Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Carolyn

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This low carb gingerbread cake roll isholiday happiness in a sweet little package. Full of sugar-free vanilla cream, it’s a keto dessert you won’t want to miss.

You can’t see me, but I am dancing around with excitement at sharing this recipe with you. It’s the first day of December and I do declare Gingerbread open for the season. And the absolute best way to celebrate is with this spectacular low carb gingerbread cake roll. Seriously, this is the bomb-diggity. And I don’t say that lightly. In fact I never say it at all. It’s a phrase that heretofore has never passed my lips. So you know it’s going to be good, if I stoop to using teenager-like terminology to describe it. Wait, is that even teenager terminology? Maybe it’s too old for that. Those kids have probably moved on to much more interesting phrases. So I am stuck here in old fogey-land, trying to make myself sound hip and cool and messing it all up. But what do I care? My mouth is too full of this cake to pronounce it properly anyway.

So yes, serious holiday deliciousness that you don’t want to miss. It’s my new favourite low carb cake, honestly. Actually, don’t listen to me when I say stuff like that because I say it all the time. I am a fickle cake lover, and am always switching allegiances to whatever new cake strikes my fancy. I have many favourite cakes and if you held a gun to my head, chances are I wouldn’t be able to name the one I love the most. Boston Cream Poke! No wait, White Chocolate Cranberry! Ohhh, hold on a sec, is that Dark Chocolate and Peanut Butter? Look, something shiny! Oh no, wait, that’s just chocolate ganache pouring over Death By Chocolate Cheesecake.

You catch my drift? That said, this really is a delicious cake and worth all the trouble of whipping the egg whites and carefully rolling the cake in a tea towel while you make the filling. It’s an impressive looking thing, too. So you can make it for holiday gatheringwhere all those non-low carb naysayers will be talking about how nothing can taste as good as wheat and sugar. Oh no, they are so glad they don’t have to eat low carb or gluten-free, because that stuff tastes like sawdust. But look at this pretty gingerbread cake roll, you must try a slice! It’s so good, it just has to be made with high carb ingredients. Right? Right?

Word to the wise on low carb cake rolls. You really don’t want to skip the grassfed gelatin, as it helps it be flexible and not crack as much. You may be able to sub in an envelope of Knox gelatin but I am not certain because I have yet to try that.

Now go. Go make this bomb-diggity cake and impress the heck out of your friends and family. And yourself. Happy Gingerbread Season!

Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (5)

Low Carb Gingerbread Cake Roll

This low carb gingerbread cake roll is holiday happiness in a sweet little package. Full of sugar-free vanilla cream, it's a keto dessert you won't want to miss.

5 from 22 votes

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Course: Dessert

Cuisine: Dessert

Keyword: keto gingerbread cake roll

Prep Time: 45 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes minutes

Chill Time: 1 hour hour

Total Time: 57 minutes minutes

Servings: 12 servings as an app

Calories: 206kcal



Vanilla Cream Filling:

US Customary - Metric



  • Preheat oven to 350F and line an 11x17 inch rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Grease the parchment paper and pan sides very well.

  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the almond flour, powdered sweetener, cocoa powder, gelatin, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.

  • In another medium bowl, beat the egg yolks with 2 tablespoon of the granulated sweetener until lighter yellow and thickened. Beat in the vanilla extract

  • Using clean beaters and a large clean bowl, beat the egg whites with the salt and cream of tartar until frothy. Beat in the remaining two tablespoon sweetener until stiff peaks form.

  • Gently fold the egg yolk mixture into the whites. Then gently fold in the almond flour mixture, taking care not to deflate them, until no streaks remain.

  • Spread the batter evenly into the prepared baking pan and bake 10 to 12 minutes, until the top springs back when touched.

  • Remove from the oven and let let cool a few minutes, then run a knife around the edges to loosen. Cover with another large piece of parchment paper and then a kitchen towel. Place another large baking sheet overtop and flip over.

  • Gently peel the parchment from what is now the top of the cake. While still warm, gently roll up inside the kitchen towel, starting from one of the shorter ends. Don't roll too tightly or it will crack. Let cool while preparing the filling.

Vanilla Cream Filling:

  • In a small bowl, beat the cream cheese with ¼ cup whipping cream until smooth.

  • In a large bowl, beat the remaining whipping cream with the sweetener and vanilla extract until it holds soft peaks. Then add the cream cheese mixture and continue to beat until stiff peaks form. Do not over-beat. Remove ½ cup and set aside for decorating.

  • Gently and carefully unroll the cake. Do not try to lay it completely flat, let it curl up on the ends. Spread with the remaining filling to within ½ inch of the edges. Gently roll back up without the kitchen towel. Place seam side-down on a serving platter.

  • Sprinkle with some more powdered sweetener, if desired. Pipe remaining vanilla cream mixture in stars or other shapes down the center of the top of the cake.

  • Refrigerate 1 hour before slicing. Store in the refrigerator.


Serves 12. Each serving has 2.52g NET CARBS.

Food energy: 206kcal Total fat: 18.06g Calories from fat: 162 Cholesterol: 107mg Carbohydrate: 3.99g Total dietary fiber: 1.47g Protein: 5.68g

Nutrition Facts

Low Carb Gingerbread Cake Roll

Amount Per Serving

Calories 206Calories from Fat 163

% Daily Value*

Fat 18.06g28%

Cholesterol 107mg36%

Carbohydrates 3.99g1%

Fiber 1.47g6%

Protein 5.68g11%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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Nutritional Disclaimer

Please note that I am not a medical or nutritional professional. I am simply recounting and sharing my own experiences on this blog. Nothing I express here should be taken as medical advice and you should consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. I provide nutritional information for my recipes simply as a courtesy to my readers. It is calculated using MacGourmet software and I remove erythritol from the final carb count and net carb count, as it does not affect my own blood glucose levels. I do my best to be as accurate as possible but you should independently calculate nutritional information on your own before relying on them.I expressly disclaim any and all liability of any kind with respect to any act or omission wholly or in part in reliance on anything contained in this website.

