, 98, 292–293, 334 The Corporate Startup (Viki), 314



Cost(s): at business model level, 92 on Innovation Project Scorecard, 99 as key performance indicator, 89 Cost Differentiators, 74, 139, 189, 198–203, 211, 213 Cost structure: and backstage disruption, 174–176, 180 in backstage driven shifts, 261, 265 on Business Model Canvas, 78–79 in frontstage driven shifts, 251 and profit formula disruption, 196, 200, 202, 206, 208 in profit formula driven shifts, 268, 269 in value proposition shifts, 233, 237, 240 Craft beer, 253 Creative genius, 67 Credit cards, affinity/co-branded, 253 Crisis phase, 30–31 Crowdfunding, 107 Culture(s), 50, 287–345 corporate identity, Portfolio Map, and, 292–293 creating, 294–295 cultivating, 300–301 and Culture Map, 296–307 designing, 307 examples of, 62, 116, 118, 120, 122, 302–305 exploitation, 8, 288–291, 308 exploration, 8, 288–291, 308–345 at invincible companies, 287 Culture Map (CM), 296–307, 309–315, 334, 348

Curiosity, 339 Curtis, Allistair, 120 Customer acquisition, 192, 194, 273 Customer relationships: on Business Model Canvas, 78–79 and frontstage disruption, 158 in frontstage driven shifts, 250, 251 on Innovation Project Scorecard, 98 and profit formula disruption, 194, 196, 207 in profit formula driven shifts, 273 Customers: access to, 316 in business R&D, 67 value creation for, ix as workforce, 180 Customer segments: and backstage disruption, 166, 168, 174 on Business Model Canvas, 78–79 and frontstage disruption, 146, 147, 154, 158 in frontstage driven shifts, 244, 245 on Innovation Project Scorecard, 98 and profit formula disruption, 192, 194, 196, 202, 208 in value proposition shifts, 240

D Darrell, Bracken, 120, 121 Data transmission, at Zara, 175 Death and disruption risk, 10, 11, 28–29, 110–113, 349 Decision making, 17, 291 Decline trajectory, 30–31

Dedicated resources—multi-usage resources pattern shift, 227, 254–257, 264, 276, 277, 279, 281 Delegators, 163, 179–181 Dell, Michael, 177 Dell Computers, 177 Delta Airlines, 279 Democratizers, 143, 145, 149 Denner, Volkmar, 25 Desirability hypothesis, 80–81 Desirability risk, 19, 98, 349 DiDi, 168–169 Digital camera industry, 195 Diosynth RTP LLC, 123 Direct distribution, 146 Direct network effects, 167 Direct sales, 177, 203, 264 Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands, 152, 153, 252 Discovery stage, 20–21, 83, 105, 337 Disintermediators, 143, 151–153 Dismantle (action), 32–33 Disney, Walt, 183, 265 Disney Consumer Products, 183 Disruption, 122–123, 133, 195, 220–221, 327. See also specific types Disruption phase, 30–31 Disruption risk assessment, 110–113 Distribution network, 195 Diversification, 49, 103 Divest (action), 32–34, 114–115 Dollar Shave Club (DSC), 152–153 Domestos, 119 Double-sided platform, 200

Dove, 119 Dow Chemical Company, 268 Dow Corning, 268–269 Drug discovery, 264 Dubin, Michael, 152, 153 Dyson, 170–171 Dyson, James, 170

E Eastman, George, 194 easyJet, 203 Econet Wireless, 341 Efficiency Disruptors, 163, 173, 174 Efficiency innovation, 39, 327 Electric vehicle sales, 147 Elizabeth Arden, Inc., 340 Enablers (Culture Map): creating, 329 cultivating, 300–301 described, 295–297 designing desired, 307 identifying, 306 for innovation culture, 309–311, 314–343 innovation practice, 309–311, 332–343 leadership support, 309–311, 314–319 organizational design, 309–311, 320–331 End-customer marketing, 248 Engines at Work, 29 Entrepreneurial leadership, xiii, 338–339 Entrepreneurs, xiii, 42, 100, 322–323 Entrepreneurship, 17, 120–121 Environmental objectives, 176 Epicenters, Business Model Pattern, 138 Epic Games, 197

