The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (2024)

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This keto bread recipe is a lifesaver! It’s so simple to make with just almond flour and a few other ingredients. It’s the best low carb bread that’s perfect for sandwiches and has just 2g net carbs per slice. I love that I can freeze it, too.

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (1)

I understand how challenging it can be to find a delicious, keto-friendly white bread recipe that actually tastes good and is edible. If you’re in search of a low-carb, gluten-free bread that’s perfect for sandwiches, you’ve come to the right place.


  • Is Bread Keto?
  • What is a Keto Bread?
  • Ingredients Needed
  • How To Make Keto Bread
  • Tips For Making The Best Keto Bread
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • How To Store
  • More Keto Bread Recipes
  • The Best Keto Bread Recipe

During my keto journey, I’ve experimented extensively to create the perfect low-carb bread recipe. After numerous trials with almond flour, I’m excited to share what I believe is the best keto bread recipe. This bread doesn’t have an overpowering eggy flavor and won’t crumble easily.

On this blog, you’ll find other amazing keto bread recipes I’ve developed using almond flour. The low carb bagelsand the ultra-quick,90-second bread(which can be made with coconut flour, too.) have been particularly popular. These recipes are not only fast to make but also use common keto pantry items.

Both of these are super quick to make and require ingredients that are easy to find and a staple in every keto kitchen. However, not everyone loves baking with almond flour, so I shared my cloud bread recipe that’s light and fluffy.

Is Bread Keto?

Traditional bread is not keto-friendly due to its high carbohydrate content. A typical slice of white bread contains about 14.3 grams of carbohydrates, which is too high for a ketogenic diet that focuses on very low carb intake.

However, there are keto bread alternatives made with low-carb ingredients like almond flour and psyllium husk powder, which significantly reduce the carb count, making them suitable for a keto diet. The exact carb content of keto bread can vary depending on the recipe and ingredients used.

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (2)

What is a Keto Bread?

Keto bread is a type of bread specially designed for those following a ketogenic diet. Unlike traditional bread made with high-carb wheat flour, keto bread uses low-carb alternatives such as almond flour and psyllium husk powder. These ingredients help create a bread-like texture while keeping the carb count low.

In addition to these gluten-free flour substitutes, keto bread often incorporates healthy fats like coconut oil, butter, or olive oil. These fats not only add to the bread’s flavor but also align with the high-fat intake recommended in a ketogenic diet.

This keto bread recipe allows you to enjoy bread without deviating from your keto goals. It can be sliced and used just like regular bread and tastes fantastic. Plus, you have the option to customize it with your favorite spices to enhance its flavor.

So, if you’re on a keto diet and missing bread, this keto bread is a great substitute that lets you enjoy the taste and texture of traditional white bread, but with ingredients that fit your low-carb lifestyle.

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (3)

Ingredients Needed

To make a keto friendly bread recipe, you’ll need just a few basic ingredients. The five ingredients in this keto bread recipe consist of almond flour, whole eggs, psyllium husk powder, melted butter, and coconut oil. There’s also a touch of salt, baking powder, and stevia drops needed in this recipe.

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (4)

The ingredients are common, and you can find most of them at any grocery store. I’m always on the quest of finding low carb flours on sale.

To replicate the texture of real bread and make it low carb, I used almond flour and psyllium husk powder.

Most keto bread recipes online use xanthan gum or cream of tartar. I tried all the versions and got the best result using psyllium husk powder.

Each slice is delicate and airy, just like real bread. This classic keto loaf of bread rises very well; it’s fluffy and delicious without unwanted carbs and gluten.

Here’s a note on the ingredients:

  • Almond Flour – Choose super fine, blanched almond flour for a smooth, light texture. It’s less dense and less gritty compared to almond meal, ensuring a closer resemblance to traditional wheat flour bread. Almond meal can be used to make a delicious keto cornbread. DO NOT REPLACE with coconut flour as they are not a 1:1 substitute.
  • Psyllium huskPowder – This fiber-rich ingredient provides elasticity and airiness to the bread. Note that different brands might slightly change the bread’s color during baking, but this doesn’t affect taste or quality.
  • Butter – Unsalted butter is preferred for its rich, creamy flavor. It enhances the bread’s texture, making it more tender and delicious, especially when toasted.
  • Eggs – Make sure to use large room temperature eggs to avoid the eggy taste.
  • Coconut Oil – Adds a subtle sweetness and moisture, complementing the other flavors. It also contributes to the bread’s soft texture.
  • Baking Powder Acts as a leavening agent, helping the bread rise and giving it a light, fluffy texture. Ensure it’s fresh for the best results.
  • Stevia Drops – Optional for a slight sweetness. It’s a sugar-free sweetener, making it keto-friendly. Adjust according to your preference, keeping in mind that a little goes a long way.
  • Salt: Just a pinch to balance and enhance the overall flavor profile of the bread.

How To Make Keto Bread

The steps for making easy keto bread are basic, and you can’t go wrong:

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (5)

Combine the wet ingredients: Beat the eggs with a hand mixer for about 2-3 minutes or until fluffy. Add the melted coconut oil and butter and continue mixing.

Mix Wet and Dry Ingredients: Combine the wet ingredients with the dry ones (almond flour, psyllium husk powder, salt, baking powder, and stevia if using) until you get a slightly thick mixture.

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (6)
The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (7)

Bake: Pour the mixture into a greased loaf pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes at the temperature specified in your recipe. The bread is done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let it cool for a few minutes in the pan, then transfer it to a rack to cool completely.

