Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (2024)

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (1)

Hi friends! I am over-the-moon excited about this project. It was so much fun!Warning: You will become addicted to this project and begin searching for additional mothers to make artwork for.I went completely overboard making up designs. I did a guest post on this project at the fabulously thrifty blog,Thrifty Decorating( thanks, Nikki!) and have also posted the full project below.

Mothers' Day Text Art

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (2)

Mothers' Day is sneaking up on us, friends, and I have a fun and simple idea to honor the mother(s) in your life and win you some major brownie points.

I consider myself a student of Nate, meaning I watch the Nate Berkus Show religiously. If you are a fan too, you've probably heard him preach that your decor should be more than random pretty objects, it should have personal meaning. I wholeheartedly agree. So I took inspiration from one of my favorite trends, word art and number art, to create some decor pieces for moms that would have real meaning. I made text art out of their children's and grand children's names and birth dates. The concept is pretty basic, but the possibilities are limitless. Combine some pretty fonts with great colors and the names and/or dates that are most important to your mom, put it in a pretty frame and you've just guaranteed your spot in the will.

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (3)

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (4)

Here's what you need to make your own Mothers' Day text art

  • A printer or access to a copy/printing store
  • White card stock
  • Picture frame

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (5)

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (6)

There is not a formal tutorial for this project. The only instructions are to open your word processing program or Photoshop, type your names and/or dates, and play with different fonts, sizes, colors and placement and just be creative and have fun.

Tips for Making Mothers' Day Text Art

  • Start with great fonts. The font(s) you choose will set the style for your piece. Your choices are endless from retro, to distressed, handwritten, modern, or calligraphy styles- find the ones that reflect your mom. Sites like have a lot of great fonts to download for free! Here are some links that explain how to install a new downloaded font onWindows or Mac(it's much easier than you think).
  • Don't be intimidated. Say it with me, "I can do this project!" You don't need a background in graphic design or amazing computer skills to make text art. If you can type, change the size and font style of your words, you can do this. If you need some creative inspiration to get you going, check out sites like or that create invitations and announcements, they have great ideas for word art.
  • Choose your frame first. The frame you use will determine the size of your artwork ( 5 x7, 8x10, etc). This is especially important if your frame is an irregular size. The frame can also help you choose the style and colors you use in your artwork.
  • Print wisely. Print your artwork on card stock to give it a more professional look. If your artwork has a lot of color (see image below), that will require a lot of ink, I recommend taking it to a copy or printing store where they can print a nice smooth copy, free of flaws (and save your toner cartridge on your home printer). It cost me about 70 cents per 8.5 x 11 sheet to print my artwork on card stock at my local copy store.

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (7)

Here are some examples of Mothers' Day text art I have created. I have used a good old word processing program for some and Photoshop for others, but all designs are very basic. I am happy to answer any questions you have, so feel free to contact me. Below each example I have listed the name of the fonts I used in case you want to download them (fonts without links are standard fonts already installed on most computers).

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (8)

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (9)

{Font isWalkway}

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (10)

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (11)

{Font is Payday}

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (12)

{Fonts are Honey Script, American Typewriter, Viper Nora, and Budmo}

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (13)

{Font isViper Nora}

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (14)

{This is a great design for a mom with LOTS of grandchildren.

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (15)

{Font isViper Nora}

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (16)

{Fonts areWalkwayand Payday}

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (17)

This weekend I will also be sharing some fun and simple ways to frame your Mothers' Day text art. I am also hosting agiveaway for a burlap pillow coverfrom beiFIORI Embellish which you are welcome to enter. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend, friends!

I am linking up withWow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Styleandthese awe-inspiring blogs.

Mothers' Day text art ( guest post at thrifty decorating ) (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.