Evidence, 81, 83, 84, 349 Evidence-based investments, 105 Execution, 17, 336, 337 Existence of Evidence dimension (Assumptions Map), 81 Expected profitability, 89, 92 Expected return, 10, 11, 18–19, 72, 349 Experience, of innovation team, 339 Experiments, 82–83, 105, 349 Experiment Log, 90, 93 Experiment step, 77, 82–83 Exploitation, 8–9, 17, 88 Exploitation culture, 288–291, 308 Exploit portfolio, 28–35 death and disruption metrics for, 110–113 defined, 349 examples of, 34–35, 40–41, 116–123 Explore portfolio vs., 8–9 growth and decline trajectories with, 30–31 guidance for, 51 of invincible companies, 4 journey in, 30–31 Portfolio Actions, 32–33, 114–115 portfolio management, 12–13, 110–125 Portfolio Map, 10–11 return and death and disruption risk with, 28–29 shift patterns for, 131. See also Shift patterns testing shifts for, 124–125 transfer to, 22–23, 100–101 Exploration, 8–9, 17, 88 Exploration culture, 308–345

components of, 309 cultivating exploitation culture and, 290–291 defined, 288 designing, 308–343 innovation behaviors and outcomes for, 310–311 and innovation culture blockers, 312–313 innovation practice for, 332–343 of invincible companies, 8, 308 leadership support for, 316–319 organizational design for, 320–331 readiness for, 314–315, 344–345 Explore Map, xiii Explore portfolio, 16–25 business design loop, 72–79 defined, 349 examples of, 24–25, 40–41, 106–107 expected return and innovation risk with, 18–19 Exploit portfolio vs., 8–9 guidance for, 51 innovation journey with, 16–17 Innovation Metrics for, 88–95 invent patterns for, 131. See also Invent patterns of invincible companies, 4 Portfolio Actions, 22–23, 96–105 portfolio management, 12–13, 72–107 Portfolio Map, 10–11 search and pivot trajectories with, 20–21 test loop, 72–73, 76–77, 80–85 External business model disruption risk, 28




Facts, as evidence, 84 Failure, 60–61, 87, 88, 291 Falling Stars, 29 Feasibility hypothesis, 80–81 Feasibility risk, 19, 99, 349 Festivals, 197 FES Watch U, 107 Financial impact, of innovation types, 327 Financial measures, for innovation, 88 Flatpacking, 180, 181 Flavors, Business Model Pattern, 141 Ford, Henry, 174 Ford Model T, 174 Fortnite: Battle Royale, 197 Four Actions Framework, 214 Franchises, 184, 185 Franchisors, 163, 179, 184–185 Freemium Providers, 189, 191, 196–197 Frontstage disruption, 142–161 assessment questions about, 161, 213 for Channel Kings, 150–155 defined, 74, 138, 143 on disruption risk assessment, 111, 113 for Gravity Creators, 156–159 for Market Explorers, 144–149 types of, 139 Frontstage driven shifts, 242–253 B2B—B2(B2)C, 246, 248–249, 279 defined, 242 and direct to consumer trend, 252 low touch—high touch, 247, 250–251 niche market—mass market, 243–245, 278 and rise of niche markets, 253

strategic reflections for leaders about, 243, 246, 247, 280 testing, 125 types of, 227 FUJIFILM Holdings, 122–123, 256–257 FUJITAC, 123 Funding, metered, 55, 105, 350

G Gates, Bill, 116 Gerber, 34, 35 GitHub, 117 Good Doctor, 64–65 Gore, Genevieve, 40 Gore, Wilbert, 40 GORE-TEX® Fabrics, 40, 279 GORE-TEX® INFINIUM, 41 GORE® Thermal Insulation, 41 Gravity Creators, 74, 139, 143, 156–159, 161, 213 Gray, Dave, 296 GRAZE, 119 Greenfields, 140–141 Growth, 9, 12, 13, 30–31, 290, 298–299, 349 Grupo Carso, 341

