Due Diligence on Tesco plc (2025)

7th Dec 2016

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Application for AWRS - Alcohol Wholesale Registration Scheme

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Is there anybody who could advice?

We have had a visit from one of the local VAt office with regards to our submission of AWRS application. All was sailing fine until they came to a subject on Due Diligence check on our suppliers. One of our regular suppliers are Tesco Plc. We purchase goods from them on a regular basis and pay by credit card and sell the stock to various wholesalers and distributors in the periphery of London. HMRC is now adamant to see all due diligence on Tesco plc. We have asked the local branch manager and he has shrugged his shoulders saying that he is unable to help us. How do we go about? Without AWRS we will not be able to trade in buying and selling alcohol. We argued with HMRC that it's not possible to obtain Due Diligence from Tesco plc but they seem to be quite adamant about it.

Anyone could throw some light?

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Replies (12)

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Due Diligence on Tesco plc (7)

By johngroganjga

07th Dec 2016 12:20

What do Tesco have to say?

Surely they want to help out their customers where they can. And you may very well not be the first customer that HMRC has asked for what you say.

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Due Diligence on Tesco plc (8)

By cheekychappy

07th Dec 2016 12:20

Give David Lewis a ring.

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Due Diligence on Tesco plc (9)

By Tim Vane

07th Dec 2016 12:28

How hard can it be to perform due diligence on a PLC? Pay for a credit check, get a cert of incorporation, request a VAT reg certificate from Welwyn HQ, download the latest annual report and ask your local branch to introduce you to the regional manager when he's next in the area. That should satisfy even HMRC.

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Replying to Tim Vane:

Due Diligence on Tesco plc (10)


07th Dec 2016 13:50


How hard can it be to perform due diligence on a PLC? Pay for a credit check, get a cert of incorporation, request a VAT reg certificate from Welwyn HQ, download the latest annual report and ask your local branch to introduce you to the regional manager when he's next in the area. That should satisfy even HMRC.

Of course do remember that what is in the accounts may need careful interpretation; they have now fully resolved their revenue recognition issues?

(Belated thanks to the member of staff who provided such awful service that I sold my shares in Tesco before the accounting debacle)

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Replying to Tim Vane:

Due Diligence on Tesco plc (11)

By zhivago

08th Dec 2016 15:32

I will carry out this due diligence through a credit ref agency.
Good idea.

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Due Diligence on Tesco plc (12)

By DMGbus

07th Dec 2016 13:54

The VAT registration of Tesco can be verified on the following page:

I don't think that HMRC's register of Alcohol Wholesalers will be available until April 2017, but then I don't know if Tesco (being a retailer) will consider itself liable to register under the AWS.

However, what HMRC want demonstrated is a PROCEDURE, so here goes:

1. All suppliers will be paid by bank transfer, electronic payment method, cheque or credit card (none will be paid by cash)

2. All suppliers will be verified for VAT registration using the online vies facility

3. All suppliers will be checked to the onine register of alcahol wholesalers

4. A risk based approach will be taken requiring additional (or reduced) checks / proceedures depending upon the perceived risk in dealing with the suppier involved

The relevance of items 1 and 4 is that no cash should be paid to "anonymous white van" suppliers. However for readily identifibale suppliers cash might be an acceptable payment method under the risk based approach, especially where you can see the cash being rung up on a till.

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Replying to DMGbus:

Due Diligence on Tesco plc (13)

By zhivago

08th Dec 2016 15:34


Your response makes sense. Will carry out all necessary controls in - house.

Thanks once again

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Due Diligence on Tesco plc (14)

By sabby

04th Apr 2017 10:26


The AWRS for Tesco Stores Ltd is XZAW00000102584
hope that helps

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Replying to sabby:

Due Diligence on Tesco plc (15)

By rahuld123

04th Apr 2017 22:01

does anyone have the AWRS for sainsburys or asda. Alternatively is there a way to search for awrs via vat registration number or company name?


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Replying to rahuld123:

Due Diligence on Tesco plc (16)

By sabby

05th Apr 2017 07:03

Will keep you posted have put in a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Acknowledgement lets see what happens

"Thank you for your communication of 31st March which has been passed to HMRC's Freedom of Information Team.

We have allocated the above reference which you should quote if you need to contact us.

The Team will arrange for a reply to be sent to you which will either comply with HMRC's obligations under Freedom of Information Act or, if we think it's an enquiry that we don't need to address under the terms of the Act, let you know why. If it is the latter we will, if possible, pass it on to a more appropriate part of the Department for answer.

Yours sincerely

HMRC Freedom of Information Act Teamosted "

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Due Diligence on Tesco plc (17)

By sabby

28th Apr 2017 14:58

Asda number is XNAW000 0010 3357


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Due Diligence on Tesco plc (18)

By sabby

29th May 2017 10:46

Asda AWRS number XNAW 000 0010 3357

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Due Diligence on Tesco plc (2025)
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