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    Leave a Reply

  1. Laura Vidrine says

    I’m anxious to get back on the Leto wagon again after drastically falling off. Help me!!!!!


  2. Leanne says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (7)
    Hi Carolyn! I want to make this however I would like to make it a couple days ahead of time and I find whipped cream melts even when mixed with cream cheese. I’m wondering if I should mix some gelatin in the whipping cream to make something I’ve only ever read about stabilized whipped cream? But I’m not 100% certain how to do it or when to add gelatin and do I have to bloom the gelatin powder first? Sorry just really worried that I’ll spend all the time and end up with a soupy mess and all the expensive ingredients wasted. A litre of 35% m.f. Is $10!!! It’s crazy prices today anyway I’m just stressing but still really would love to try a Yule log for the first time. Advice? Suggestions? Thanks I absolutely LOVE all your recipes!!!


    • Carolyn says

      Make it adn freeze it. That solves that issue right there. 🙂


  3. Renee says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (8)
    I just made this. Now for the long hour wait until I can eat it!
    From the bits that broke off and licking the bowl I know it’s delicious!
    It cracked when I rolled it but I stuck it together with the filling.


    • Limor says

      Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (9)
      Perfect result, easy to make and roll after baking. Thank you.


  4. Gloria says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (10)
    Love this beautiful seasonal dessert tor Thanksgiving and or Christmas. We loved the flavors of the Spicy Gingerbread with the flavorful sweetened Cream Cheese mixture. A perfect Keto dessert anyone would love <3


  5. Susan says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (11)
    I made this for my family Christmas Eve gathering, for myself and my diabetic brother. EVERYONE gobbled it down! It was delicious and if I hadn’t told them, no one would know it was ‘keto’. One note: I overbaked mine so it cracked, though still tasted good. 8 min would have been enough.


  6. Danielle says

    Hi, can it be freeze and then thawed for Xmas?


  7. Mariana says

    Can you help me to adapt this to a chocolate cake instead of gingerbread?
    I’ve always wanted to do a cake roll. I’m thinking chocolate cake with raspberry jam and the whipped cream.and a chocolate buttercream frosting!????


    • Carolyn says

      I already have a chocolate cake roll!


  8. Valerie says

    Hi carol I was wanting to make this recipe but I dont see any grams/metric measurements? I usually weigh all my ingredients out and I was hoping to see the grams listed.


    • Carolyn says

      I just added the metric conversion button. It’s time consuming because the automatic weights for almond flour are always off so I have to do them by hand. 🙂


  9. Betty Lee says

    What size pan did you use?


    • Carolyn says

      It’s right in the recipe, first step.


  10. Michele says

    Hello, if doing a paleo version can I use coconut cream/full fat coconut milk? Thanks


    • Carolyn says

      For the cream cheese? I think coconut cream, the thickest you can find, would work.


  11. Fara says

    Hi Carolyn, I love this recipe but I like to change it to a summertime recipe. Do you think if I omit all the winter spices should I add anything else instead or Vanilla is enough? Thank you


    • Carolyn says

      I think that sounds good.


  12. Metqa says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (12)
    I made this for my work’s Winter Holiday office party, It was a hit! I used a French Buttercream filling and German Buttercream frosting on it and made crispy bracket mushroom shaped meringue cookies with egg white and xylitol.
    I made a photo of the cake if you’d like to see how it came out:

    Thanks for the recipe


  13. Megan says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (13)
    Oh my…This is delicious!!! I had minor issues with the cake (I misread the instructions which led to having to troubleshoot ingredients) and was worried that it wouldn’t turn out right, so it was a relief when everyone agreed it was great. I will definitely be making this in the future! Thank you so much????


  14. Laura says

    Can this be made with allulose? My stomach doesn’t appreciate erythritol! Thanks


    • Carolyn says

      And mine doesn’t do well with allulose. I am sure it would be fine in the cake, though.


  15. Lucy says

    Hi, I have a questions if I can use different sugar instead of Swerve Sweetener? Is no able to buy it in my country. Thanks


    • Carolyn says

      What can you get?


  16. Vivian says

    Oh, Carolyn! How did I miss THIS one?! I have it down for the holidays this year! Looks delicious! I’m the same way with my “favorite cake”! This could be adapted with any of the new delicious low carb ice creams (I will refrain from brand names but you probably know the ones). 😉


  17. JanP says

    I want to try this. Only 1 question….what is the cocoa for?


    • Carolyn says

      Hi Jan, I answer that question right in the blog post!


      • KT says

        Where? I read the entire blog post twice and even searched the page for “cocoa” but I don’t see any explanation about what the cocoa is for. Chocolate triggers my daughter’s heart arrhythmia, but she loves gingerbread, so I’m also wondering how necessary the cocoa powder is for this recipe.


  18. Kristyn says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (14)
    Love these cake rolls!! Love the gingerbread in this one with the filling! It’s delicious!


  19. Toni says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (15)
    This is absolutely amazing!! My family really loved it!


  20. Kim says

    Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (16)
    What a gorgeous recipe. Maybe someday I’ll be brave enough to try it!


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Keto Gingerbread Cake Roll (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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