H Hannon, Greg, 40 Harper (company), 184–185 Harper, Martha Matilda, 184–185 Hastings, Reed, 236, 237 Herta, 34, 35 High cost—low cost pattern shifts, 227, 266–269, 281

High Enders, 189, 205, 208–209 High-tech—low-tech pattern shifts, 227, 230, 234, 236–237, 240, 277, 280 High touch—low touch pattern shifts, 227, 242, 247, 250–251, 280 Hilti, 232–233 Hirai, Kazuo, 106 Hololens, 117 HTC Corporation, 341 Hypothesis(-es), 80–81, 83, 89–91, 349 Hypothesis Log, 90, 93 Hypothesize step, 77, 80–81

I Ibuka, Masaru, 106 Ideate (action), 22–23, 100–101 Ideate step, 76 Identity, corporate, 50, 98, 292–293, 334 IKEA, 180–181 iMac, 274–275 Impact weighting, 112, 329 Importance dimension (Assumptions Map), 81 Improve (action), 32–34, 41, 114–115 In-app purchases, 197 Incentives, 314, 320, 328–330, 344–345 Incumbents, threat to, 134–135 Independence, of entrepreneurial leader, 339 Industry, vii, 99, 174, 220–221, 282–283 Innovation, 38–39, 66–68, 326–327, 350 Innovation behaviors, 105, 310–311 Innovation core team, 316

Innovation culture, xiii blockers of, 311–313 innovation practice for, 332–343 leadership support for, 316–319 organizational design for, 320–331 Innovation Culture Assessment, 314–315, 344–345 Innovation funds, 316 Innovation Funnel, 40, 54–57, 349 Innovation guidance, 98 Innovation Journey (Exploration Journey), 16–21 Innovation Metrics, 88–95, 335, 349 Innovation practice, 332–345 assessing your, 342, 344–345 components of, 332–333 culture blockers related to, 312 for entrepreneurial leadership and team, 338–341 innovation tools for, 334–335 skills development in, 336–337 Innovation process, 334–335 Innovation Project Scorecard (IPS), 96–99 Innovation risk, 10, 11, 18–19, 72, 92, 349 Innovation skills, 342, 344–345 Innovation teams, xiii, 17, 42, 96, 100, 105, 310, 316, 339 Innovation team leaders, xiii, 96 Innovation tools, 314, 332, 334–335, 342, 344–345 Insights, 85, 91 Intel, 248–249 Internal business model design risk, 28 Inventiveness, of team, 339

Invent patterns, 138–221 assessment questions, see Pattern Assessment Questions for Leaders with backstage disruption, 162–187 in Business Model Pattern Library, 130–131, 138–139 with frontstage disruption, 142–161 greenfields and case illustrations for, 141 with profit formula disruption, 188–211 Invest (action), 22–23, 32–33, 100–101, 114–115 Investments, 17, 52–58, 88, 102–105, 291 Investment committees, 100, 104 Invincible company(-ies), v becoming a, vi–ix business model portfolio of, 4 culture at, 287, 308, 320 exploration and exploitation at, 8–9 industry boundaries for, 282–283 portfolio management for, 49 IP Castles, 163, 165, 170–171 iPhone, 208–209 Ive, Jonathan, 274

J Jasper Vase, Wedgwood, 171 Jaybird, 121 Jobs, Steve, 238, 274 Just-in-time supply chain, 177

K Key activities: and backstage disruption, 168, 170, 174–177, 180, 182

in backstage driven shifts, 257, 260, 261 on Business Model Canvas, 78–79 of exploration vs. exploitation, 88 and frontstage disruption, 152 in frontstage driven shifts, 245, 248–251 on Innovation Project Scorecard, 99 and profit formula disruption, 192, 194, 196, 202, 206 in profit formula driven shifts, 268 in value proposition shifts, 232, 233, 236, 237, 239–241 Key partners, 78–79, 99, 184, 200, 208, 273 Key performance indicators (KPIs), 88, 89, 105, 328 Key resources: and backstage disruption, 166, 168, 170, 177, 182, 184 in backstage driven shifts, 256, 257, 260, 261, 264, 265 on Business Model Canvas, 78–79 and frontstage disruption, 148 in frontstage driven shifts, 245 on Innovation Project Scorecard, 99 in multi-pattern shifts, 276, 277 and profit formula disruption, 192, 200 in profit formula driven shifts, 268, 274, 275 in value proposition shifts, 236, 237, 239 Key trends, on Innovation Project Scorecard, 99 Kindle e-reader, 241 Kirschner, Uwe, 25 Kodak, 194–195, 257