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (8)
The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (9)

Tips For Making The Best Keto Bread

There are many keto bread recipes online, but none of them tell you all the tips to get the perfect keto-friendly white bread for sandwiches. I will share a few secrets on how to achieve fantastic bread every time.

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (10)

Bake Long Enough

If your bread is wet inside and tastes eggy, it’s probably because it needs to be baked longer. Always keep an eye on the bread and check with a toothpick to ensure that it’s baked well and all the moisture is gone.

That’s why we cook it for a longer time at a petty low temperature. To avoid this common mistake and get that bread perfectly cooked in the middle, continue baking even after the loop looks golden.

Use Room Temperature Eggs

It seems that using room-temperature eggs significantly reduces the eggy taste. The fastest way to bring eggs to room temperature is to place the eggs into a bowl and add warm (not hot) water.

Cool Down on a Rack Before Slicing

Cool the bread on a rack before slicing to ensure it cools down evenly and avoids being moist at the bottom. This results in perfect bread slices.

Use Refined Coconut Oil

I tried to make keto bread in the past with cold-pressed (virgin) coconut oil, and it gives the bread a coconut flavor that I am not a huge fan of. To avoid the specific coconut taste, I recommend using flavorless refined coconut oil.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this Bread Gluten-Free?

This keto bread recipe is entirely gluten-free because we are not using any wheat flour. Ensure that if you are using baking powder, you choose one that’s labeled as gluten-free.

Is this Keto Bread Paleo or Dairy-Free?

If you are following a paleo diet, there is a way to transform the keto bread recipe into a paleo compliant one.

All you have to do is replace the quantity of butter with the same amount of olive oil. Alternatively, you can use refined coconut oil (because it has no taste) instead of butter. This way, you get the best paleo bread that is also dairy-free.

Can I Substitute Almond Flour With Coconut Flour?

Yes, it’s possible to replace almond flour with coconut flour. Although the texture will be a little different, it’s worth a try. I also shared on the blog my favorite coconut flour bread recipe you can try.

For every 2 cups of almond flour, you can use just 1/2 cup of coconut flour. If the batter seems too thick, you may need to add a little more water to achieve the right consistency. Experimenting with this substitution can lead to interesting and enjoyable variations of keto bread.

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (11)

Can You Make Keto Bread in a Bread Machine?

If you have a bread-making machine, you should definitely try the keto bread using the bread machine. It will be way easier to make low carb bread.

One of our readers suggested adding one and a half tsp of yeast and one-half tsp of sugar (to activate the yeast). Mix the ingredients before adding them into the bread machine and use regular quick bake. The bread might not rise as much as the one baked in the oven, but it will still smell and taste amazing.

How To Store

  • Fridge – It’s essential to refrigerate this bread to keep it fresh for up to a week. Just wrap the whole loaf into parchment paper and slice when needed. Make sure the bread is completely cool before storing it.
  • Freezer – Are you wondering, “Can you free keto bread?”?. Yes, this keto bread recipe is freezer-friendly and can be stored in the freezer for a few months. Just slice it first, so it’s easier to grab one or two slices when needed without defrosting the whole loaf. Pop slices of keto-friendly bread in your toasted bread to enjoy a delicious slice.

More Keto Bread Recipes

  • Keto Bread Buns
  • Egg-Free Keto Bread

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (12)

The Best Keto Bread Recipe

4.56 from 25 votes

Prep time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 50 minutes mins

Yelds 20 slices

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This keto bread recipe is a lifesaver! It's so simple to make with just almond flour and a few other ingredients. It's the best low carb bread that's perfect for sandwiches and has just 2g net carbs per slice. I love that I can freeze it, too.

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  • Preheat the oven to 375°F/ 180°C, and line a 9×5-inch loaf pan with parchment paper. Set aside.

  • In a large bowl crack the eggs and beat with a hand mixer for 2-3 minutes until frothy

    7 large eggs

  • Add the melted coconut oil and butter and mix for 1 minute.

    1/2 cup butter, 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • Mix in the almond flour, psyllium husks powder, baking powder, salt and stevia drops (optional) until all the ingredients are well combined.

    2 cups almond flour, 1 tsp psyllium husks, 1/2 tsp salt, 3 tsp baking powder, 6 drops stevia

  • Transfer the bread mixture to the prepared pan.

  • Bake for about 50 minutes until it gets a nice golden brown color. Use a toothpick to make sure the bread is cooked through.

  • Let it cool for about 10 minutes, then slice it and enjoy!



  1. Make sure you use thepsyllium husks powder I linked in the ingredients list. I noticed that other brands make my breadpurple or green.
  2. Use room temperature eggs to reduce the eggy taste.
  3. Cook the bread long enough. It’s better to overcook the keto bread loaf, rather than undercook it. If the bread is moist inside and tastes eggy, it probably needs to be cooked for longer.
  4. Add a few stevia drops, not to sweeten the bread but to reduce the eggy taste.

Nutrition Facts

Amount per serving.



Total Carbs


Net Carbs










How do we calculate the nutrition info?

These nutrition facts listed are determined using nutrition information from the USDA Food Database. Our nutrition facts are accurate, but if you are using different products, please make your calculations. Net carb count is calculated by subtracting both fiber and sugar alcohols because they don’t raise blood sugar.

Course Bread

Cuisine American

Keyword keto bread

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The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (13)

The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb Spark (2024)
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