Komori, Shigetaka, 122, 256 Koum, Jan, 202



Labor costs, 251 The Laundress, 119 Leadership, entrepreneurial, xiii, 338–339 Leadership behavior, 310 Leadership buy-in, for culture, 307 Leadership skills, developing, 336 Leadership support, 98, 312, 316–319, 344–345 Leadership time, allocation of, 316 Learning Card, 335 Learning Log, 91, 93 Learning velocity, 89 Learn step, 77, 84–85 Legitimacy, team, 314, 320–323, 330, 344–345 Levine, Uri, 166 Licensing, 182, 183 Licensors, 163, 179, 182–183 Lifebuoy, 119 Lifesize, 121 Lifetime value (LTV), 196 LinkedIn, 117 Living Proof, 119 Lock-in strategy, 158 Logitech, 120–121 Long-term customer relationships, 272 Loos, Christoph, 233 Lope, Alan, 118 Lovemark brands, 146, 201, 207 Low Cost, 189, 199, 203

Low cost—high cost pattern shifts, 227, 266–269, 281 Low-tech—high-tech pattern shifts, 227, 230, 234, 236–237, 240, 277, 280 Low touch—high touch pattern shifts, 227, 242, 247, 250–251, 280 Lufax, 64, 65

Monetization, 192 Morita, Akio, 106 M-Pesa, 148–149 MSD Biologics Limited, 123 Multiple shift patterns, 276–277 Multi-usage resources—dedicated resources pattern shifts, 227, 254–257, 264, 276, 277, 279, 281

M Ma, Peter, 62 Macroeconomic forces, 99 Management, of business, 4, 42 Margin Masters, 74, 139, 189, 204–209, 211, 213 Market disruption, 177 Market Explorers, 74, 139, 143–149, 161, 213 Market forces, 99 Marketing, 245, 248 Market orientation, team, 339 Mass market—niche market pattern shifts, 41, 227, 242–245, 278, 280 Measurement, in portfolio management, 49 Merge (action), 32–33 MESH, 107 Metered funding, 55, 105, 350 Microsoft, 116–117, 157–159, 262–263. See also specific products Mindset, culture and, 291 Mobile citizens, 206, 207 Model 3 (Tesla), 146, 147 Model 914 (Xerox), 193 Model S (Tesla), 146 Model T (Ford), 174 Modular design and manufacturing, 180

N Nadella, Satya, 116, 117, 262 Natura, 155 Nespresso, 252 Nestlé, 34–35 Nestlé Skin Health, 34, 35 Netflix, 236–237 Network effects, 167, 169, 239 New ventures, Business Model Patterns for, 129 NeXT, 274 Niche market—mass market pattern shifts, 41, 227, 242–245, 278, 280 Niche markets, rise of, 253 Niche Opportunities, 18 Nintendo, 240 Nokia, 117

O Objectives, 88, 105 Odashima, Shinji, 106 Office (Microsoft), 117 OneConnect, 64, 216–217 Open—closed innovation pattern shifts, 227, 254, 259, 262–263, 281

Opinions, as evidence, 84 Opportunities, 68, 96, 99 Opportunities and threats assessment, 110, 112–113 Opportunity Builders, 143, 151, 154–155 Organizational behavior, 310 Organizational culture, see Culture(s) Organizational design: assessing your, 330, 344–345 Chief Entrepreneur and staff, 322–324 components of, 320–321 culture blockers related to, 312 for exploration culture, 320–331 and responsibility for innovation, 326–327 rewards and incentives in, 328–329 Ørsted, 276–277 Osterwalder, Alexander, 78, 79, 82–83 Outcomes (Culture Map), 295–297, 300–301, 306, 307, 311, 329 Overall cost, in Innovation Metrics, 92 Owners, value creation for, ix

P Partner (action), 32–33, 114–115 Partner assets, 260 Partners, key, 78–79, 99, 184, 200, 208, 273 Patagonia, 176, 340 Patents, 170 Pattern Assessment Questions for Leaders, xiii, 212–221 about backstage disruption, 164, 172, 178, 187, 213 about frontstage disruption, 144, 150, 156, 161, 213

about profit formula disruption, 190, 198, 204, 211, 213 examples, 214–219 finding invent pattern with, 213, 215, 217, 219 Persevere (action), 22–23, 100–101 Pigneur, Yves, 78 Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd., vii, 62–65, 216, 283, 320 Pivot (action), 22–23, 92, 100–101 Pivot trajectory, 20–21, 350 Platform Castles, 163, 165, 168–169 Platform—sales pattern shifts, 227, 230, 235, 238–239, 241, 280 Polman, Paul, 118 Portfolio Actions: defined, 350 Exploit portfolio, 32–33, 114–115 Explore portfolio, 22–23, 96–105 and Innovation Project Scorecard, 96–99 investment/funding types, 102–105 in portfolio management, 49, 96–105, 114–115 selecting, from risk assessment, 100–101 types of, 22–23, 32–33 Portfolio Funnel Quiz, 52–57 Portfolio guidance, 50–69 and business research and development, 66–69 defined, 349 examples, 60–65 in innovation practice, 334 by investment committee, 105 Portfolio Funnel Quiz, 52–57

in portfolio management, 49 Portfolio level, of Innovation Metrics, 89, 94–95 Portfolio management, 49–125 assessing your, 318, 344–345 business design loop, 72–79 business model portfolio, 5 as business R&D activity, 68 and business research and development, 66–69 death and disruption metrics for, 110–113 enabling innovation culture with, 314, 316 examples of, 60–65, 106–107, 116–123 for Exploit portfolio, 12–13, 110–125 for Explore portfolio, 12–13, 72–107 guidance for, 50–69 innovation metrics for, 88–95 by investment committee, 105 for invincible companies, 49 Portfolio Actions, 96–105, 114–115 Portfolio Funnel Quiz, 52–57 Portfolio Map for, 12–13 and testing shifts, 124–125 test loop, 72–73, 76–77, 80–85 Portfolio Map, xiii, 4, 10–13, 42–43, 292–293, 334, 350 Poulsen, Henrik, 276 Power, team, 314, 320–323, 330, 344–345 Pragmatism, of team, 339 Predictability, with exploration vs. exploitation, 88 Premium price point, 170, 176, 251 Premium service, 196, 197 Pricing power, at Zara, 175



Prius (Toyota), 147 Process management, 314, 332, 342, 344–345 Product—recurring service pattern shifts, 227, 230–233, 278, 280 Profitability, at CitizenM, 205, 206 Profit Engines, 29 Profit formula disruption, 188–211 assessment questions about, 211, 213 for Cost Differentiators, 198–203 defined, 74, 138, 189 on disruption risk assessment, 111, 113 for Margin Masters, 204–209 for Revenue Differentiators, 190–197 types of, 139 Profit formula driven shifts, 266–279 conventional—contrarian, 271, 274–275 defined, 266 high cost—low cost, 267–269 with multiple shift patterns, 276–277 product—recurring service, 278 strategic reflections for leaders about, 267, 270, 271, 281 testing, 125 transactional—recurring revenue, 270, 272–273 types of, 227 Project duration, in Innovation Metrics, 92 Promising Concepts, 18 Protect phase, 30–31 Prototyping resources, 316

Q Qrio, 106 Questioning, pattern-based, 133

R Ragu, 119 Randolph, Marc, 236 Reality Check stage, 20–21 Recurring revenue, 192–194 Recurring Revenue, 189, 191–193 Recurring service—product pattern shifts, 227, 230–233, 278, 280 Recurring—transactional revenue pattern shifts, 227, 266, 270, 272–273, 277, 281 Red Hat, 181 Reinvention, vii, 4 Relationships, customer, see Customer relationships Relentlessness, 338 Repurposers, 143, 145, 148–149 Research and development (R&D), 66–69, 170, 182, 262, 263 Resilience, 62, 338 Resource allocation, 314, 316, 318, 344–345 Resource Castles, 74, 139, 164–171, 187, 213 Resource Dodgers, 189, 199–201 Resources, key, see Key resources Retire (action), 22–23, 41, 100–101 Return: and death and disruption risk, 28–29 defined, 11, 350 expected, 10, 11, 18–19, 72, 349 on EXPLOIT Portfolio Map, 10, 11 for EXPLORE portfolio, 103 on investments, 52–57 Revenue Differentiators, 74, 139, 189–197, 211, 213

Revenues, on Innovation Project Scorecard, 99 Revenue streams: and backstage disruption, 170, 174, 176, 177, 182 in backstage driven shifts, 257, 261 on Business Model Canvas, 78–79 and frontstage disruption, 148, 154, 158 in frontstage driven shifts, 249, 251 in multi-pattern shifts, 277 and profit formula disruption, 192, 194, 196 in profit formula driven shifts, 272, 273, 275 in value proposition shifts, 237, 239, 241 Rewards, 291, 314, 320, 328–330, 344–345 Rising Stars, 18, 29, 73 Risk. See also specific types as key performance indicator, 89 reduction of, 92, 96, 98–99 Risk tolerance, of team, 339 Roadster (Tesla), 146 Rolls-Royce Civil Aerospace, 278 Royalties, 183

S Safaricom, 148 Safe Plays, 18 Salek Pro Flight, 121, 218–219 Sales—platform pattern shifts, 227, 230, 235, 238–239, 241, 280 Sales value proposition, 272 Sasson, Steven, 195

Scale phase, 30–31, 337 Scalers, 74, 139, 163, 178–185, 187, 213 Scaling, 182, 184 Schmidt’s Natural, 119 Schneider, Ulf Mark, 34 Search, 9, 12, 13, 20–21, 290, 350 Sears, Roebuck and Co., 149–150 Secondary airports, use of, 203 Senior leaders, xiii, 42, 66–67, 298–301 Service provisioning, 260 Seventh Generation, 119 Shabtai, Ehud, 166 Sharing economy, 201 Sheets, Donald, 269 Shift patterns, 226–283 with backstage driven shifts, 254–265 in Business Model Pattern Library, 125, 130–131, 226–227 and business models, 228–229 with frontstage driven shifts, 242–253 for invincible companies, 282–283 with profit formula driven shifts, 266–279 strategic reflections for leaders about, 280–281 with value proposition shifts, 230–241 Shift & Reemergence phase, 30–31 Shinar, Amir, 166 Skills: core business, 316 development of, 314, 332, 336–337 managerial vs. innovation, 328 Skippy, 119 Slimfast, 119 Smart Electric cars, 147

Smartphone industry, 183, 202 Sneakers, exclusive releases, 253 Society, value creation for, ix Software, 147, 158 Sony Group, 106, 116 Sony Startup Accelerator Program (SSAP), 106–107 Speed Masters, 163, 173, 175 Spending, on innovation, 68 Spinout (action), 22–23, 100–101 Spotify, 196–197, 340 SRE Holdings, 107 Stable Contributors, 29 Standardization, 203, 206, 250 Starbucks, 34, 35 Stickiness Scalers, 143, 157–159 Strategic direction, 50, 62, 116, 118, 120, 122 Strategic fit, 96–98 Strategic guidance, 50–51, 314, 316, 318, 344–345 Strategy&, 68 Strategyzer Innovation Metrics, see Innovation Metrics Strengths and weaknesses assessment, 110–111 Subscriptions, 193, 196 Subsidizers, 189, 191, 197 Success, in exploration vs. exploitation culture, 291 Sun Media Group, 341 Superglue Makers, 143, 157, 159 Sustainability, at Unilever, 118–119 Sustainability Masters, 163, 173, 176

Sustaining innovation, 39, 327 Sweet Earth, 34, 35

T, 34, 35 Tan, Jessica, 64 Team, value creation for, ix. See also Innovation teams Team Alignment Map, 334, 350 Technologists, 189, 199, 202–203 Technology, in business R&D, 66 TED, 244–245 10x Rule of Thumb, 105 Tencent, 283 Tesla Motors, 146–147 Test Card, 335 Testing, 17, 20–21, 68, 124–125, 327, 335, 336, 350 Testing and Innovation Metrics, xiii Testing Business Ideas (Bland and Osterwalder), 82–83 Testing loop, 72–73, 76–77, 80–85 TG Tips, 119 Time, allocation of, 316 Time spent, as KPI, 89 Toyama Chemical, 123 Toyota Motor Corporation, 341 Transactional—recurring revenue pattern shifts, 227, 266, 270, 272–273, 277, 281 Transfer (action), 22–23, 41, 51, 100–101, 107 Transformative innovation, 39, 133, 327 Transparency, 44 Trends, 99, 175 Tupper, Earl, 154


Tupperware, 154–155 Turnaround time, 203 23andMe, 264, 340 Two-sided network effects, 169

U Uncertainty, 8, 83, 89, 291, 327 Unilever, 118–119 Upstarts, 134–135 User Base Castles, 163, 165–167



Validation stage, 20–21, 83, 105, 337 Value chain activities, 239 Value creation, viii–ix Value proposition, 78–79 adapting, in business R&D, 68 and backstage disruption, 166, 168, 170, 174–176, 180, 182, 184 in backstage driven shifts, 256, 257, 262, 263 and frontstage disruption, 146, 147, 152, 154 on innovation journey, 17 on Innovation Project Scorecard, 98 in multi-pattern shifts, 277 and profit formula disruption, 192, 194, 200, 202, 206, 208

in profit formula driven shifts, 269, 272–275 in value proposition shifts, 232, 233, 236–241 Value Proposition Canvas, 76, 79, 335, 336 Value Proposition Design (Osterwalder, et al.), 79 Value proposition shifts, 230–241 defined, 230 low-tech—high-tech, 234, 236–237 from low-tech to high-tech, 240 product—recurring service, 231–233 sales—platform, 235, 238–239 from sales to platform, 241 strategic reflections for leaders about, 230, 234, 235, 280 testing, 125 types of, 227 Values, in exploration vs. exploitation culture, 291 Variable cost structure, 261 Venture capital investments, 54–55, 102–105 Viability hypothesis, 80–81 Viability risk, 19, 99, 350 Viki, Tenday, 314 Visionaries, 143, 145–147 Visualization, 4, 42

W Walt Disney Company, 265 Wang Tao, 65 Washington Post, 278 Waze, 166–167 Wedgwood, 171 Wedgwood, Josiah, 171 WhatsApp, 202–203 Wii (Nintendo), 240 WiL, 106 Windows (Microsoft), 116, 117, 158–159 Wise, Brownie, 154 Wish-Bone, 119 W.L. Gore, 40–41, 279

X Xbox (Microsoft), 159 Xerox, 123, 192–193 Xiameter, 268–269

Y Yang Lan, 341 Yinlu, 34, 35

Z Zara, 175


This book would have been impossible to create without the love and support of our families, the Strategyzer team, the thinkers who inspired us, the practitioners who get things done, and everybody who gave us feedback. We want to thank the core team who contributed to the book content and design, namely Lauren Cantor, Matt Woodward, and Erin McPhee. A special thanks goes to all the thinkers and authors who inspired us, who we built upon, and many of whom gave us feedback. We’d like to particularly thank Dave Gray, Steve Blank, Rita McGrath, Roger Martin, Henry Chesbrough, Luis Felipe Cisneros Martinez, Scott Anthony, Bill Fischer, Saul Kaplan, and Marshall Goldsmith. Several business and innovation leaders have taken time out of their agenda to contribute directly to case studies, namely Amy Calhoun, Bracken Darrell, Christoph Loos, Dave Liss, François-Henry Bennahmias, Uwe Kirschner, and Shinji Odashima. The entire Strategyzer team has helped

make this book possible and many projects had to take a step back to get this book done. The Strategyzer Advisory Team has put a particular effort into testing parts of the book. We thank Tendayi Viki, Shamira Miller, Paris Thomas, Greg Bernarda, Christian Doll, and Michael Wilkens. We also thank the general community of Strategyzer coaches and innovation practitioners who helped test content, namely, Caroline Baumgart, Pete Cohen, Tim Daniel, Josie Gibson, John Hibble, and Nick Rakis. We’d like to thank the executives who took time out of their agenda to test book content, namely, Sally Bateman, Vincent Besnard, Thierry Bonetto, Baudouin Corman, Carol Corzo, Eglantine Etiemble, Jay Jayamaran, Andrew Jenkin, Kate Koch, Tim Regan, Michel de Rovira, and Henning Trill. Last but not least, we’d like to thank the entire Wiley team that has published all the books in the Strategyzer series, in particular, Richard Narramore, who took us on with Business Model Generation.






Alex Osterwalder Founder, Speaker, Business Thinker

Yves Pigneur Professor, Business Thinker

Fred Etiemble Executive Advisor, Implementer

Alex is a leading author, entrepreneur and in-demand speaker whose work has changed the way established companies do business and how new ventures get started. Ranked No. 4 of the top 50 management thinkers worldwide Alex also holds the Thinkers50 Strategy Award. Together with Yves Pigneur he invented the Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, and Business Portfolio Map—practical tools that are trusted by millions of business practitioners.

Yves has been a professor at the University of Lausanne since 1984, and has held visiting professorships at Georgia State University, University of British Columbia, National University of Singapore, and HEC Montreal. Together with Alex Osterwalder, he invented the Business Model Canvas and co-authored the international bestselling books Business Model Generation and Value Proposition Design. Yves and Alex are ranked No. 4 among the Thinkers50's Most Influential Management Thinkers in the world and hold the Thinkers50 Strategy Award.

Fred is an executive advisor on strategy and innovation. He works with courageous leaders on how to develop an innovation culture, explore new growth engines, and transform their businesses. He has been working with or in large organizations for more than 20 years and knows their challenges from the inside. Fred co-creates tools and methodologies for strategy and innovation with other business thinkers and facilitates regular trainings on how to use them in Europe and Asia. Fred has been an associate at Strategyzer since 2017.



Chris White Designer, Art Director Chris is a multidisciplinary designer who lives in Toronto. He has spent his time working on a number of business publications in various roles, most recently as Assistant Art Director at The Globe and Mail, focusing on presentation design for both print and online stories. This is the first book he has collaborated on with the Stategyzer team.


Alan Smith Founder, Explorer, Designer Alan uses his curiousity and creativity to ask questions and turn the answers into simple, visual, practical tools. He believes that the right tools give people confidence to aim high and build big meaningful things. He cofounded Strategyzer with Alex Osterwalder, where he works with an inspired team to build great products. Strategyzer’s books, tools, and services are used by leading companies around the world.

Trish Papadakos Designer, Photographer, Creator Trish holds aMaster’s in Design from Central St. Martins in London and a Bachelor’s of Design from the York Sheridan Joint Program in Toronto. She has taught design at her alma mater, worked with award-winning agencies, launched several businesses, and is collaborating for the fifth time with Strategyzer. @trishpapadakos


Lucy Luo Advisor, Problem Solver Lucy is an innovation advisor to organizations large and small, helping them ideate and launch new products to seek breakthrough growth. She enjoys working with multinationals to build out and implement their innovation strategies as well as early-stage start-ups across Europe and Asia. Lucy has a passion for addressing social and sustainability challenges through the use of innovation toolkits and has worked with a number of not-forprofit and social enterprise organizations such as the United Nations, the Atlantic Council, and World Economic Forum Global Shapers.



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